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        CHINAHERB - Nervolax - 60 Tablets

        溫膽湯 / Wen Dan Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: anxiety and palpitations, brain fog, depression, panic attacks and mental disorder, tinnitus, withdrawal symptoms of quitting alcohol; coffee; drugs; smoking Nervolax comes from Chen Yan’s “Diseases of three causes and formula”, published in 1174 AD in the Song Dynasty. It has the effect of regulating Qi, resolving Phlegm, harmonizing Stomach and Gallbladder. It is indicated for the treatment of various symptoms which are caused by Phlegm and Heat in the Gallbladder and Phlegm Heat disturbing the mind. Symptoms can be easily frightened (panic attacks) due to Heart and Gallbladder weakness, restlessness and sleepless, night dreams; or nausea, vertigo, and epilepsy, white greasy tongue...

        CHINAHERB - Warm Menses - 240 Tablets

        Warm Menses (Wen Jing Tang) comes from“Essentials of the Golden Chamber” written by Zhang Zhongjing, a physician in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It has the effect of warming the Meridian and dispelling Cold, nourishing Blood and removing Blood Stasis. Warm Menses consists of 12 herbs, based on the group of warming and nourishing herbs, with a small amount of nourishing Yin and cooling blood herbs, so that the whole formula is warm but not dry. This formula is commonly used for Cold, Deficiency and Stagnation pattern of gynecology problems, with the symptoms of irregular and painful menstruation, cold and pain in lower abdomen, low menstrual flow, dark purple colored or blood clots, pale complexion, cold limbs,...

        CHINAHERB - Children’s Fever Formula - 50 Granules

        退热宝 / Tui Re Bao Treats the following symptoms: Tags: cold and flu, fever, muscle ache, sore throat, swollen glands, swollen tonsils Children’s Fever Formula is indicated for children’s relief of flu-associated with fever, sore throat, swollen tonsils and swollen glands. The formula is aimed at treating the Heat Pattern of the flu. Therefore, it is not suitable for the treatment of flu caused by a Cold Pattern associated with acute chill, possibly a raised temperature but no sweating, general muscle aches. FEVER Typical symptoms: cough, fever, sore throat, swollen glands, swollen tonsils Disease description: Fever is according to Chinese medicine an Exterior Wind-Heat Invasion with the symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, swollen tonsils, swollen glands as may...

        CHINAHERB - Wind Heat Cough - 60 Tablets

        Sang Ju Yin Treats the following symptoms: Tags: influenza with cough, prolonged cough after influenza attack Wind Heat Cough and Exterior Heat are both from “Analysis of Seasonal Febrile Diseases” by Wu Jutong in the Qing Dynasty. All are prescriptions aim to relieve the Exterior Syndrome with herbs that have a pungent flavour and cool nature. Exterior Heat is good at treating the swelling sore throat and fever in influenza, while the Wind Heat Cough is better at treating cough. The ancients called Wind Heat Cough “gentle formulation in pungent and cool herb” especially suitable for the treatment of newly infected flu, coughing due to attaching of Heat Evil and mild to moderate fever. It is said to be a...

        CHINAHERB - External Damp

        霍香正气水 / Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui Treats the following symptoms: Tags: diarrhoea and vomitting (acute), food poisoning, gastro-enteritis (either viral or bacterial), nausea and vomiting, summer flu External Damp was released from the Song Dynasty “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary”, which has a history of more than 1,000 years. It has the effect of expelling exterior Damp, regulating Qi and harmonizing the Stomach. External Cold leads to Damp, which disturbs Stomach and Intestine. It ismanifests as acute abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, bowel diarrhoea, or fever, chills, headache, chest fullness, greasy tongue coating, which is now called acute gastroenteritis or a gastrointestinal type cold or flu and can also be used for...

        CHINAHERB - Expel Wind - 60 Tablets

        川芎茶调散 / Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute sinusitis in a headache / chills / watery nasal discharge, chronic headache and migraine, hay fever Expel Wind is the main formulation for the treatment of headaches caused by exogenous Wind Evils. It is from the first Chinese patent prescription “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” disseminated by China in the Song Dynasty. It has been in clinical use for more than 900 years. Since the formulation contains pungent and warm herbs which have the effect of spreading and sweating, it is most suitable for those with Wind-Cold Evil and headache. Chinese medicine believes that humans correspond to nature and...

        CHINAHERB - Arouse Center Qi - 60 Tablets

        补中益气汤 / Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic diarrhoea, fatigue, HIV/AIDS, immune deficiency, low blood pressure (hypotension), prolapse of stomach; uterus and bladder or rectum Arouse Center Qi was made by Li Dongyuan during the Jin and Yuan dynasties 900 years ago. According to the Theory of Five Elements, the Spleen and Stomach (general term for digestive and absorption functions of the gastrointestinal tract) belong to the Earth among the Five Elements and the Lung belongs to the Metal. According to the Five-Theory of “Earth produce Metal“, as long as the function of the Spleen Earth is working, it will greatly help the function of the Lung Metal. According to “Earth can produce everything in the world“, the functions of all organs of the body...

        CHINAHERB - Xanthium Tea - 60 Tablets

        Cang Er Zi Yin Treats the following symptoms: Tag: acute sinusitis with acute onset stuffy+ blocked nose+ thick or thick yellow nasal discharge Xanthium Tea is from “Prescriptions for Saving-Life” written by Yan Yonghe of the Song Dynasty 1253 AD. This formulation expels Wind-Heat, cleans the nasal cavity and is used to treat acute sinusitis in Wind-Heat Patterns. Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of sinusitis is due to the exogenous Wind-Heat Evil, attacking the nose, and the Wind-Heat leads to congestion in sinuses. It can also be caused by exogenous Wind-Cold Evil, which turns into Heat because of Stagnation and then finally leads to congestion in sinuses. The clinical symptoms of Heat congestion in sinuses are acute...

        CHINAHERB - Tonic Defensive Qi - 60 Tablets

        玉屏风散 / Yu Ping Feng San Treats the following symptoms: Tag: immune deficiency Tonic Defensive Qi was created by Wei Yilin, a Chinese physician in the Yuan Dynasty, and is a classic formula for strengthening Qi and solidifying the resistance. Strengthening Qi refers to nourish Qi of the Lungs and Spleen. The Defensive Qi (resistance) is controlled by the Lungs. Lung Qi is produced by the Spleen, with a strong Qi of the Spleen, the Qi of Lungs are exuberant. The strong Qi of Lungs and Spleen make the body’s resistance strong and external Evils are inviolable. Modern medicine believes that Tonic Defensive Qi has the effects of immune enhancement, anti-fatigue and anti-allergy, and it is suitable for diseases characterized by fatigue, spontaneous sweat and aversion to Wind. Moreover, it can prevent colds, and it is especially suitable for patients...

        CHINAHERB - Shaoyang Form - 60 Tablets

        小柴胡汤 / Xiao Chai Hu Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: bile, chronic fatigue, cold and flu in a prolonged duration, hepatitis, liver function disorder, menstrual cold, menstrual fever, nausea and vomiting, one of the following symptoms: upset; sick; nausea / loss of appetite / fullness in the chest / bitter taste in the mouth / alternating attacks of chills and fever, unexplained fever Shaoyang Formula comes from “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” written by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in China and has been in clinical use for more than 1800 years. It is a well-known reconcile prescription for the treatment of Shaoyang Syndrome. The so-called Shaoyang syndrome is caused by Zheng Qi in the body...

        CHINAHERB - Ganoderma Spore Powder

        灵芝孢子胶囊 / Ling Zhi Treats the following symptoms: Tags: during and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, hepatic disorder, immune deficiency, tonic for kidney and lung About Ling Zhi Ling Zhi mushrooms have gained a reputation as the ultimate herbal medicine and has been used in China as traditional medicine for more than 4 000 years, making it one of the oldest mushrooms known to have been used in medicine. It has been regarded as a magical treasure that nourishes and strengthens the body’ Zheng Qi and fights against pathogenic factors.  It can be used as the supplement treatment of many diseases such as neurasthenia, hyperlipidaemia, altitude sickness, hepatitis, tracheitis, and mostly by supporting cancer treatment...

        CHINAHERB - Relieve Nasal Passages - 60 Tablets

        Yu Ping Cang Er Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tag: chronic sinusitis Relieve Nasal Passage is the basic treatment for chronic sinusitis and is a combination of Tonic Defensive Qi, which supplements Wei Qi, and Xanthium Tea, which clears the sinus Wind-Heat. Chinese medicine believes that sinusitis is congestion of Heat in the sinuses. If the body lacks Qi and is unable to get rid of Evil, it will become chronic sinusitis after a long delay. Therefore, the treatment of chronic sinusitis should not only clear away Dampness, Heat and Poison but also tonic Qi. SINUSITIS Typical symptoms: blocked nose, cough, fatigue, fever, headache, nasal discharge Disease description: Sinusitis is the swelling of the mucous membrane in the paranasal sinuses. Respiratory viruses causing the common cold or flu, can lead to...

        CHINAHERB - Nourish Blood - 60 Tablets

        归脾丸 / Gui Pi Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: anaemia, anxiety and palpitations, arrhythmia, blood in the stool, breathlessness on exertion, dizziness and vertigo, early menstruation, excessive uterine bleeding, fatigue, heavy menstruation, HIV/AIDS, immune deficiency, insomnia, loss of energy, neurasthenia, poor memory, purpura (blood or purple-coloured spots) Nourish Blood was first published in Yan Yonghe’s “Formulas for Benefiting Health” in the Song Dynasty and was completed in 1253 AD. Mainly treat anaemia, anxiety and palpitation, dizziness and vertigo, forgetfulness, depression, immune deficiency and insomnia which are caused by Heart and Spleen, Qi and Blood Deficiency Syndrome. It also treats blood in the stool, subcutaneous purpura, early menstruation, women with heavy menstruation, excessive uterine bleeding with lighter blood colour caused by Spleen Deficiency leading to inability to control Blood.   Although Nourish Blood is the...

        CHINAHERB - Exterior Heat - 60 Tablets

        银翘丸 / Yin Qiao Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute febrile diseases, acute tonsillitis, cold and flu, cough, dry mouth, fever, hay fever with itchy+red eyes, headache, infectious mononucleosis, measles, mumps, pneumonia, respiratory tract infections, rubella, sore throat, sweating, swollen tonsils, thirst Exterior Heat is from Wu Jutong’s “Analysis of Seasonal Febrile Diseases” in the Qing Dynasty and has a history of nearly two hundred years. The formulation uses the two methods of sweating and clearing Heat. It is called the “method of relieving the Exterior Syndrome with herbs pungent in flavour and cool in nature”. It is an important formulation for the treatment of Wind-Heat Pattern of common cold and influenza characterized by fever, headache, sore throat, dry mouth and cough. Modern pharmacological...

        CHINAHERB - Expel Lung Cold - 60 Tablets

        小青龙汤 / Xiao Qing Long Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute and chronic cough / bronchitis / asthma with clear or white phlegm or no phlegm and cold feeling in chest or back, symptoms become worse with cold and winter time Expel Lung Cold has the effect of relieving Cold and dispelling Cold by warming the Lungs. Qinglong, the mythical beast of the East, unified the four seas of water. The ancient Chinese medical sage Zhang Zhongjing named this prescription Xiao Qinglong just because of its meaning of treating water. Cold Evil inside the drinking water restrains Yang. This disease is similar to bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis in Western medicine. The ability of the Lungs, Spleen and Kidneys to lead the Huajin Fluid is weakened,...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Toxic Heat - 60 Tablets

        五味消毒饮 / Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute mastitis, boils, multiple abscesses, sore throat (red swollen and pus) Clear Toxic Heat is originated from “Golden Mirror of Medicine” edited by Wu Qian in the Qing Dynasty. Because this formulation is composed of five herbs, which has the effect of eliminating carbuncle and detoxification, it is named “Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin“. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to boils, erysipelas or acute febrile disease as “Toxic Heat” or “Toxic Fire“. The efficacy of this formulation is to clear away Heat and detoxification, dissipating boils and abscesses, and it is used to treat Toxic Fire Syndrome. “Golden Mirror of Medicine” records that...