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        GREEN PHARM - Nettle No127 - 100ml

        Eases hayfever, asthma, eczema and allergig disorders. Assists with poor kidneys and flood retention. Improves breast milk production. Reduces an enlarged and painful prostate. May alleviate symptoms of gout and arthritis. It improves urine flow.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or when taking other diuretic medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Black Cohosh No81 - 50ml

        Helpful in diarrhoea in children. May be helpful in cases of tinnitus. Excellent aid for PMS and menopause. Combats mucosal inflammation in kidneys and urinary tract. Aid against diabetes, arthritis and gout and poor blood circulation. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy and lactation. 

        GREEN PHARM - Ashwaganda No168 - 50ml

        Vitality. Balances thyroid hormones. Anti-bacterial. Combats stress and anxiety and diabetes. May be beneficial against cataracts. Brings down high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. Combats male infertility. Anti-inflammatory.   Warning: Not to be taken with blood thinning medication.               Large doses may cause stomach upset, diarrhoea and vomiting.                Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Cramp Bark No153 - 50ml

        Assist the body with high blood pressure as it is anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Hypotensive and assists with low blood pressure, thus a cardiac tonic. Used for muscle spasms and pain especially in the lower back and legs. May alleviate menstrual cramps.   Precautions: Warning: Do not take when allergic to aspirin (because of the salicin content)               Not to be taken with blood thinning medication.               May cause hypotension when taken in large doses.               Not to be used during pregnancy or...

        GREEN PHARM - Chaste Berry No151 - 50ml

        May normalize the reproductive organs and infertility in women. Used for progesterone deficiency and acne (especially with pre menstrual flare up). Men may also use this herb for acne. This herb has pain relieving properties. May be used for hormonal complaints and imbalances such as Fibrocystic breast disease, menopause, menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), menstrual difficulties (secondary amenorrhea), menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome. Useful in treating endometriosis.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken with any drug or product that affects the female hormone system such as HRT or the contraceptive pill. Not to be taken during pregnancy.

        GREEN PHARM - Willow Bark No148- 50ml

        Use to reduce period pains during PMS, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, high temperature, headaches and toothache, migraines. Replacement of aspirin without the side effects of stomach irritation.   Precautions: Warning: Long term use may interfere with mineral absorption.

        GREEN PHARM - Skullcap No142 - 100ml

        Beneficial in the treatment of epilepsy, insomnia, hysteria and anxiety. Helps renew and revive the central nervous system. May relieve and prevent epileptic seizures, May assist with PMS and promote menstruation. Helps treat throat infections.  May be beneficial for ADD.   Precautions: Warning: Overdose causes giddiness, stupor, confusion and twitching.               Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.               May potentiate the effects of sedative medications.

        GREEN PHARM - Skullcap No142 - 50ml

        Beneficial in the treatment of epilepsy, insomnia, hysteria and anxiety. Helps renew and revive the central nervous system. May relieve and prevent epileptic seizures, May assist with PMS and promote menstruation. Helps treat throat infections.  May be beneficial for ADD.   Precautions: Warning: Overdose causes giddiness, stupor, confusion and twitching.               Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.               May potentiate the effects of sedative medications.

        GREEN PHARM - Saw Palmetto No140 - 100ml

        Tonic effect on the neck of the bladder and helps treat an enlarged prostate. Boost to the male sex hormones and improves libido. May alleviate asthma and helps with all sorts of throat problems. Beneficial for treating cold and bronchitis associated with an excess of mucous discharge from the nose and sinuses. Beneficial for diseases of the ovaries in women. Combats Bright's disease and diabetes.

        GREEN PHARM - Saw Palmetto No140 - 50ml

        Tonic effect on the neck of the bladder and helps treat an enlarged prostate. Boost to the male sex hormones and improves libido. May alleviate asthma and helps with all sorts of throat problems. Beneficial for treating cold and bronchitis associated with an excess of mucous discharge from the nose and sinuses. Beneficial for diseases of the ovaries in women. Combats Bright's disease and diabetes.

        GREEN PHARM - Sage No137 - 50ml

        A popular remedy against gingivitis and mucosal inflammation of the mouth and throat. Treats upset stomachs, flatulence and diarrhoea.  Treats night sweats and excessive perspiration. The drug has been used as an antidiabetic.   Precautions: Warning: Do not use internally in large amounts for prolonged periods.

        GREEN PHARM - Red Clover No135 - 100ml

        One of the most beneficial herbs for children with skin problems, eczema and psoriasis. Beneficial to ease whooping cough. Alleviates the symptoms of menopause. Purifies blood.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.               May potentiate the effects of anticoagulant drugs.

        GREEN PHARM - Red Clover No135 - 50ml

        One of the most beneficial herbs for children with skin problems, eczema and psoriasis. Beneficial to ease whooping cough. Alleviates the symptoms of menopause. Purifies blood.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.               May potentiate the effects of anticoagulant drugs.

        GREEN PHARM - Raspberry No134 - 50ml

        Reduces PMS and strengthens the longitudinal muscle of the uterus.  Beneficial in the treatment of mouth ulcers and bleeding gums. Gargle for sore throats.   Precautions: Warning: Never use during early pregnancy.

        GREEN PHARM - Nettle No127 - 50ml

        Eases hayfever, asthma, eczema and allergig disorders. Assists with poor kidneys and flood retention. Improves breast milk production. Reduces an enlarged and painful prostate. May alleviate symptoms of gout and arthritis. It improves urine flow.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or when taking other diuretic medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Fenugreek No101 - 100ml

        Seeds are mainly used to treat loss of appetite, anorexia and to reduce blood sugar levels in type 1 and 2 diabetes. Lowers serum cholesterol, triglyside and low density lipoprotein. Soothes disturbed digestion. Combats impotence and period and menopause problems. Reduces fevers, detoxifies, dispels bad breath and body odor. May alleviate bronchitis. Stimulates the development of the breasts and increased milk flow. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used when pregnant. Please don't use during hypoglycemic treatment.