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        GREEN PHARM - LupusCARE No32 - 100ml

        Chamomile helps calm nervous point receptors. Feverfew combats pain and sedates pain receptors. Nettle is rich in Vitamins and Minerals that tones skin cells. Nettle is highly effective against childhood eczema. Precautions: Warning: Nettle should not be used for more than 30 (thirty) days continuously as it may cause skin irritations and rash.

        GREEN PHARM - LupusCARE No32 - 50ml

        Chamomile helps calm nervous point receptors. Feverfew combats pain and sedates pain receptors. Nettle is rich in Vitamins and Minerals that tones skin cells. Nettle is highly effective against childhood eczema. Precautions: Warning: Nettle should not be used for more than 30 (thirty) days continuously as it may cause skin irritations and rash.

        GREEN PHARM - LiverCARE No31 - 100ml

        Supporting herbs include Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Root. Dandelion helps the liver repair itself and clean itself from toxins. Liquorice root combats inflammation in the liver.  Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Liquorice root should not be taken when using high blood pressure medication

        GREEN PHARM - LiverCARE No31 - 50ml

        Supporting herbs include Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Root. Dandelion helps the liver repair itself and clean itself from toxins. Liquorice root combats inflammation in the liver.  Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Liquorice root should not be taken when using high blood pressure medication

        GREEN PHARM - LibideoFEMME No30 - 50ml

        Ginseng improves endurance, oxygen, immune competence and stress resistance and counteracts fatigue. Sarsaparilla is used in Mexico as a tonic and aphrodisiac. Lavender is a calming herb with lipophilic monoterpenes to interact with biomembranes and modify the activity of ion channels, transporters and receptors. Skullcap widens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Skullcap also balances chemical processes in the body. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - KeratinAID No29 - 50ml

        Bladderwrack restores depleted minerals by helping the body to absorp more minerals. Fenugreek assists in cases of skin inflammations. Burdock is used for eczema, psoriasis, acne, itching and skin infections. Dandelion is rich in Magnesium, a natural anti-inflammatory.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Dandelion has diuretic effects. Do not exceed continuous use longer than 30 (thirty) days.  

        GREEN PHARM - InflamedPROSTATE No28 - 100ml

        African potato assists the body with prostate hypertrophy. Saw palmetto is used to treat urination problems associated with an enlarged prostate gland and has anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea contains tannins and their phenolic compounds has great diuretic effects. Billberry assists with circulation and has high Vitamin C quantities. Precautions: Warning: Buchu and Nettle may cause skin irritation when used in large dosages. Nettle has diuretic effects.

        GREEN PHARM - Incontinence No27 - 50ml

        Horsetail helps with inflammation in the lower urinary tract, kidney gravel and post-traumatic and static oedema. Barberry has a high berberine content which assists with kidneys and urinary tract amongst being an excellent anti-inflammatory. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use continuously longer than 30 (thirty) days at a time

        GREEN PHARM - ImmuneBOOST No26 - 100ml

        Echinacea is a natural antibiotic and boosts the immune system. Yarrow is anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Golden rod is widely used to treat coughs, influenza and bronchitis. Myrrh relieves nasal congestion and cough and is a broad spectrum immune system booster. Precautions: Warning: Echinacea may trigger reaction with Asthma sufferers. Not to be taken longer than 30 (thirty) days. Golden rod may cause allergic reactions. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.  

        GREEN PHARM - ImmuneBOOST No26 - 50ml

        Echinacea is a natural antibiotic and boosts the immune system. Yarrow is anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Golden rod is widely used to treat coughs, influenza and bronchitis. Myrrh relieves nasal congestion and cough and is a broad spectrum immune system booster. Precautions: Warning: Echinacea may trigger reaction with Asthma sufferers. Not to be taken longer than 30 (thirty) days. Golden rod may cause allergic reactions. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.  

        GREEN PHARM - HormoBALANCE No25 - 100ml

        Angelica alleviates cramps and muscle tension. Jasmine normalises hormonal imbalances. Lavender calms down nervous system pains. Bladderwrack assists with mineral uptake and helps restore hormonal levels. Black cohosh may be beneficial towards premenstrual and menopausal problems. A blend of 14 (fourteen) different herbs. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Not to be taken longer than 10 (ten) days at a time. Angelica may provoke photosensitivity reactions. Avoid exposure to strong UV radiation. High dosages may interfere with anticoagulant drugs.

        GREEN PHARM - HormoBALANCE No25 - 50ml

        Angelica alleviates cramps and muscle tension. Jasmine normalises hormonal imbalances. Lavender calms down nervous system pains. Bladderwrack assists with mineral uptake and helps restore hormonal levels. Black cohosh may be beneficial towards premenstrual and menopausal problems. A blend of 14 (fourteen) different herbs. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Not to be taken longer than 10 (ten) days at a time. Angelica may provoke photosensitivity reactions. Avoid exposure to strong UV radiation. High dosages may interfere with anticoagulant drugs.

        GREEN PHARM - HayfeverSUPPORT No24 - 50ml

        Marshmallow root lubricates mucous membranes and inner linings of the respiratory tract and alleviate inflammation. Peppermint has strong antimicrobial properties and assists the body in calming mucosal inflammation and breaks down catarrh in the respiratory tract. Cancerbush acts as an adaptogen for inflammation caused by pollen in the air. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Avoid using longer than 60 (sixty) days as Stinging nettle may cause skin irritations and rash.

        GREEN PHARM - GallbladderSUPPORT No23 - 50ml

        Use in conjunction with Black walnut 82 and a controlled Gallbladder diet. Golden seal assists the body with severe inflammation. Peppermint speeds upcirculation of the bile duct in the Gallbladder. Myrrh is an astringent antipyretic with strong anti-inflammatory properties. Supporting herbs are Bearberry and Dandelion. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Myrrh should not be taken when on medication for heart conditions or diabetes. Consult a Healthcare Practitioner.

        GREENPHARM - FluCARE No22 - 50ml

        Support for cold and flu. Use with 26 ImmuneBOOST and 18 CoughEASE and FeverCARE Echinacea is considered a natural antibiotic with anti-viral properties. It also boosts the Immune System. Feverfew combats fever and pain while Ginseng increases oxygen to the blood, immune competence and stress resistance.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Echinacea may trigger Asthma attacks in Asthma sufferers.

        GREENPHARM - Fattastic No21 - 100ml

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