Showing 1489–1504 of 2135 results

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        PMR NUTRITION - Colon Active Week Pack

        Colon Active is a natural product to help activate the colon and could assist the body with constipation and detoxification of the colon. Ingredients: Magnesium Oxide (100%Pure Pharmaceutical grade) Colon Active is a natural product to help activate the colon and could assist the body with constipation and detoxification of the colon.

        PMR NUTRITION - Colon Caps - 60 Capsules

        Colon caps were formulated to assist the body with a natural laxative affect. The herbs in this product were chosen because it does not irritate the colon into spasms that cause a laxative effect. These herbs stimulate certain nerves in the colon that increase peristalsis which has a natural laxative affect. Thus this product may be effective in treating mild and chronic constipation. Colon caps may also have a cleansing effect in the colon. Colon caps also may improve the mucous flow in the gut, lubricating the gut lining which could protect against ulcers. Colon caps also may help to...

        PMR NUTRITION - CONGEST-U-RELIEF - 60 Capsules

        CONGEST-U-RELIEF consist of: Astragalus Root, Bromelain, Chinese Skull Cap, Feverfew, N-Acetylcysteine, quercetin, stinging nettle and Vitamin C9 Ascorbic Acid) CONGEST-U-RELIEF is designed to relieve sinus pressure and boost your immune system. Ingredients: CONGEST-U-RELIEF consist of : Astragalus Root, Bromelain, Chinese Skull Cap, Feverfew, N-Acetylcysteine, quercetin, stinging nettle and Vitamin C9 Ascorbic Acid)

        PMR NUTRITION - FIVE IN ONE - 60 Capsules

        FIVE IN ONE is a powerful formula with anti-flammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties. The Combination of the five spices assist the body in a natural way with numerous ailments and can enhance detoxification of the body. FIVE IN ONE is ‘n kragtige formule met anti-inflammatoriese, antibakteriële en antiparasitiese eienskappe. Die kombinasie van die vyf speserye help die liggaam in ‘n natuurlike manier met talle kwale en kan ontgifting van die liggaam te verbeter.   Ingredients: Active Ingredients per Capsule: Black Pepper, Cayenne, Cinnamon Ceylon (100% Certified Organic), Ginger and Turmeric

        PMR NUTRITION - Gaba - 60 Capsules

        Gaba is a natural amino-acid that may assist the body with anxiety, central nervous system, panic disorders, stress and sleep. Ingredients: Active ingredients per capsule: Gaba(Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)  500mg

        PMR NUTRITION - Glutamine - 200g

        Glutamine is an amino acid that could naturally assist the body in healing celiac disease, colitis, crohns disease, gastritis, IBS, leaky gut, ulcers and ulcerative colitis. It is also a natural mood enhancer and assists with the recovery from chemo therapy.Glutamine is an amino acid that could naturally assist the body in healing celiac disease, colitis, crohns disease, gastritis, IBS, leaky gut, ulcers and ulcerative colitis. It is also a natural mood enhancer and assists with the recovery from chemo therapy.   Ingredients: L- Glutamine (100% Pure Pharmaceutical grade)                     Glutamine is...

        PMR NUTRITION - IM-U-PROTECT - 60 Capsules

        IM-U-PROTECT is a Formula with an unique combination of zinc, vitamin D3, magnesium and so much more, designed to provide a boost to your immune system. Ingredients: IM-U-PROTECT Support for healthy immune function. Ingredients list: Echinacea, Magnesium Glycinate, NAC, Quercetin, Selenium, Vitamin D3 and Zinc

        PMR NUTRITION - Joint Support - 90 Capsules

        Joint Support is an advanced and unique formula to assist the body in recovery of cartilage of the joints and vertebrae. Joint support contains herbs that assist naturally in reduction of joint pain and inflammation. Joint Support assists the body in combating problems like Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis and any joint inflammation or degeneration. Ingredients: Active Ingredients: Glucosamine Sulphate, MSM, Turmeric Extract, Celery Extract, Green Lip Muscle, Boswellia Extract, Ginger Extract and Devils Claw Extract The main reason for the formulation of this product is to formulate a product that not just only helps with the Recovery of Cartilage but also to help...

        PMR NUTRITION - Kill-a-Germ - 60 Capsules

        Kill-a-Germ is a multicomponent product which assists the body in its fight against most kinds of viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. For use against pathogens take 2 caps per day then leave for 21 days and repeat the course. Do a pathogen cleanse at least once a year. In acute viral infections increase the frequency of the dose. If symptoms persist consult your Health Care Practitioner.   Ingredients: Active Ingredients per Daily Dose: Pau d’Arc ext (4:1), Olive Leave ext (4:1), Echinacea ext (4:1), Wormwood ext (4:1), Clove powder, Black Walnut, Garlic powder (4:1), Grapefruit seed ext (5:1), Green tea...

        PMR NUTRITION - Liver Plus - 60 Capsules

        The natural ingredients in Liver Plus assist the liver with bile flow, Liver toxins, rebuilding of live cells, metabolism of alcohol and optimal functioning. Die natuurlike bestandele in Liver Plus ondersteun die werking van die lewer i.t.v galvloei, toksiene, vorming van nuwe selle, metabolisme van alkohol en optimale funksionering.   Ingredients: Active Ingredients per Daily Dose: Artichoke (Ext 23:1), Dandelion (Ext 4:1), Burdock, Choline and Turmeric.   With the new and improved Liver Plus you will find active ingredients like Artichoke, Dandelion, Burdock, Choline and Turmeric. All of these ingredients enhance the function of the liver. Note: Artichoke Leaf may...

        PMR NUTRITION - Magnesium Glycinate - 60 Capsules

        Magnesium Glycinate is the best choice for those who want to promote mental calm, more energy and good quality sleep. The best-absorbed form of magnesium and the gentlest on the stomach.   Magnesium Glycinate PROMOTES ENERGY PRODUCTION, MENTAL CALM AND QUALITY SLEEP.   Ingredients: Product Formulation: 60 Veggie Capsules Magnesium Glycinate and P5P Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (vitamin B6 active coenzyme)

        PMR NUTRITION - Milk Thistle Plus - 60 Capsules

        Milk Thisle + for improve liver function. Milk Thistle + is the go-to remedy for your liver, protecting and repairing it from damage and supporting its functioning and metabolism. Silymarin is the special antioxidant contained in Milk that can help repair and rejuvenate a damaged liver.   Ingredients: Product Formulation: 60 Veggie Capsules Centauri Herb Fine powder, Choline, Danelion Root 4:1 Extract, Lapa Articum (Bardane), Milk Thistle Extract 80%, L-Carnitine, Sodium Sulphate, Alpha-Lipoic Acid 99% and Gotu Kola 4:1 Extract

        PMR NUTRITION - Mood - 60 Capsules

        Mood Contains a combination of natural ingredients selected for its effect on calmness, self esteem and well-being. Mood bevat ‘n kombinasie van natuurlike bestandele wat bekend is vir hul effek op die gevoel van rustigheid, goeie selfbeeld en welstand.   Ingredients: Active ingredients per capsule: Aktiewe bestandele per kapsule: Sceletium Tortuosum 50 mg Magnolia 100 mg L-Theanine 250 mg Gingko Biloba (50:1 ext Equal to) 20 mg Vitamin B3 (niacinamide-5-phosphate) 13 mg Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 13 mg Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) 250 µg With the new and improved Mood you will find active ingredients like Sceletium Tortuosum, Magnolia, L-Theanine, Ginko Biloba, Vitamin...

        PMR NUTRITION - Multivitamin - 30 Capsules

        PMRs high performance Multivitamin formula is a high quality and high dosage formula to keep up with the needs of a modern high performance and stressful lifestyle. Ingredients: PMRs high performance Multivitamin formula is a high quality and high dosage formula to keep up with the needs of a modern high performance and stressful lifestyle. Product Ingredients Vitamin A Betecarotene 10000iu Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 25mg Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 25mg Vitamin B3 (Nicotinamide) 25mg Vitamin B5 (Calcium D-Pantothenate) 50mg Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 25mg Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) 50mcg Vitamin C (Non Acidict) 100mg Vitamin D3 4mg Vitamin E 50iu Folic acid 400iu...

        PMR NUTRITION - Natural Brain - 60 Capsules

        Natural Brain contains a combination of natural ingredients selected to assist in improved alertness, attention span, creativity, verbal fluency, concentration, learning ability, memory, moods and willpower.   Ingredients: Active Ingredients per Capsule: Bacopa, Glutamine, Magnesium Citrate, Gingo Biloba Ext 4:1, Gotu Kola Ext, Panax Ginseng Ext, Panax ginseng Ext, Pantothenic acid, Ashwaganda Ext.   Natural Brain bevat ‘n kombinasie van natuurlike bestanddele wat wakkerheid, aandagspan, kreatiwiteit, verbale vlotheid, konsentrasie, leervermoë, geheue, buie en wilskrag kan verbeter. Bevat kapsules.

        PMR NUTRITION - Prosta Care Plus - 60 Capsules

        Prosta-Care is a natural product formulated to naturally assist in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Prostate Cancer, Male Dribble and Urinary Incontinence, Inflammation of the prostate, prostatitis, enlarge prostate, frequent urination and painful urination. This product may also improve the quality of semen. Ingredients: Active Ingredients per Daily Dose Saw Palmetto Ext 250mg Nettle leaves Ext 100mg Beta Sitosterol 100mg Pumpkin seed ext 80mg Pygenium 75mg Lycopene 5mg An enlarge prostate gland or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) as called by Dr’s is prevalent in almost 60% of men age 40 to 59. An enlarge prostate could result in symptoms such as the obstruction of the bladder outlet, progressive urinary frequency, urgency, nighttime awakening to empty bladder,...