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        A.VOGEL - Arthritis Formula - 30ml

        For the treatment of arthritis and associated symptoms   A homeopathic formulation which assists with the treatment of arthritis and associated symptoms such as pain, inflammation and stiffness of joints including hands and feet with specific aggravation from exposure to cold & wet weather.   Dosage   Adults and children over 12 years: Take 10 drops on the tongue, or directly under the tongue or in a teaspoon of water 4 times daily 15 minutes before meals. Discontinue once improvement occurs. Children 6-12 years: Take 5 drops on the tongue, or directly under the tongue or in a teaspoon of water...

        A.VOGEL - Asthma Formula - 30ml

        For the adjunctive management of chronic asthma and the signs and symptoms thereof Aralia racemosa, Grindela robusta, Lobelia inflata and Drosera rotundifolia: relieves symptoms associated with asthma. Cephaelis ipecucuanha, Grindela robusta and Hedera helix: aid the expectoration of mucous. Cephaelis ipecucuanha, Lobelia inflate and Drosera rotundifolia: assist in the relief of asthmatic coughing. Ammi visnaga: relieves the spasm of the smooth muscles associated with asthma.  Ingredients address tightness of the chest, asthmatic cough, elimination of mucous and have antispasmodic and tonic action on the lungs. Can also be used for tightness of the chest associated with coughs and colds and...

        A.VOGEL - Bambu® - 100g

        Instant Coffee Substitute  100% natural, organically grown ingredients. No caffeine. Can be drank at any time of the day. Instant drink as a coffee substitute. Bambu is a 100% natural coffee alternative. The recipe was created by Alfred Vogel more than 50 years ago and contains organic chicory, Turkish figs, malted barley, wheat, and Greek acorns.   Directions for use  Use one teaspoon per cup, pour on hot water or milk and stir well. Serve hot or chilled. Bambu® Instant coffee alternative should be stored in a cool and dry place.   Ingredients  Organic chicory, wheat, malted barley, figs and acorns...

        A.VOGEL - Bambu® - 200g

        Instant Coffee Substitute  100% natural, organically grown ingredients. No caffeine. Can be drank at any time of the day. Instant drink as a coffee substitute. Bambu is a 100% natural coffee alternative. The recipe was created by Alfred Vogel more than 50 years ago and contains organic chicory, Turkish figs, malted barley, wheat, and Greek acorns.   Directions for use  Use one teaspoon per cup, pour on hot water or milk and stir well. Serve hot or chilled. Bambu® Instant coffee alternative should be stored in a cool and dry place.   Ingredients  Organic chicory, wheat, malted barley, figs and acorns...

        A.VOGEL - Bladder Irritation Formula - 30ml

        Supportive treatment of irritable bladder conditions Helpful in addressing symptoms associated with minor infections of the urinary tract Frequent, uncomfortable or urgent urination Overactive bladder Urinary discomfort A homeopathic medicine for the supportive treatment of irritable bladder conditions. In accordance with homeopathic literature, ingredients address frequent, uncomfortable or urgent urination, an overactive bladder and urinary discomfort associated with minor infections of the urinary tract.   Dosage: Adults and children over 12: 10 drops 4 times daily. Children 6 - 12: 5 drops 4 times daily. Children 2 - 6: 2 drops 4 times daily. In acute/severe cases: Take the relevant...

        A.VOGEL - Boldocynara - 50ml

        Liver & Gall Bladder Drops  A.Vogel Boldocynara is a herbal medicine which acts as a tonic to support the function of the liver and gallbladder. Boldocynara is used to: Promote liver function by acting as a general liver tonic Detoxify the liver Treat symptoms caused by liver/gallbladder dysfunction including nausea, indigestion, sensation of fullness, flatulence, raised cholesterol and skin problems Provide supportive treatment of the symptoms associated with overindulgence of food and drink Support the production and flow of bile Support digestion Have an antispasmodic action in the digestive system This was a tonic which Alfred Vogel counted on and...

        A.VOGEL - Cellulite Formula - 30ml

        For the supportive treatment of cellulite, management of healthy weight and regulation of appetite. Hedera helix, Fucus vesiculosus and Vitis vinifera: stimulate metabolism. Paliurus spina Christi, Cynara scolymus and Aloe vera: stimulate the functions of the liver and the digestive system. Hypericum perforatum, Hyssopus officinalis, Verbena officinalis and Passiflora: have a sedative action. Agropyron repens: aids the excretion of excess fluid. Calcium carbonicum: counteracts the tendency to obesity. Ingredients promote lymphatic drainage, elimination of excess fluid, improve metabolism and detoxification via the liver and digestive system and address excess appetite.   Dosage   Adults and children over 12 years: Take...

        A.VOGEL - Circulation Formula - 30ml

        Veratrum album, Secale cornutum and Carbo vegetabilis: increase the peripheral circulation. Ginkgo biloba, Cactus grandiflorus, Ammi visnaga and Hypericum perforatum: all help counteract disturbances of circulation. Cactus grandiflorus and Ammi visnaga: counteract spasms of smooth muscles such as those in the vessel walls of the circulatory system. A homeopathic medicine which assists in the treatment of poor circulation. Improves circulation in arteries and veins. High and low blood pressure, blue veins on feet and legs, feet and/or hands cold and blue, bypass patients, after a heart attack, poor circulation, heavy legs, swollen calves and/or feet, restless legs, and other circulation problems.  ...

        A.VOGEL - Cold Formula - 30ml

        The remedies used in this preparation are effective particularly in assisting the treatment of head colds, including runny nose (coryza), post-nasal drip and the associated symptoms caused by inflammation of the respiratory passages.  A homeopathic medicine that assists in the treatment of colds, rhinitis, nasal catarrh and post nasal drip. Sneezing, runny nose, scratchy throat, hoarse voice, blocked nose, sensitive eyes, typical cold symptoms.   Dosage  Adults and children over 12 years: Take 10 drops on the tongue, or directly under the tongue or in a teaspoon of water 4 times daily 15 minutes before meals. Discontinue once improvement occurs. Children...

        A.VOGEL - Concentration Formula - 30ml

        Drops for concentration and restlessness  Veratrum album, Helleborus niger, Zincum metallicum, Staphisagria, Vanilla and Piper methysticum: relieve the restlessness and nervous distress frequently associated with lack of concentration. Vinca minor and Anacardium: counteract the effects of mental fatigue. Anacardium: is used for treatment of poor memory. Zincum metallicum, Avena sativa and Cypripedium: are effective in the treatment of sleeplessness. Zincum metallicum and Asarum europeaum: counteract the hypersensitivity of the sensory organs frequently associated with lack of concentration. Ginkgo biloba: is effective in the treatment of poor concentration and memory by increasing the circulation to the brain. A homeopathic medicine which...

        A.VOGEL - Cough Formula - 30ml

        Cough Drops Ginkgo biloba: counteracts poor circulation. Drosera rotundifolia, Aralia racemoasa, Cuprum acetic and Ammi visnaga: relieve irritating, paroxysmal coughing. Ipecacuanha and Ginkgo biloba: are effective expectorants. Cetraria islandica and Phellandrium aquaticum are expectorants that: decrease the formation of catarrh in the respiratory passages. A homeopathic medicine which assists in the treatment of spasmodic, irritating coughs.   Dosage   Adults and children over 12 years: Take 10 drops on the tongue, or directly under the tongue or in a teaspoon of water 4 times daily 15 minutes before meals. Discontinue once improvement occurs. Children 6-12 years: Take 5 drops on the...

        A.VOGEL - Crataegus Oxy - 50ml

        Heart drops  Crataegus Oxy is a herbal medicine and cardiac tonic to promote healthy heart function. It assists weakened heart performance due to heart failure and poor blood supply to the heart muscle (congestive and ischemic heart disease). With broad acting cardiac supportive action (in heart failure, heaviness on the chest (cardiac oppression), mild heart related chest pain (angina), irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), and heart weakness in the elderly) it assists to improve exercise tolerance, quality of life, and breathlessness and fatigue in heart patients. Crataegus helps improve the flow of blood to the heart and helps the heart push blood...

        A.VOGEL - Cystoforce - 30ml

        Bladder weakness drops  Relieves symptoms of mild lower urinary tract infections Assists in promoting/supporting bladder function Ingredients have astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects and tone and strengthen the bladder and urinary tract   A Western herbal medicine used for relief of symptoms of mild recurrent lower urinary tract infections such as burning sensation during urination and/or frequent urination in women, after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor. The ingredients have astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.   Dosage   Adults: 15 drops under the tongue or in little water 3 times daily, half an hour...

        A.VOGEL - Dormeasan - 50ml

        Sleep drops Herbal sleep remedy Relief of sleep disturbances, stress and anxiety Fresh herb extract  Dormeasan is a herbal sleep remedy made from extracts of freshly harvested, organically grown A herbal formulation for the relief of sleep disturbances, stress and anxiety. Ingredients support the nervous system by having calming action and address symptoms such as restlessness and anxiety and when taken at bedtime promotes restful sleep. Dormeasan is not a 'sleeping pill'. It is a herbal sleeping aid and won't normally leave you feeling groggy in the morning. Unlike many sleep remedies, Dormeasan is available in the form of a...

        A.VOGEL - Echinacea Bonbons - 30g

        Ingredients Glucose syrup, cane sugar, honey, fresh Echinacea extract, herb extracts, caramel sugar syrup, menthol, peppermint oil, citric acid

        A.Vogel - Echinaforce® - 100ml

        A herbal remedy for colds and flu  What is Echinaforce®? Echinaforce® is a clinically proven, herbal product that helps prevent and treat colds, flu, and upper respiratory tract infections. It also helps prevent the complications of colds and flu. Used daily, it offers year-round immune system support for the family. Echinaforce® is the most researched echinacea remedy in the world. Over 25 years of research across 3 continents and in conjunction with leading research institutes has proven that Echinaforce® helps to regulate the immune system. Dosage and directions Preventative use: Adults & children over 12 years: 20 drops daily in a...