Showing 1057–1072 of 2135 results

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        NATURA - Nerva 2 - 25ml Drops

        A homoeopathic medicine to assist in relieving tension headaches, restlessness and hyperactivity.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Atropa belladonna Spag D4 Banisteriopsis caapi Spag D60 Coffea cruda Spag D8 Magnesium phosphoricum D10 Platinum metallicum D30 Strychnos nux-vomica Spag D4 Zincum valerianicum D6 Preservative: 20% Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. May be taken 1 to 2 hourly in acute cases. Dilute with water for infants. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine...

        NATURA - Nerva 3 - 25ml Drops

        A homoeopathic medicine which helps relieve symptoms of tearfulness, grief and mild depression.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Arnica montana Spag D3 Avena sativa Spag D3 Cinchona succirubra D1 Cola acuminata D3 Hypericum perforatum Spag D3 Lavandula angustifolia D3 Melissa officinalis D3 Origanum majorana D3 Panax ginseng D1 Salvia officinalis Spag D3 Strychnos ignatti (Ignatia) D1 Valeriana officinalis D3 Preservative: 52 % Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3-4 times daily. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to...

        NATURA - Nervuton 1 - 25ml Drops

        May assist in relieving premenstrual tension often accompanied by irritability, nervous stress, sensitivity and tearfulness.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Acidum phosphoricum D1 Avena sativa D1 Cinchona succirubra D4 Cola acuminata (Kola) D1 Cuprum metallicum D10 Humulus lupulus D1 Pulsatilla vulgaris D4 Strychnos nux-vomica (Nux vomica) D10 Valeriana officinalis D1 Veratrum album D10 Preservative: 52% Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted in a little water three times daily. May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. Reduce dosage with improvement of symptoms....

        NATURA - Nervuton 2 - 150 Tablets

        A Homoeopathic medicine to help relieve stress, irritation and nervous tension to restore calm and induce restful sleep without causing drowsiness.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each dragee contains: Artemisia abrotanum spir. sicc. D1 Calcarea phosphorica D1 Datura stramonium D5 Humulus lupulus spir. sicc. D1 Kalium phosphoricum D3 Matricaria recutita (Chamomilla) spir. Sicc D1 Valeriana officinalis spir sicc. D1 Zincum valerianicum D4 Contains sugar: lactose 27 mg, sucrose 26 mg PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Adults: 5 tablets. Children: 2 tablets. Take 3 times daily & again before going to bed. The tablets should be swallowed with a little...

        NATURA - Nieren - 25ml Drops

        A supportive aid for ailments affecting the kidney and bladder.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Agathosma crenulata (Barosma crenata) D3 Arsenicum album D6 Berberis vulgaris D6 Hydrangea arborescens D6 Mercurius corrosivus D12 Methylenum coeruleum D3 Ocimum basilicum D12 Solidago virgaurea Spag D3 Strychnos nux-vomica (Nux vomica) Spag D6 Preservative: 20% Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted in a little water 3 times daily. May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. Infants: Dilute with a little water and allow to stand for...

        NATURA - Odon - 25ml Drops

        A homoeopathic medicine to assist in relieving mouth ulcers, bleeding and inflamed gums.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) Spag D3 Calcarea fluorica D10 Creosotum D10 Delphinium staphisagria (Staphisagria) Spag D4 Kalium muriaticum D6 Magnesium phosphoricum D10 Matricaria recutita (Chamomilla) Spag D3 Mercurius corrosivus D12 Plantago major Spag D6 Pulsatilla vulgaris Spag D8 Preservative: 20% Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted in a little water three times daily. May be taken one to two hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. Dilute...

        NATURA - Osto - 25ml Drops

        A homoeopathic medicine that helps promote healthy bone growth and is supportive for the healing of bone fractures.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Arsenicum iodatum D10 Aurum metallicum D10 Calcarea carbonica D10 Calcarea fluorica D10 Ferula asafoetida D10 Phosphorus D30 Silicea D10 Symphytum officinale Spag D3 Preservative: 20% Alcohol. Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted in a little water 3 times daily. May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the...

        NATURA - Pentagen - 50ml Drops

        A herbal-homoeopathic medicine with Pelargonium to target the 5 main areas of colds, flu and upper respiratory tract infections: – blocked & runny nose – painful sinuses – sore throat & tonsillitis – cough – body ache, mild fever and fatigue.   Ingredients: Herbal-Homoeopathic complementary medicine.: Each 100 ml liquid contains: Pelargonium sidoides radix (1:10) 80.0 g Ferrum phosphoricum 6CH Hydrastis canadensis 6CH Kalium bichromicum 6CH Mercurius solubilis 6CH Natrium muriaticum 6CH Polygala senega 3CH Pulsatilla vulgaris 30CH Sambucus nigra 6CH Preservatives: 42% Glycerol, 15% Alcohol. Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Adults over 12 years: Take 30...

        NATURA - Procordal Plus - 200ml Tonic

        A homoeopathic medicine which acts as a circulatory tonic and assists in supporting the healthy functioning of the heart.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 5 ml contains: Ambra grisea D7 Aurum metallicum D10 Avena sativa D1 Chininum arsenicosum D7 Convallaria majalis D1 Crataegus rhipidophylla D1 Equisetum hiemale D1 Hamamelis virginiana D1 Kalmia latifolia D5 Melissa officinalis D7 Selenicereus grandiflorus (Cactus grandiflorus) D1 Spigelia anthelmia D7 Veratrum album D7 Preservative: 28 % Alcohol. Contains sugar: sucrose 335 mg, natural sugars from wine. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Take one medicine measure (5ml) three times daily before meals. Shake well...

        NATURA - Rescue - 25ml Drops

        Natura Rescue has been the preferred choice of South African families and professionals since 1966. Natura Rescue is a homeopathic-flower essence combination which helps you cope with: Emotional Shock Anticipatory nervousness Grief Sleeplessness from worry   Ingredients: Homoeopathic-flower essence combination complementary medicine Each 1 ml contains: Ambra grisea D6 Banisteriopsis caapi Spag D60 Clematis vitalba (Clematis) flos. aq. inf. 0,04 mg Helianthemum nummularium (Rock Rose) flos. aq. inf. 0,04 mg Impatiens glandulifera (Impatiens) flos. aq. inf. 0,04 mg Melissa officinalis Spag D3 Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star of Bethlehem) flos. aq. inf. 0,04 mg Prunus cerasifera (Cherry Plum) flos. aq. inf. 0,04...

        NATURA - Rescue - Tablets 150

        Natura Rescue Shock Anxiety and Sleeplessness 150 Tablets is a homoeopathic, remedy that’s there for all those stressful curveballs life may throw at you. The flower essence treats emotional shock, anxiety, fear, grief and sleeplessness caused by stress like exams, driver’s tests, insomnia or preparing for presentations.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic- flower essence combination complementary medicine. Ambra grisea Banisteropsis caapi Spag D60 Clematis vitalba (Clematis) aqua inf. Helianthemum nummularium (Rock Rose) aqua inf. Impatiens glandulifera (Impatiens) aqua inf. Melissa officinalis Spag D3 Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star of Bethlehem) aqua inf. Prunus cerasifera (Cherry Plum) aqua inf.   Serving size/Dosage: Dosage: Dissolve 2...

        NATURA - Ruma Plus - 50g Ointment

        This is a topical homoeopathic medicine for the supportive relief of muscular ache, muscular stiffness, cramps & spasms, strains & sprains, muscular rheumatism and prediagnosed arthritis and sciatica. Best when used in conjunction with Ruma 1 or Ruma 2.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 0,2 g ointment contains: Arnica montana D1 Bryonia alba D1 Capsicum annuum D3 Ledum palustre D3 Rhus toxicodendron D1 Ruta graveolens D3 Hamamelis water 1 mg Menthol/Mentol 6 mg Peppermint Oil 2 mg PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Apply a thin layer of ointment 2 to 3 times daily. For external use only. Wash...

        NATURA - Sango - Drops 25ml

        A homeopathic medicine which helps restore vitality after loss of blood. It helps with reducing nosebleeds, as well as heavy menstruation.   Ingredients: Each 1ml of liquid contains: Aconitum napellus Spag D4 Cinchona succirubra Spag D4 Erigeron canadense Spag D3 Ferrum phosphoricum D10 Hamamelis virginiana Spag D3 Hepar sulphuris calcareum D30 Secale cornutum D30 Sepia officinalis D10 Ustilago maydis Spag D6 Preservative: 20% Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted in a little water three times daily. May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. As absorption...

        NATURA - Scutellaria - 150 Tablets

        Homeopathic support to help relieve irritability, stress and sleeplessness associated with high blood pressure.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each tablet contains: Hydrastis canadensis D3 Rheum palmatum D3 Scutellaria lateriflora D3 Tilia europaea D3 Valeriana officinalis D3 Contains sugar: lactose 240 mg. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Dissolve 2 tablets in the mouth 3 times daily. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in the mouth for a short period and for the mouth to be free of any other tastes (toothpaste, peppermint, etc.) when...

        NATURA - Sepia - 150 Tablets

        Homeopathic support to help relieve stubborn menopausal-related hot flushes.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each tablet contains: Cimicifuga (Actaea) racemosa D400 Lachesis mutus D400 Sanguinarinum canadensis D400 Sepia officinalis D400 Contains sugar: lactose 240 mg. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Dissolve 2 tablets in the mouth 3 times weekly. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in the mouth for a short period and for the mouth to be free of any other tastes (toothpaste, peppermint, etc.) when taking the medicine.   Precautions: If your...

        NATURA - Sinfrontal - 150 Tablets

        Homeopathic support to help relieve sneezing, runny nose and painful sinuses.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each tablet contains: Chininum arsenicosum D6 Ferrum phosphoricum D6 lactose 240 mg Mercurius solubilis D6 Mercurius sulphuratus ruber (Cinnabaris) D6 PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Dissolve 2 tablets in the mouth 3 times daily. May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. Reduce dosage with improvement of symptoms. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in the mouth for a short period and for the mouth...