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        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Pine Needle 30ml Extract

        The Aroma That Wafts Off These Magnificent Evergreens Evokes A Sense Of Awe And Nostalgia As You Stroll Through A Pine Forest. Not Only Are These Needles Great For Smelling But They Are Additionally Containing Immense Healing Capabilities. Immune Stimulation Anti-Inflammatory Supports The Respiratory System Anti-Viral, Bacterial And Fungal Aids In The Natural Process Of Detoxification Pine Trees Are Defined By Their Clusters Of Needles, Called Fascicles, With An Attached Pine Cone. There Is Little That Sparks Intrigue As Much As Staring Into An Expansive Pine Forest, Seeing Rows And Rows Of These Custodians. Known For Their Extensive Forests, The...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Brahmi 60-70g Powder

        Brahmi (Northern) Is One Of The Oldest Traditional Ayurvedic Medicines In India. Historically Its Use Can Be Traced Back More Than 3000 Years, With References Linking It To Ancient Holy Texts Like The Charaka Samhita, Atharva-Veda And Susrut-Samhita. Improves Memory Aids In Cognition Regulates Mood Nervine Stimulant May Aid In The Treatment Of Mental Conditions Such As ADHD And Anxiety In Ayurveda Brahmi Is Classified As A Medhyarasayana, A Drug Used To Improve Memory And Intellect Thus Substantiating Its Common Name Which Is Derived From The Word/ Name Brahma- Who Is The Creator Of The Universe, And Is Also Associated...

        NEOGENESIS HEALTH - Hawthorn - 30 Capsules

        Pure Hawthorn (ex Procardiac) Cardiovascular health tonic Previously called Procardiac, Pure-Hawthorn is an organic extract of Hawthorn. Organic 40:1 Hawthorn Extract The traditional use of Hawthorn includes: Heart tonic Strengthens the heart Mild hypertension Coronary heart disease Heart failure Angina, arrhythmia, palpitations Improves oxygen delivery to the heart Heart attack and recovery Heart disease prevention Ingredients: Crataegus oxyacantha (Hawthorn Berry): … 2g* Crataegus oxyacantha (Hawthorn Flower):… 2g* Organic herbal extract, 100mg extract equal to 1.5g dry herb. Pack Size: 30 capsules Directions for use: Take 1 capsule 1-3x daily, or as directed by a health practitioner. Precautions: If you have...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Triphala 60-70g Powder

        Triphala, Literally Translating To ‘Three Fruits’, Is One Of The Oldest And Still Most Used Medicines In The Ayurvedic Medicine Practice. Cleanses The Gut Antioxidant Rich Normalizes Cholesterol Regulates Digestion Respiratory Health According To The Ancient Texts Of Ayurveda, When The Three Fruits - Amalaki, Bibhitaki, And Haritaki Are Combined As Triphala, They Form A Very Powerful Rasayana. A Rasayana Is The Most Highly Refined And Powerful Herbal And Fruit Combination In Ayurveda, And Is Known To Promote Long Life And Rejuvenation. A Rasayana Promotes Ojas, The Material Equivalent Of Bliss. Ojas, According To Ayurveda, Is The Finest Product Of...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Cancerbush 70g Powder

        Cancerbush (Formerly Sutherlandia Frutescens) Is A Much-Respected And Long-Used Medicinal Plant In South Africa, Perhaps Even Our Most Significant Indigenous Medicine. Adaptogen/ Tonic Depression/ Anxiety Immune Boosting (Recent Studies Into Treatment And Adjuvant Properties For HIV/Aids And Cancer) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Kidney Infections  Classified As The Only True Indigenous Tonic Or Adaptogen Of South Africa, This Amazing Plant Deserves Higher Recognition In The World Due To Its Long List Of Medicinal Benefits. Cancerbush Has Enjoyed A Long History Of Use By All Cultures In Southern Africa, Including The Tswana, Xhosa, Sotho, And The Zulu - Who Called It Insiswa (The...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Ashwaganda 70g Powder

        Ashwagandha Root - Also Known As Indian Ginseng In The Ayurvedic System Of Medicine Is A Powerful Rejuvenating Herb, Adding To Life Longevity, It Is Also An Immensely Powerful Adaptogen Or Rasayana. Adaptogenic Reduces Levels Of Cortisol Aids In Mental Health Supports Nervous System, Gastrointestinal Tract And Cardiovascular Systems Immune Support Ashwagandha's First Appearance Is In The Sacred Texts: The Charaka And The Sushruta Samhitas, In Fact Ashwagandha Can Be Traced Back Directly To Atreya Punarvasu The Esteemed Sage Whose Teachings Founded The Six Schools Of Ayurveda. Ashwagandha Translates To “The Smell Of A Horse” Referring To Its Pungent Odour....