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        CHINAHERB - Relief Vertigo - 60 Tablets

        半夏白术天麻汤 / Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic headache and migraine, dizziness and vertigo, epilepsy, Menier’s syndrome, nausea and fullness in the chest Relief Vertigo originates from Li Dongyuan’s “Dongyuan’s Collection of Ten Books” published in 1529. It is a special formula for headache and dizziness caused by Phlegm. Due to failure of Spleen functions, turbidity Phlegm priming Liver Wind, Liver Wind and Phlegm disturbing the head and blinding the brain, this leads to dizziness, vertigo, headache, migraine. Turbidity Phlegm blocks the Qi; therefore, headaches and dizziness may also be accompanied by chest tightness and nausea. The effect of the formulation is resolving Phlegm and calming the Liver Wind,...

        CHINAHERB - Relieve Nasal Passages - 60 Tablets

        Yu Ping Cang Er Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tag: chronic sinusitis Relieve Nasal Passage is the basic treatment for chronic sinusitis and is a combination of Tonic Defensive Qi, which supplements Wei Qi, and Xanthium Tea, which clears the sinus Wind-Heat. Chinese medicine believes that sinusitis is congestion of Heat in the sinuses. If the body lacks Qi and is unable to get rid of Evil, it will become chronic sinusitis after a long delay. Therefore, the treatment of chronic sinusitis should not only clear away Dampness, Heat and Poison but also tonic Qi. SINUSITIS Typical symptoms: blocked nose, cough, fatigue, fever, headache, nasal discharge Disease description: Sinusitis is the swelling of the mucous membrane in the paranasal sinuses. Respiratory viruses causing the common cold or flu, can lead to...

        CHINAHERB - Relieve Bi - 60 Tablets

        独活寄生汤 / Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: arthritis in stiffness / pain / aches / heaviness or numbness of joints and muscles, fibromyalgia, intolerance to cold, lower back ache, lumbar muscle strain, sciatica, senile lumbo-crural pain Relieve Bi is from the earliest clinical encyclopedia of traditional Chinese medicine “Thousand-Golden-Prescriptions” written by Sun Simiao of Tang Dynasty in 652 AD. Many practitioners in the later generations evaluated the Relieve Bi, the focus is on removing Wind, Cold and Dampness, supplemented with nourishing the Liver, Kidney, and Qi and Blood. Its composition is considered to “eliminate Evil without hurting the Zheng Qi, support the Zheng Qi without remaining Evil”. It...

        CHINAHERB - Relaxed Wanderer - 60 Tablets

        Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic hepatitis, depression, early menstruation, hyperactivity syndrome in adolescents, irregular menstruation, irritability, liver detoxification, liver problems, mood swings, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), restlessness, sore breasts, stress, symptoms become worse with stress or emotional upset Relaxed Wanderer is made by adding Cortex Moutan and Fructus Gardeniae to the basis of the Merry Life Formula, which nourishes Liver Blood and smooth Qi, Cortex Moutan and Fructus Gardeniae clear the Liver Fire. Therefore, Relaxed Wanderer has the effect of nourishing Liver Blood, smoothing Liver Qi and clearing Liver Fire. The occurrence of Liver Fire is mostly generated by long time Liver Qi Stagnation, so Relaxed Wanderer is widely used for the syndromes of Liver Stagnation, Blood Deficiency and Heat. For example acne, depression, moodiness, hyperactivity syndrome in adolescents and various liver diseases and liver detoxification and gynaecological diseases like PMS, irregular and early menstruation, with the symptoms of irritability,...

        CHINAHERB - Recuperating Qi Formula - 60 Tablets

        补阳还五汤 / Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: after-effects of stroke, fatigue, paralysis of limbs Recuperating Qi Formula is from Wang Qingren’s “Correction on Errors in Medical Classics” from the Qing Dynasty. The formulation is especially for the help of sequela of a stroke. After a stroke, the Zheng Qi is deficient and Blood circulation is poor. That is due to the weakness of Qi, which fails to promote, so the Qi and Blood are blocked, and the muscles don’t get nourishment. Therefore, the symptoms of hemiplegia, facial paralysis, slurred speech and involuntary salivation can occur. The Recuperating Qi Formula replenishes Qi, promotes blood circulation and opens the meridians. Indications for stroke...

        CHINAHERB - Qi-Yin Enrichment - 60 Tablets

        生脉散 / Sheng Mai San Treats the following symptoms: Tags: arrhythmia, chronic heart failure, diabetes, emphysema, shortness of breath, tonic for heart and lung, weakness caused by consumed energy from summer heat or sport Qi-Yin Enrichment was first published in 1231 AD and was edited by Li Dongyuan in “Differentiation on Internal and External Diseases”. It is an excellent ancient recipe for replenishing Qi and Yin of Heart and Lung. It is widely used in cardiopulmonary Qi and Yin weakness diseases, such as tuberculosis, chronic lung disease rehabilitation, etc. This formulation replenishes Qi and replenishes Yin by nourishing and not drying with a peaceful nature. It is a commonly used healthcare product to restore physical strength. For example, in the summer heat when running a marathon...

        CHINAHERB - Purge Heat - 60 Tablets

        龙胆泻肝片 / Long Dan Xie Gan Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acne with infection, bile, conjunctival congestion, dermatitis, early menstruation, eczema and dermatitis, eye infection, heavy menstruation, herpes, HIV/AIDS, itching, pain and bulging of ear, sexual transmitted disease, shingles, sudden loss of hearing, swelling vulvae, tinnitus, turbid and smelly urine, vaginal discharge (yellowish fetid), vaginal itching Purge Heat, from the Song Dynasty “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary”, is an important formulation for clearing away Liver Fire and Damp-Heat from Liver and Gallbladder. Liver and Gallbladder Damp–Heat refers to the syndrome mostly caused by Dampness and Heat Evil; overfeeding fat, or Spleen and Stomach dysfunction leading to Dampness collection. According to the Five Elements Theory, the Spleen belongs to the Earth, the Liver belongs to the Wood and congested Dampness of Spleen (Earth) insulting the Liver (Wood) is leading to Damp–Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder. Liver and Gallbladder Damp–Heat is manifested either as inflammation of Liver and Gallbladder such as headache, red eyes, pain or uncomfortable in the flank, bitter taste in...

        CHINAHERB - Prostate Formula - 60 Tablets

        前列舒 / Qian Lie Shu Treats the following symptoms: Tags: hypertrophy of the prostate, inadequate prostate function, prostatitis, rehabilitation after prostate chemoradiation Prostate Formula is especially for the help of chronic prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The root cause of the chronic prostate disease is old age and decay and Kidney Qi Deficiency. Overworking, mental depression and improper diet are the causes of induction; Kidney Deficiency, Stasis, Damp and Heat accumulation are pathological state. The formulation is composed of herbs nourishing the Kidney, clearing Damp–Heat and removing Blood Stasis. It can be used for chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia and rehabilitation after prostate chemoradiation. It can also be used for middle-aged and elderly prostate health care. PROSTATITIS Typical symptoms: blood-stained...

        CHINAHERB - Nourish Root Yin - 60 Tablets

        六味地黄丸 / Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: ageing, chronic optic problems, feeling of hot in the chest / palms / soles or night sweating, growth and pubertal delay, neurasthenia, progressive dementia and amnesia, tinnitus, vaginal dryness Nourish Root Yin originated from the “Concise explanation of Paediatric Herbs and Syndromes”, written by Qian Yi, a paediatrician expert in the Song Dynasty. It has a history of more than 900 years of clinical application. The original intention of Dr. Qian Yi was to treat paediatric growth retardation and dysplasia. However, contrary to the original intention of Dr. Qian Yi, Nourish Root Yin has become a good formula for nourishing Yin and Kidney and health care....

        CHINAHERB - Nourish Blood - 60 Tablets

        归脾丸 / Gui Pi Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: anaemia, anxiety and palpitations, arrhythmia, blood in the stool, breathlessness on exertion, dizziness and vertigo, early menstruation, excessive uterine bleeding, fatigue, heavy menstruation, HIV/AIDS, immune deficiency, insomnia, loss of energy, neurasthenia, poor memory, purpura (blood or purple-coloured spots) Nourish Blood was first published in Yan Yonghe’s “Formulas for Benefiting Health” in the Song Dynasty and was completed in 1253 AD. Mainly treat anaemia, anxiety and palpitation, dizziness and vertigo, forgetfulness, depression, immune deficiency and insomnia which are caused by Heart and Spleen, Qi and Blood Deficiency Syndrome. It also treats blood in the stool, subcutaneous purpura, early menstruation, women with heavy menstruation, excessive uterine bleeding with lighter blood colour caused by Spleen Deficiency leading to inability to control Blood.   Although Nourish Blood is the...

        CHINAHERB - Merry Life Formula - 60 Tablets

        逍遥丸 / Xiao Yao Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: absence of Menstruation (amenorrhoea), chronic hepatitis, depression, distress in the chest, headache, infertility, irregular menstruation, irritability, late menstruation, liver cirrhosis, liver detoxification, liver problems, low libido, mood swings, period pain (dysmenorrhoea), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), sore breasts, stress, symptoms become worse with stress or emotional upset Merry Life Formula comes from “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” published by emperor’s pharmacy of the Song Dynasty in 1106 AD. Because it is a common prescription for the treatment of mental disorders including depression and moodiness, it was named “Xiao Yao San“. It means that after taking the medicine, the Liver Qi is lively and smooth, and the mood is cheerful, and the trouble is left behind,...

        CHINAHERB - Meno Well - 60 Tablets

        更年平 / Gen Nian Ping Treats the following symptoms: Tags: dreaminess, irritability, menopausal symptoms in hot flushes and sweating, menopausal syndrome, restlessness Meno-Well tonifies and harmonizes Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang. Chinese medicine believes that women’s Kidney Qi gradually declines before and after menopause. Tiangui (the special Essence stored in the Kidneys that promote reproductive function) gets exhausted and the Chong and Ren Meridians will be weak, menstruation will break to menopause, the reproductive ability will decline and disappear, and there will be some hot flush, sweating, irritability, insomnia, swelling of the limbs, skin removal, feeling restlessness and other symptoms around menstrual disorders or menopause.  It is an ideal formulation for the treatment of andro-/ and menopausal symptoms. Estrogen is considered a Yin type hormone in TCM, while Testosterone is...

        CHINAHERB - Jiangzhi - 60 Tablets

        降脂片 / Jiang Zhi Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol (hyperlipidaemia), obesity, weight (to lose) Jiangzhi is a formula to lower cholesterol and therefore helps in case of hyperlipidaemia. Chinese medicine believes that hyperlipidaemia is the pathological state of Phlegm and Dampness, Qi and Blood stagnation. Mainly due to overworking, excessive diet, fatty, sweet food, or frail old age the viscera function declined. The inability of the digestion function causes Phlegm accumulation of Spleen and Stomach, the Phlegm obstructs the blood flow and hyperlipidaemia occurs. Therefore, this formula is mainly to strengthen the spleen and enhance the functions of organ transportation function (enhance metabolic function). It is compatible...

        CHINAHERB - Harmonizes Stomach - 60 Tablets

        半夏泻心汤 / Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: abnormal bowel sounds, acid reflux, chronic colitis, chronic gastritis, diarrhoea, duodenal ulcer, fullness in stomach, functional dyspepsia, gastric ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, pain in the epigastrium, stomach ache, stomach hernia Harmonizes Stomach comes from the classic “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”. Many medical practitioners call Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang the first formulation for gastrointestinal conditioning. The formulation uses “pungent-open, bitter-descend and sweet-tonic” as the idea of forming the formula. The pungent-open means using herbs in pungent flavour to restore digestion function of the Spleen. Bitter flavour herbs are restoring the descending function of the Stomach and sweet-tonic means it is using sweet flavours to tonic Spleen and Stomach. It is a classic formula for regulating Spleen and Stomach function....

        CHINAHERB - Exterior Heat - 60 Tablets

        银翘丸 / Yin Qiao Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute febrile diseases, acute tonsillitis, cold and flu, cough, dry mouth, fever, hay fever with itchy+red eyes, headache, infectious mononucleosis, measles, mumps, pneumonia, respiratory tract infections, rubella, sore throat, sweating, swollen tonsils, thirst Exterior Heat is from Wu Jutong’s “Analysis of Seasonal Febrile Diseases” in the Qing Dynasty and has a history of nearly two hundred years. The formulation uses the two methods of sweating and clearing Heat. It is called the “method of relieving the Exterior Syndrome with herbs pungent in flavour and cool in nature”. It is an important formulation for the treatment of Wind-Heat Pattern of common cold and influenza characterized by fever, headache, sore throat, dry mouth and cough. Modern pharmacological...

        CHINAHERB - Expel Water Retention - 60 Tablets

        五苓散 / Wu Ling San Treats the following symptoms: Tag: water retention (oedema) Expel Water Retention came out of “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. It has the effect of inducing urination to remove Water and Damp Retention, warming Yang and Qi to transport Water and Dampness. It is indicated for Water Retention Syndrome. The Water Retention Syndromes of Bladder referring to “Treatise on Febrile Disease”, is a series of symptoms caused by unfavourable transport of Water by the Bladder. This is resulting in Stagnation of Water in the body, such as oedema caused by water overflowing to the skin, vomiting caused by Stagnation of Water in...