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        CHINAHERB - Clear Lung Heat - 60 Tablets

        清气化痰丸 / Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan3   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cough / bronchitis / asthma in yellow phlegm, HIV/AIDS, lobar pneumonia, lung abscess, mycoplasma pneumonia, pneumonia, pulmonary infection Clear Lung Heat was released from the “Medical prescription research” edited by Wu Kun, a famous Chinese doctor in the Ming Dynasty. It was created for the treatment of Phlegm Heat accumulating in the Lungs, manifested as cough, chest tightness, thick and yellow sputum and other symptoms related dysfunction of Lungs. For more than 500 years, this recipe has been used in ancient China to treat Heat obstructive pulmonary disease. The Heat obstructive pulmonary disease is characterized by cough, thick and yellow or even bloody sputum....

        CHINAHERB - Broncho Formula - 60 Tablets

        哮喘方 / Xiao Chuan Fang Treats the following symptoms: Tag: chronic cough / bronchitis / asthma   Broncho Formula is a prescription for nourishing Lungs and relieving chronic cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. The problem of cough and asthma is in the Lungs, but it will inevitably damage the Lungs and Kidneys over a long period. Lung Deficiency will prolong the course of the disease. Deficiency of the Kidney will cause the failure of Kidney Qi to support Lung Qi and will aggravate the shortness of breath and wheezing. The formulation is based on nourishing Lung and Kidney, accompanied by clearing Large Intestine. The clearing Large Intestine is the ancient method of “taking away the firewood from under the...

        CHINAHERB - Four Gentlemen Formula - 60 Tablets

        Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic fatigue, gastric ulcer, immune compromised patient, loose stool, maldigestion, nausea and vomiting   四君子汤 / Si Jun Zi Tang Four Gentlemen Formula comes from “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” published by emperor’s pharmacy of the Song Dynasty in 1106 AD. It is the basic formula for Qi supplement. Qi is the basic driving force for life activities. “Gentlemen” means that the nature of the formula is tolerant and peaceful. It tonifies gentle, just like a gentleman who has impartiality, compromise and reconciliation. The composition of four herbs is named Four Gentlemen Formula. The Spleen and Stomach are the foundation of the Acquired Qi, and the Mizutani Essence digested from Spleen and Stomach is the source of Qi. Therefore, the role of Four Gentlemen Formula is...

        CHINAHERB - Cinnamon Formula - 60 Tablets

        Treats the following symptoms: Tags: allergic asthma, allergies, common cold with immune deficiency, easy sweating, easy to suffer from cold, fear of wind, hay fever, itchy skin rash, not getting better from cold, post nasal drip, urticaria, winter dermatitis 桂枝汤 / Gui Zhi Tang Cinnamon Formula was recorded in “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” published 1900 years ago. Chinese Medicine believes that the harmonization of the Ying and Wei Qi is the basis of the body’s resistance to exogenous pathogen Evil. “Ying” is a substance that nourishes Wei Qi, which belongs to Yin; “Wei Qi” refers to the Defence Qi of the body’s surface to resist the invasion of external Evils and belongs to Yang. Wei Qi depends on the nourishment of Ying; Ying depends on the warmth and promotion of Qi. If the Ying and the Wei Qi do not reconcile, it will cause various...