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        NATURA - Tonsilla - 150 Tablets

        A homoeopathic medicine to assist with relief from a sore throat with sore, swollen tonsils and difficulty swallowing.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine Each 250mg tablet contains: Ammonium bromatum D6 Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) D6 Calcarea iodata D6 Echinacea angustifolia D6 Hepar sulphuris calcareum D6 Lachesis mutus D6 Mentholum D6 Mercurius cyanatus D6 Contains sugar: lactose 240 mg. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Dissolve 2 tablets in the mouth 3 times daily. May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. Reduce dosage with improvement of symptoms. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane...

        NATURA - Sinfrontal - 150 Tablets

        Homeopathic support to help relieve sneezing, runny nose and painful sinuses.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each tablet contains: Chininum arsenicosum D6 Ferrum phosphoricum D6 lactose 240 mg Mercurius solubilis D6 Mercurius sulphuratus ruber (Cinnabaris) D6 PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Dissolve 2 tablets in the mouth 3 times daily. May be taken hourly in acute cases while symptoms are severe. Reduce dosage with improvement of symptoms. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in the mouth for a short period and for the mouth...

        NATURA - Pentagen - 50ml Drops

        A herbal-homoeopathic medicine with Pelargonium to target the 5 main areas of colds, flu and upper respiratory tract infections: – blocked & runny nose – painful sinuses – sore throat & tonsillitis – cough – body ache, mild fever and fatigue.   Ingredients: Herbal-Homoeopathic complementary medicine.: Each 100 ml liquid contains: Pelargonium sidoides radix (1:10) 80.0 g Ferrum phosphoricum 6CH Hydrastis canadensis 6CH Kalium bichromicum 6CH Mercurius solubilis 6CH Natrium muriaticum 6CH Polygala senega 3CH Pulsatilla vulgaris 30CH Sambucus nigra 6CH Preservatives: 42% Glycerol, 15% Alcohol. Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Adults over 12 years: Take 30...

        NATURA - Gripless 1 - 25ml Drops

        May assist in relief from cold and flu symptoms at onset. Homoeopathic remedies in this formulation address mild fever, body pain, mild headache, cough, excess mucus and tiredness. Does not cause drowsiness. Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Aconitum napellus Spag D3 Antimonium tartaricum D6 Atropa belladonna Spag D3 Bryonia alba Spag D10 Causticum D6 Eucalyptus globulus Spag D3 Eupatorium perfoliatumv Spag D3 Ferrum phosphoricum D10 Gelsemium sempervirens Spag D6 Glonoinum D6 Mercurius solubilis D10 Natrium nitricum D10 Preservative/Preserveermiddel: 20 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. May...

        NATURA - Combin Assist Coughs and Colds - 125 Tablets

        A combination of the vital tissue salts to assist in overcoming common symptoms associated with colds, gently nudging your body back to health.   Ingredients: A Biochemic Tissue Salt: Each tablet contains: Calc fluor D6 Calc sulph D6 Ferrum phos D6 Kali mur D6 Kali sulph D6 Mag phos D6 Nat mur D6 Contains sugar: Lactose 240 mg   Serving size/Dosage: Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be taken half hourly in acute conditions. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in...