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        GREEN PHARM - Plantain No133 - 50ml

        Treatment of cough, phlegm in the lungs, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Helps purify blood. Beneficial for kidneys, treating eczema and herpes and diarrhoea.  May be used for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Beneficial in the treatment of thrombosis. For congestion of mucous of the middle ear, glue ear and infections of the ear. Useful in skin conditions and in ointments for treating hemorrhoids.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Plantain No133 - 100ml

        Treatment of cough, phlegm in the lungs, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Helps purify blood. Beneficial for kidneys, treating eczema and herpes and diarrhoea.  May be used for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Beneficial in the treatment of thrombosis. For congestion of mucous of the middle ear, glue ear and infections of the ear. Useful in skin conditions and in ointments for treating hemorrhoids.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Oats No128 - 50ml

        For stress and nervous exhaustion. May be helpful for recurring cold and flu. Lowers cholesterol. Combats arthritic joint inflammation and high uric acid levels.  May also assist with an under active thyroid.   Warning: May trigger gluten sensitivity

        GREEN PHARM - Horehound No112 - 50ml

        Combats bronchitis and whooping cough. Stimulates digestion and improves poor appetite. Increases liver functioning.  Marrubiin may assist in normalizing an irregular heartbeat.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Green Tea No109 - 100ml

        Immune booster.  May ease chronic cough and cold.  May reduce blood cholesterol levels.  Acts as general tonic.  Useful in treatment of stomach ulcers.  Assist the digestive system.  Nerve tonic.  Eases of asthma attach.  Protection against cell degeneration.  Protects the liver and helps in managing diabetes.  Powerful anti-oxidant.  Assist for radiant, firm skin.  Can assist in weight management.   Precautions: Warning:  May interfere with blood thinning medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Green Tea No109 - 50ml

        Immune booster.  May ease chronic cough and cold.  May reduce blood cholesterol levels.  Acts as general tonic.  Useful in treatment of stomach ulcers.  Assist the digestive system.  Nerve tonic.  Eases of asthma attach.  Protection against cell degeneration.  Protects the liver and helps in managing diabetes.  Powerful anti-oxidant.  Assist for radiant, firm skin.  Can assist in weight management.   Precautions: Warning:  May interfere with blood thinning medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Ginseng No106 - 50ml

        General tonic.  Stimulates nervous and immune system.  Increases general stamina and strength.  May be useful for conditions such as hypertension, hypotention and neurosis. May act as an aphrodisiac.  Beneficial in the treatment of irregular hormonal secretion.  Protects against the effects of radiation exposure.  May lower blood sugar.  May be beneficial in treating irritability, insomnia and mild depression. Precautions: Warning:  Do not use in conjunction with anti-depressants or stimulants including caffeine.  May interfere with cardiac medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Ginkgo Biloba No105 - 50ml

        This herb is known for its mind-restoring abilities, provides mental energy, improves brain health and circulation and oxygen to the brain.  May also alleviate memory-loss.  May be helpful for Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's.  May help to lower high blood-pressure and may assist in alleviating artero-sclerosis and diabetes in the elderly.  May be used for asthmatic disorders.  Anti-inflammatory and helpful in auto-immune ailments.  May assist severe tinitis, extreme vertigo and irregular heartbeat. Precautions: Warning:  Do not use in conjunction with anti-coagulant drugs.  

        GREEN PHARM - Ginger No104 - 50ml

        Improves digestion and reduces flatulence and colic. Alleviates motion sickness and nausea.  Anti-oxidant and useful for circulatory problems.  Excellent for ulcers and also increases peristalsis and the secretion of bile and gastric juices.  Cholesterol-lowering.  As gargle - helps with sore throat. Precautions: Warning:  should not be taken by people with inflammatory skin conditions, ulcers of the digestive tract or high fever.  

        GREEN PHARM - Feverfew No102 - 50ml

        Most famous herb for treating headaches and migraine.  May help alleviate vertigo, dizziness and tinnitus. Reduces symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism. Relieves painful periods and sluggish menstrual flow. May expel worms. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. Possible side effects include mouth ulcers, abdominal pain, digestive upsets and skin rashes.

        GREEN PHARM - Fenugreek No101 - 100ml

        Seeds are mainly used to treat loss of appetite, anorexia and to reduce blood sugar levels in type 1 and 2 diabetes. Lowers serum cholesterol, triglyside and low density lipoprotein. Soothes disturbed digestion. Combats impotence and period and menopause problems. Reduces fevers, detoxifies, dispels bad breath and body odor. May alleviate bronchitis. Stimulates the development of the breasts and increased milk flow. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used when pregnant. Please don't use during hypoglycemic treatment. 

        GREEN PHARM - Fenugreek No101 - 50ml

        Seeds are mainly used to treat loss of appetite, anorexia and to reduce blood sugar levels in type 1 and 2 diabetes. Lowers serum cholesterol, triglyside and low density lipoprotein. Soothes disturbed digestion. Combats impotence and period and menopause problems. Reduces fevers, detoxifies, dispels bad breath and body odor. May alleviate bronchitis. Stimulates the development of the breasts and increased milk flow. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used when pregnant. Please don't use during hypoglycemic treatment. 

        GREEN PHARM - Europe Wormwood No98 - 50ml

        Stimulates appetite and combats gastritis and gall bladder complaints. Has antimicrobial properties, may rid children of threadworm. Combined in no. 37 ParasiteKILL tincture in this range. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. High dosages may lead to thujone poisoning that causes delirium, hallucinations and seizures.

        GREEN PHARM - Elderberry No97 - 50ml

        Combats cold, flu and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and hay fever.  Diuretic, laxative, mild anti-inflammatory and antiviral. High Vitamin C content.

        GREEN PHARM - Echinacea No96 - 50ml

        Alleviates larynchitis, tonsillitus, catarrh and sinusitus. For cough, headaches, stomach aches and swollen glands. Purifies blood. may boost white blood cell production. High source of iron, copper and cobalt. May improve digestion, regulates colonic bacteria and fights bacterial microbial infections. Precautions: Warning: May trigger Asthma attacts if used in large quantities. Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.  

        GREEN PHARM - Cayenne No89 - 50ml

        Rich in Vitamin C and B-Vitamins. It relieves constipation, headaches and fever and sinus congestion. Assists in the production of mucous which protects the stomach lining. Actively works to heal stomach ulcers. Increases blood flow throughout the body. May alleviate high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, restless leg syndrome and varicose veins. Promotes healthy peristaltic activity in the intestines.