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        CHINAHERB - Arouse Center Qi - 60 Tablets

        补中益气汤 / Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic diarrhoea, fatigue, HIV/AIDS, immune deficiency, low blood pressure (hypotension), prolapse of stomach; uterus and bladder or rectum Arouse Center Qi was made by Li Dongyuan during the Jin and Yuan dynasties 900 years ago. According to the Theory of Five Elements, the Spleen and Stomach (general term for digestive and absorption functions of the gastrointestinal tract) belong to the Earth among the Five Elements and the Lung belongs to the Metal. According to the Five-Theory of “Earth produce Metal“, as long as the function of the Spleen Earth is working, it will greatly help the function of the Lung Metal. According to “Earth can produce everything in the world“, the functions of all organs of the body...

        CHINAHERB - An Tai Bao - 60 Tablets

        安胎宝 / An Tai Bao Treats the following symptoms: Tag: recurrent miscarriage An Tai Bao is the formula used to prevent and treat recurrent miscarriage. Chinese medicine believes that the cause of recurrent miscarriage is due to insufficient Spleen and Kidney Qi and unsolid Tai Qi (the fetus fails to get enough Spleen and Kidney Essence to nourish). The formulation is to strengthen the Kidney and Spleen and therefore establish pregnancy. If there is threatened miscarriage accompanied by vaginal bleeding and irritability, there may be Heat Pattern and An Tai Bao should not be taken, instead, you should see a gynaecologist as soon as possible.     RECURRENT MISCARRIAGE Typical symptoms: recurrent miscarriage Disease description: Miscarriage is the most common complication during pregnancy and affects about 1...

        CHINAHERB - Osteo-Well Zhuang Yao Pian - 60 Tablets

        壮腰健肾片 / Zhuang Yao Jian Shen Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: bursitis, chronic waist / leg / joint pain, lassitude feeling in the lower back and knees, lower back ache, lumbocrural pain, osteoporosis Chinese medicine believes that the waist is the palace of the Kidneys. If Kidney Qi is deficient, chronic low back pain will occur and the waist and knees will be sore and weak. Zhuang Yao Pian nourishes the Kidneys, strengthens the muscles and strengthens the bones. It is used for chronic waist, leg or joint pain caused by a Deficiency of Kidney Qi. It is commonly seen in elderly people who are weak and have pain in the waist, legs and shoulders, senile lumbocrural pain,...

        CHINAHERB - Xanthium Tea - 60 Tablets

        Cang Er Zi Yin Treats the following symptoms: Tag: acute sinusitis with acute onset stuffy+ blocked nose+ thick or thick yellow nasal discharge Xanthium Tea is from “Prescriptions for Saving-Life” written by Yan Yonghe of the Song Dynasty 1253 AD. This formulation expels Wind-Heat, cleans the nasal cavity and is used to treat acute sinusitis in Wind-Heat Patterns. Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of sinusitis is due to the exogenous Wind-Heat Evil, attacking the nose, and the Wind-Heat leads to congestion in sinuses. It can also be caused by exogenous Wind-Cold Evil, which turns into Heat because of Stagnation and then finally leads to congestion in sinuses. The clinical symptoms of Heat congestion in sinuses are acute...

        CHINAHERB - Way to Right - 60 Tablets

        You Gui Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: aching and lassitude in lower back and legs, cold feeling in the lower part of the body or limbs, early menstruation, impotence, late menstruation, low libido, underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) Way to Right was created by Zhang Jingyue, a Chinese medicine doctor in the Ming Dynasty. The formula follows the philosophy: “Those who nourish the Yang will seek the nourishing Yang from the replenishing Yin, and the Yang can only be constantly generated by the Yin’s support”. This formula is pure tonic and the effect of nourishing the Kidney and strengthening the Yang is stronger than that of Tonic Yang. It is suitable for cases of particularly weak Kidney Yang....

        CHINAHERB - Warm Cold Limbs - 60 Tablets

        當歸四逆湯 / Dang Gui Si Ni Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: circulation disorders, early stage of angiitis of lower extremities, gout (worse for cold-better for warmth), Raynaud's syndrome Warm Cold Limbs comes from “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” written by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in China. It is for the treatment of Blood Deficiency and Cold Condense in the Meridians. Because of the Cold Evil Coagulation, the blood flow is insufficient, the Yang can not reach the extremities and the Blood can not fill the blood vessels. This manifests as cold hands and feet, the colour is blue and purple, and the pulse is very weak. If the symptoms show cold limbs, the pulse...

        CHINAHERB - Tonic Yang - 60 Tablets

        金匮肾气丸 / Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: aching and lassitude in lower back and legs, ageing, cold feeling in the lower part of the body, dropping of urine after urination and bedwetting, frequency urine especially during night, impotence, incontinence, irregular menstruation, late menstruation, low blood pressure (hypotension), menopausal syndrome, premature ejaculation, underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), water retention (oedema) Tonic Yang originated from the “Essentials of the Golden Chamber” written in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in China. It has more than 1,800 years of clinical use in history. It is the basic prescription for replenishing Kidney Qi and Kidney Yang. The symptoms of Kidney Qi and Kidney Yang Deficiency are characterized by the body’s fear of cold,...

        CHINAHERB - Tonic for Men and Women - 60 Tablets

        Qi Wei Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: clear urine, impotence, lassitude and a cold feeling in the lower back and knees, low libido, sperm problems in male Decreased sexual function, impotence and premature ejaculation are the manifestations of Kidney Qi and Yang Deficiency. Tonic for Men and Women‘s main action is to nourish Kidney Qi and warm Yang. Since Yang depends on nourishment of Yin and Essence, the formulation is also based on the theory of “seeking Yang from Yin” and it is supplemented with nourishing Yin essence herbs. So, the source of Yang Qi is endless. The formula is for the help of low libido, impotence and premature ejaculation of Kidney Qi and Kidney Yang Deficiency. If impotence is accompanied...

        CHINAHERB - Tonic Defensive Qi - 60 Tablets

        玉屏风散 / Yu Ping Feng San Treats the following symptoms: Tag: immune deficiency Tonic Defensive Qi was created by Wei Yilin, a Chinese physician in the Yuan Dynasty, and is a classic formula for strengthening Qi and solidifying the resistance. Strengthening Qi refers to nourish Qi of the Lungs and Spleen. The Defensive Qi (resistance) is controlled by the Lungs. Lung Qi is produced by the Spleen, with a strong Qi of the Spleen, the Qi of Lungs are exuberant. The strong Qi of Lungs and Spleen make the body’s resistance strong and external Evils are inviolable. Modern medicine believes that Tonic Defensive Qi has the effects of immune enhancement, anti-fatigue and anti-allergy, and it is suitable for diseases characterized by fatigue, spontaneous sweat and aversion to Wind. Moreover, it can prevent colds, and it is especially suitable for patients...

        CHINAHERB - Thorowax Purger - 60 Tablets

        Da Chai Hu Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: abdominal pain, bile, bitter taste in the mouth, constipation, fullness in abdomen, nausea and vomiting, pancreatitis and cholecystitis Thorowax Purger is from “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” written by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in China. It is made from Shaoyang Formula by removing ginseng and liquorice and adding rhei, citrus aurantium and paeonia lactiflora. Its effect is mainly to reconcile the Liver and Gallbladder to purge. It is used for disharmony of Shaoyang, Liver and Gallbladder Damp Heat, the manifestation of upper abdominal pain and fullness like a nodular mass or discomfort, bitter mouth, nausea or vomiting, constipation, yellow, greasy red tongue, pulse string or slippage. In modern clinic it...

        CHINAHERB - Stomach Tonic - 60 Tablets

        香砂养胃丸 / Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acid reflux, fullness in stomach, indigestion, nausea, pain in the epigastrium, poor appetite, stomach ache Stomach Tonic is based on the Xiang Sha Yang Wei Decoction from Gong Tingxian’s “Revise Diseases and Return to Health” published in the Ming Dynasty in 1615 AD. It has the effect of warming Stomach and regulating Stomach Qi and is therefore used for indigestion problems. Indications include stomach-ache, distension after eating, poor appetite, loose stools and fatigue, uncomfortable fullness, noisy discomfort etc. caused by inadequate Stomach Yang, Dampness and Stagnation of Qi. COVID-19 RELATED SYMPTOMS: PREVENTION, INFECTION, RECOVERY Typical symptoms: abdominal pain, acute and chronic cough / bronchitis / asthma in clear phlegm or no phlegm...

        CHINAHERB - Smooth Liver - 60 Tablets

        柴胡疏肝片 / Chai Hu Shu Gan Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: cholecystitis, chronic gastritis, depression, fullness in stomach, hepatitis, interfacial neuralgia, pain in ribs area, pain or distending feeling in chest and hypochondriac region, sto, stomach ache, symptoms become worse with stress or emotional upset Smooth Liver came out of the Ming Dynasty and was mentioned in Ye Wenling’s “Medical Purpose”, published in 1535 AD. It is a formula for the treatment of Liver Qi Stagnation. The symptoms are characterized by mood depression and pain or distension in the circulation site of Liver Meridian, such as pain in the ribs area, stomach pain, fullness, often sigh involuntarily and wiry pulse. Nowadays, it is commonly used...

        CHINAHERB - Smooth Intestine - 60 Tablets

        痛泻要方 / Tong Xie Yao Fang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: abdominal pain during diarrhoea and pain relief after diarrhoea, abnormal bowel sounds with pain, alternation of constipation and diarrhoea, candida in a chronic or recurrent diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, mucus stool, ulcerative colitis Smooth Intestine comes from the “Danxi’s Mastery of Medicine” published by Zhu Danxi in the Yuan Dynasty in 1481 AD. It is a representative formulation for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Chinese medicine believes that the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome is a “Stagnation of the Liver and Deficiency of Spleen, Dampness and Heat of the intestines“. Liver Stagnation leads to the Qi Stagnation and causes pain; Spleen Deficiency and Intestinal Dampness cause bowel sound with pain, bowel diarrhoea, abdominal pain during diarrhoea...

        CHINAHERB - Shaoyang Form - 60 Tablets

        小柴胡汤 / Xiao Chai Hu Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: bile, chronic fatigue, cold and flu in a prolonged duration, hepatitis, liver function disorder, menstrual cold, menstrual fever, nausea and vomiting, one of the following symptoms: upset; sick; nausea / loss of appetite / fullness in the chest / bitter taste in the mouth / alternating attacks of chills and fever, unexplained fever Shaoyang Formula comes from “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” written by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in China and has been in clinical use for more than 1800 years. It is a well-known reconcile prescription for the treatment of Shaoyang Syndrome. The so-called Shaoyang syndrome is caused by Zheng Qi in the body...

        CHINAHERB - Relieve Stomach Stagnation - 60 Tablets

        保和丸 / Bao He Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acid reflux, bad breath (halitosis), belching and be sick of food, food stagnation, fullness in stomach, indigestion, nausea and vomiting Relieve Stomach Stagnation comes from the “Danxi’s Mastery of Medicine” edited by Zhu Danxi, from the Yuan Dynasty published in 1347 AD. It is used for indications of Stagnation of the Stomach and indigestion. The Stagnation is caused by overeating, or originally, the Spleen and Stomach were weak, overeating leads to further damage to the Spleen and Stomach (lower gastric motility, gastrointestinal “overload“). The undigested turbid food stagnated in the Stomach which causes fullness and distension of stomach and abdomen, poor appetite, constipation or loose stools, foul smelling stool, thick tongue coating, and slippery pulse. The...

        CHINAHERB - Relieve Interior Wind - 60 Tablets

        镇肝熄风汤 / Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic headache and migraine, dizziness and vertigo, during or after a stroke, high blood pressure (hypertension), numbness of extremities, pre-stroke conditions in a distending feeling in the eyes, preventing stroke, restless legs syndrome, restlessness and flushed feeling Relieve Interior Wind is from “Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine” written by Zhang Xichun in 1924. The formula has the effects of quenching the Liver Wind, nourishing Yin and calming down Yang. It is for the treatment of so-called syndromes of “Excessive Yang and Fire punch upward”, or “excessive Liver Yang of upper part of the body, and Deficiency Kidney Yin of lower part of the body”. The syndromes are characterized by dizziness &...