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        A.VOGEL - Prostate Formula - 30ml

        Populus tremuloides, Clematis recta, Chimaphila umbellate, Sabal serrulata and Solidago virguarea: are effective in the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy and its associated symptoms. Populus tremuloides, Chimaphila umbellate, Peumus boldus and Onosmodium virginicum: are used for the treatment of bladder infections. A homeopathic medicine which assists with the treatment of male urinary difficulties associated with an enlarged prostate. Acute symptoms of the prostate, difficulty urinating, has to wait a long time for urine to begin to flow, dribbling at end of urination, pain on urination.   Dosage Adults: Take 10 drops on the tongue, or directly under the tongue or in a...

        A.VOGEL - Sinuforce Formula - 30ml

        Luffa Opperculata D6 (Sponge Gourd/Purging Luffa): Catarrh’s of all kinds, Rhinitis, allergic and vasomotor, Rhinitis atrophicans, Common cold, Sinusitis, Hay fever. Luffa assists in the treatment of the common cold and hay fever, it facilitates nasal respiration in nervous and allergic hay fever, acute nasal catarrh, and as auxiliary remedy for atrophic rhinitis. Hydrastis Canadensis D6 (Golden Seal): Thick, viscid, ropy, yellowish white secretions, Protracted catarrh’s, Influenza with great secretion of mucous, Congestive rhinitis, Nasal ulcers. Hydrastis is used for the treatment of mucosal suppuration. Cinnabaris D8 (Cinnabar), Sinusitis with offensive discharge, Pains shooting through the eyeball and around the...

        A.VOGEL - Sinuforce Tablets - 120 Tablets

        Luffa Opperculata D6 (Sponge Gourd/Purging Luffa): Catarrh’s of all kinds, Rhinitis, allergic and vasomotor, Rhinitis atrophicans, Common cold, Sinusitis, Hay fever. Luffa assists in the treatment of the common cold and hay fever, it facilitates nasal respiration in nervous and allergic hay fever, acute nasal catarrh, and as auxiliary remedy for atrophic rhinitis. Hydrastis Canadensis D6 (Golden Seal): Thick, viscid, ropy, yellowish white secretions, Protracted catarrh’s, Influenza with great secretion of mucous, Congestive rhinitis, Nasal ulcers. Hydrastis is used for the treatment of mucosal suppuration. Cinnabaris D8 (Cinnabar):, Sinusitis with offensive discharge, Pains shooting through the eyeball and around the...

        A.VOGEL - Veg Omega 3 - 30 Capsules

        Support brain function & health with Vegan Omega 3  100% vegetarian-friendly. Not derived from fish or other animal sources. Made from fresh plants. One of the smallest capsules on the market. Sugar-free, gluten-free and lactose-free. Our Vegan Omega 3 is a source of omega-3 fatty acids and Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) for the maintenance of good health. Directions of use Adults and adolescents 12 years and older: Maintenance of good health: 1 – 2 capsules daily To support brain and eye function: 3 - 4 capsules daily Maintenance of normal blood cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels: 3 - 4 capsules daily...

        ABSOLUTE ORGANIX’S - Cod Liver Oil 1000mg - 60 Softgels

        What is Cod Liver Oil? Cod liver oil is the oil extracted from the livers of Atlantic cod,Gadidae fish. It provides one of the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), as well as provides an additional source of vitamin A and D. Cod Liver Oil Provides Omega 3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids may assist with: Skin health Increased vitamin and mineral absorption Boosting immune systems Reducing inflammation which can assist with pain, tenderness, and stiffness which is linked to arthritis Supporting eye health Acting as a potent antioxidant Boosting cognitive performance Fat-soluble Vitamins A &...

        ABSOLUTE ORGANIX’S - Cod Liver Oil 500mg - 60 Softgels

        What is Cod Liver Oil? Cod liver oil is the oil extracted from the livers of Atlantic cod,Gadidae fish. It provides one of the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), as well as provides an additional source of vitamin A and D. Cod Liver Oil Provides Omega 3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids may assist with: Skin health Increased vitamin and mineral absorption Boosting immune systems Reducing inflammation which can assist with pain, tenderness, and stiffness which is linked to arthritis Supporting eye health Acting as a potent antioxidant Boosting cognitive performance Fat-soluble Vitamins A &...

        ABSOLUTE ORGANIX’S - Organic Cayenne Super Spices - 60 Veg Capsules

        Absolute Organix Cayenne Vegecaps has been developed to easily aid in good health and well being. We select only certified organic spices, and encapsulate them in vegan vegecaps, making it easy for you to enjoy the benefits of these spices which have been at the forefront of traditional healing throughout much of Asia, Africa and the Middle East for thousands of years. They remain just as valued worldwide today as medical research has not only confirmed their potency but is uncovering exciting new treatment and healing opportunities for a variety of conditions. Cayenne pepper is often referred to as the ‘miracle herb’ with an...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Ashwaganda 70g Powder

        Ashwagandha Root - Also Known As Indian Ginseng In The Ayurvedic System Of Medicine Is A Powerful Rejuvenating Herb, Adding To Life Longevity, It Is Also An Immensely Powerful Adaptogen Or Rasayana. Adaptogenic Reduces Levels Of Cortisol Aids In Mental Health Supports Nervous System, Gastrointestinal Tract And Cardiovascular Systems Immune Support Ashwagandha's First Appearance Is In The Sacred Texts: The Charaka And The Sushruta Samhitas, In Fact Ashwagandha Can Be Traced Back Directly To Atreya Punarvasu The Esteemed Sage Whose Teachings Founded The Six Schools Of Ayurveda. Ashwagandha Translates To “The Smell Of A Horse” Referring To Its Pungent Odour....

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Brahmi 60-70g Powder

        Brahmi (Northern) Is One Of The Oldest Traditional Ayurvedic Medicines In India. Historically Its Use Can Be Traced Back More Than 3000 Years, With References Linking It To Ancient Holy Texts Like The Charaka Samhita, Atharva-Veda And Susrut-Samhita. Improves Memory Aids In Cognition Regulates Mood Nervine Stimulant May Aid In The Treatment Of Mental Conditions Such As ADHD And Anxiety In Ayurveda Brahmi Is Classified As A Medhyarasayana, A Drug Used To Improve Memory And Intellect Thus Substantiating Its Common Name Which Is Derived From The Word/ Name Brahma- Who Is The Creator Of The Universe, And Is Also Associated...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Camu Camu 60-70g Powder

        This Revered Amazonian Fruit Has Only Recently Become Famous Throughout The World Because Of Its Very High Vitamin C Content, However The Berries Of The Camu Camu Tree Have Been Used By Traditional Amazonian Indians For Hundreds Of Years. High In Vitamin C: Immune, Collagen, Tissue Cells, Aids In Relieving Pain Treats Infections High In Antioxidants Liver Health The Main Habitat Of The Camu Camu Shrub Is On The Border Of Peru And Brazil, Where It Thrives In The Swampy Floodplains Of The Amazonian Rainforest. Because This Shrub Grows Over Rivers And Waterways It Is An Ideal Fruit For Fish,...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Cancerbush 70g Powder

        Cancerbush (Formerly Sutherlandia Frutescens) Is A Much-Respected And Long-Used Medicinal Plant In South Africa, Perhaps Even Our Most Significant Indigenous Medicine. Adaptogen/ Tonic Depression/ Anxiety Immune Boosting (Recent Studies Into Treatment And Adjuvant Properties For HIV/Aids And Cancer) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Kidney Infections  Classified As The Only True Indigenous Tonic Or Adaptogen Of South Africa, This Amazing Plant Deserves Higher Recognition In The World Due To Its Long List Of Medicinal Benefits. Cancerbush Has Enjoyed A Long History Of Use By All Cultures In Southern Africa, Including The Tswana, Xhosa, Sotho, And The Zulu - Who Called It Insiswa (The...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Chaga - 30ml Extract

        The Inconspicuous Chaga Mushroom Until Recently Lived In Relative Obscurity To Most Of The World However This Fungus Has Been Used For Centuries By Many Indigenous Tribes In The Northern Hemisphere. Anti-Inflammatory And Antibacterial Immunomodulation Aids In Treatment Of Cancers Extremely High In Antioxidants Adaptogenic Much Of The Ancient Knowledge We Have Of Chaga Comes From The Khanty People Of Western Siberia, As Well As The First Nations Of The Americas. Cree Healers Call It Wiskakecakomikih After The Mythological Character Who Threw A Chunk Of Chaga He Mistook For A Piece Of Dried Meat Against A Birch Tree - He...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Eleuthero 30ml

        One Of The Most Valued And Extensively Used Medicines In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Eleuthero Is A Superb Tonic Root Which Aids In Promoting Balance In The Body, As Well As Prevent And Treat Different Ailments.  Adaptogenic Increases Physical Strength And Endurance Focuses The Mind Neuroprotective Endocrine Supporter In The 16th Century, Li Shih-Chen, A Pharmacologist And Physician Wrote A 52-Volume Manuscript Documenting Over 10,000 Substances Used To Support Health. But There Was One Herb That Stood Out To Him. When It Came To The Herb Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) He Said, “I Would Rather Take A Handful Of Eleuthero Than A...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Eleuthero 70g Powder

        One Of The Most Valued And Extensively Used Medicines In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Eleuthero Is A Superb Tonic Root Which Aids In Promoting Balance In The Body, As Well As Prevent And Treat Different Ailments.  Adaptogenic Increases Physical Strength And Endurance Focuses The Mind Neuroprotective Endocrine Supporter In The 16Th Century, Li Shih-Chen, A Pharmacologist And Physician Wrote A 52-Volume Manuscript Documenting Over 10,000 Substances Used To Support Health. But There Was One Herb That Stood Out To Him. When It Came To The Herb Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) He Said, “I Would Rather Take A Handful Of Eleuthero Than A...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Pine Needle 30ml Extract

        The Aroma That Wafts Off These Magnificent Evergreens Evokes A Sense Of Awe And Nostalgia As You Stroll Through A Pine Forest. Not Only Are These Needles Great For Smelling But They Are Additionally Containing Immense Healing Capabilities. Immune Stimulation Anti-Inflammatory Supports The Respiratory System Anti-Viral, Bacterial And Fungal Aids In The Natural Process Of Detoxification Pine Trees Are Defined By Their Clusters Of Needles, Called Fascicles, With An Attached Pine Cone. There Is Little That Sparks Intrigue As Much As Staring Into An Expansive Pine Forest, Seeing Rows And Rows Of These Custodians. Known For Their Extensive Forests, The...

        AETHER HERBALIST & APOTHECARY - Pine Pollen 70g Powder

        Imagine, The Tiniest Speck Of Pine Pollen, Floating In The Air After Leaving The Pine Tree, Containing Each And Every Fundamental Phytochemical And Nutrient Necessary To Grow A New Pine Tree, Which Can Grow 100 Feet Tall And Live For A Hundred Years. Now Imagine That Very Same Piece Of Pollen, Joined By Thousands Of Others Being Ingested By You And The Wonders It Can Do For Your Body. Tonic Herb: Nourishes All Major Organs Of The Body Antioxidant Improves Immune Functioning Anti-Inflammatory Rejuvenates Endocrine Support  The Medicinal Use Of Pine Pollen Dates Back Over 1500 Years To China, With...