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        CHINAHERB - Expel Stasis - 60 Tablets

        血府逐瘀汤 / Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: absence of Menstruation (amenorrhoea), acne, chronic headache and migraine, circulation disorders, contusion in the chest, dysmenorrhoea and irregular menstruation in clots or clotty and dark coloured menses, headache with a dull tongue colour and purple spots in border, pain in the chest, period pain (dysmenorrhoea), prostatitis, psoriasis, tumour Expel Stasis is originated from the “Correction on Errors in Medical Classics” by Wang Qingren from Qing Dynasty in 1830 AD. It has the effect of promoting Blood circulation and removing Blood Stasis, moving Qi and relieving pain. Wang Qingren’s formulation was originally intended to treat cardiovascular system disorders. However, due to its remarkable effect of promoting Blood circulation...

        CHINAHERB - Consolidate Qi - 60 Tablets

        参苓白术散 / Shen Ling Bai Zhu San   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic colitis, chronic fatigue, chronic gastritis, diarrhoea (loose stools containing undigested food), food allergy, gastric or duodenal ulcers, increased vaginal discharge (white), indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, loose stool and chronic diarrhea which has no mucous in faeces, maldigestion Consolidate Qi was released from “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” issued by the state in the Song Dynasty of China, which was made by adding strengthening Spleen and removing Dampness herbs to the Four Gentlemen Formula. It is an important formulation for the treatment of chronic diarrhoea and bowel sounds due to Spleen Deficiency and Dampness. It is clinically used for chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, chronic gastritis, chronic...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Root Fire - 60 Tablets

        知柏地黄丸 / Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: impotence, menopausal symptoms in hot flushes and a lot of nightsweating, overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), recurrent cystitis, shingles (after-treatment), sore throat (chronic), sperm problems in male, swelling of external genitalia, tingling feeling in the fingers and toes, vaginal itching Clear Root Fire comes from “The Golden Mirror of Medicine” written by Wu Qian of the Qing Dynasty in China. This book was completed in 1742 AD and the title was given by the Chinese emperor Qianlong. The prescription is based on the nourishing Kidney-Yin foundation formulation Nourish Root Yin and added Rhizoma Anemarrhenae and Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis. The effect of this formula is to replenish Kidney and Yin, balance Yin and Yang through Nourish Root Yin, and also...

        A.VOGEL - Veg Omega 3 - 30 Capsules

        Support brain function & health with Vegan Omega 3  100% vegetarian-friendly. Not derived from fish or other animal sources. Made from fresh plants. One of the smallest capsules on the market. Sugar-free, gluten-free and lactose-free. Our Vegan Omega 3 is a source of omega-3 fatty acids and Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) for the maintenance of good health. Directions of use Adults and adolescents 12 years and older: Maintenance of good health: 1 – 2 capsules daily To support brain and eye function: 3 - 4 capsules daily Maintenance of normal blood cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels: 3 - 4 capsules daily...

        A.VOGEL - Menstruation Formula - 30ml

        Cimicifuga racemosa: helps regulate menstrual flow. Cyclamen europaeum, Potentilla anserine and Pulsatilla: are used in the treatment of painful periods. Aristolochia clematitis, Pulsatilla and Hydrastis canadensis: are used in the treatment of irregular menstruation. Cimicifuga, Cyclamen europaeum and Pulsatilla: counteracts mood changes occurring both before and during menstruation. A homeopathic medicine which assists with the treatment of painful periods, irregular periods, heavy periods, abnormal menstrual flow, premenstrual tension and menstrual cycle irregularities.   Dosage  Adults and children over 12 years: For symptomatic relief during the premenstrual stage (luteal phase) and menstrual period: Take 10 drops on the tongue every hour...

        A.VOGEL - Menopause Formula - 30ml

        Agnus castus, Ignatia amara, Lachesis, Cimicifuga and Sepia: counteract the headaches and mood changes such as anxiety, depression and irritability associated with menopause. Lachesis, Sanguinara and Sepia: are effective in the treatment of hot flushes. A homeopathic medicine which assists with headaches and mood changes such as anxiety, depression and irritability as well as hot flushes and other symptoms associated with menopause. Dosage  Adults: Take 10 drops on the tongue, or directly under the tongue or in a teaspoon of water 4 times daily 15 minutes before meals. Discontinue once improvement occurs. In acute/severe cases: Take the relevant number of...

        A.VOGEL - Menoforce - 30 Tablets (Previously named Hot Flush & Night Sweats)

          Supportive treatment of menopausal syndrome, hot flushes & night sweats. Has no effect on oestrogen levels or pathways. May be combined with other treatments. Convenient one-a-day tablet. Made from freshly harvested organically grown sage.   Menoforce tablets have become one of the most popular menopause treatments, gaining a reputation as a simple way of helping deal with excessive sweating, hot flushes and night sweats during the menopause as well as other menopausal symptoms. It is a great alternative to menograine tablets. A.Vogel Menoforce is a Western Herbal medicine used for the supportive treatment of menopausal syndrome and associated hot flushes and...

        A.VOGEL - Bladder Irritation Formula - 30ml

        Supportive treatment of irritable bladder conditions Helpful in addressing symptoms associated with minor infections of the urinary tract Frequent, uncomfortable or urgent urination Overactive bladder Urinary discomfort A homeopathic medicine for the supportive treatment of irritable bladder conditions. In accordance with homeopathic literature, ingredients address frequent, uncomfortable or urgent urination, an overactive bladder and urinary discomfort associated with minor infections of the urinary tract.   Dosage: Adults and children over 12: 10 drops 4 times daily. Children 6 - 12: 5 drops 4 times daily. Children 2 - 6: 2 drops 4 times daily. In acute/severe cases: Take the relevant...

        GREEN PHARM - Ashwaganda No168 - 50ml

        Vitality. Balances thyroid hormones. Anti-bacterial. Combats stress and anxiety and diabetes. May be beneficial against cataracts. Brings down high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. Combats male infertility. Anti-inflammatory.   Warning: Not to be taken with blood thinning medication.               Large doses may cause stomach upset, diarrhoea and vomiting.                Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Cramp Bark No153 - 50ml

        Assist the body with high blood pressure as it is anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Hypotensive and assists with low blood pressure, thus a cardiac tonic. Used for muscle spasms and pain especially in the lower back and legs. May alleviate menstrual cramps.   Precautions: Warning: Do not take when allergic to aspirin (because of the salicin content)               Not to be taken with blood thinning medication.               May cause hypotension when taken in large doses.               Not to be used during pregnancy or...

        GREEN PHARM - Chaste Berry No151 - 50ml

        May normalize the reproductive organs and infertility in women. Used for progesterone deficiency and acne (especially with pre menstrual flare up). Men may also use this herb for acne. This herb has pain relieving properties. May be used for hormonal complaints and imbalances such as Fibrocystic breast disease, menopause, menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), menstrual difficulties (secondary amenorrhea), menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome. Useful in treating endometriosis.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken with any drug or product that affects the female hormone system such as HRT or the contraceptive pill. Not to be taken during pregnancy.

        GREEN PHARM - Willow Bark No148- 50ml

        Use to reduce period pains during PMS, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, high temperature, headaches and toothache, migraines. Replacement of aspirin without the side effects of stomach irritation.   Precautions: Warning: Long term use may interfere with mineral absorption.

        GREEN PHARM - Skullcap No142 - 100ml

        Beneficial in the treatment of epilepsy, insomnia, hysteria and anxiety. Helps renew and revive the central nervous system. May relieve and prevent epileptic seizures, May assist with PMS and promote menstruation. Helps treat throat infections.  May be beneficial for ADD.   Precautions: Warning: Overdose causes giddiness, stupor, confusion and twitching.               Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.               May potentiate the effects of sedative medications.

        GREEN PHARM - Skullcap No142 - 50ml

        Beneficial in the treatment of epilepsy, insomnia, hysteria and anxiety. Helps renew and revive the central nervous system. May relieve and prevent epileptic seizures, May assist with PMS and promote menstruation. Helps treat throat infections.  May be beneficial for ADD.   Precautions: Warning: Overdose causes giddiness, stupor, confusion and twitching.               Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.               May potentiate the effects of sedative medications.

        GREEN PHARM - Saw Palmetto No140 - 100ml

        Tonic effect on the neck of the bladder and helps treat an enlarged prostate. Boost to the male sex hormones and improves libido. May alleviate asthma and helps with all sorts of throat problems. Beneficial for treating cold and bronchitis associated with an excess of mucous discharge from the nose and sinuses. Beneficial for diseases of the ovaries in women. Combats Bright's disease and diabetes.

        GREEN PHARM - Saw Palmetto No140 - 50ml

        Tonic effect on the neck of the bladder and helps treat an enlarged prostate. Boost to the male sex hormones and improves libido. May alleviate asthma and helps with all sorts of throat problems. Beneficial for treating cold and bronchitis associated with an excess of mucous discharge from the nose and sinuses. Beneficial for diseases of the ovaries in women. Combats Bright's disease and diabetes.