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        GREEN PHARM - UnderTHYROID No48 - 50ml

        For an underactive Thyroid. Bladderwrack stimulates the Thyroid gland and helps with mineral absoprption.   Precautions: Warning: not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation

        GREEN PHARM - TraumaCARE No47 - 100ml

        Passion flower assists in calming the body's neuro-receptors. Complimentary herbs include Hops and Valerian.

        GREEN PHARM - TraumaCARE No47 - 50ml

        Passion flower assists in calming the body's neuro-receptors. Complimentary herbs include Hops and Valerian.

        GREEN PHARM - Tonicum No46 - 50ml

        27 Different herbs combined with Ginseng to help increase more oxygen to the body. Bitter tonic togrther with Sweden Bitters.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - LungCLEANSE No45 - 50ml

        Assists deep lung and bronchial cleansing. L-argenine in Green tea calmes the nervous system. Mullein is a well-known expectorant. Indian tobacco acts as a respiratory stimulant and cough treatment. It is also valued in limiting craving for sigarettes. Lobeline in Indian tobacco activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (similar to nicotine) that targets the central nervous system. Supportive herbs include, Valerian, St John's wort and Passion flower.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.  

        GREEN PHARM - SinusitusCARE No44 - 50ml

        Support in cases of sinusitis.  Peppermint, echinacea, marshmallow root and golden rod makes a powerful combination to combat viruses and bacteria responsible for sinusitis.   Precautions: Warning:  not to be used continuously for more than 30 days.  Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Rhiniteo No42 - 50ml

        Peppermint has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.  Marshmallow root lubricates dry mucous membranes.  Nettle acts as an anti-inflammatory aid and Cancer bush builds up immune response, also adding valuable minerals to the body.

        GREEN PHARM - Regulateo No41 - 50ml

        Support in cases of constipation and flatulence.  Ginger aids gastric secretion, assisting dyspepsia, colic and flatulence.  Parsley adds flexible membranes due to its valuable vitamin C content.  supporting herbs include Peppermint and Anise.   Precautions: Warning:  not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation

        GREEN PHARM - PsoriCARE No40 - 50ml

        Red clover helps purify blood, assisting skin cleansing from inside.  Especially helpful for children with eczema.  Nettle leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals which is a substantial part of a healthy skin.  Willow bark is used globally in commercial skincare products.  Dandelion is rich in magnesium, which combats skin inflammation.   Precautions: Warning:  not to be used during pregnancy or lactation

        GREEN PHARM - ParasiteKILL No37 - 50ml

        Support for getting rid of bad parasites. A powerful combination of African wormwood, Europe wormwood and Chinese wormwood combined with Black walnut. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation

        GREEN PHARM - OverTHYROID No36 - 100ml

        Support for hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).  Yarrow, Barberry, Black cohosh, Parsley, Nettle and Valerian balances the thyroid gland. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use together with other sedatives.

        GREEN PHARM - OverTHYROID No36 - 50ml

        Support for hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).  Yarrow, Barberry, Black cohosh, Parsley, Nettle and Valerian balances the thyroid gland. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use together with other sedatives.

        GREEN PHARM - MultipleSclerosis No35 - 50ml

        A chronic disease of the nervous system because the Myelin sheaths surrounding nerves in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. Symptoms include unsteady gait and shaky movements of the limbs. Ginkgo biloba stimulates cerebral circulation and oxygenation of cells. L-argenine in Green tea sooths the frailed nerves. Turmeric combats inflammation, is an anti-oxidative and lubricates nervous sheets. Alfalfa supports Vitamin K to cells. 

        GREEN PHARM - MediSKIN No34 - 100ml

        Ginkgo biloba improves circulation of blood and oxygen to the skin. Sarsaparilla's steriodal saponins are used as starting materials for the synthesis of cortisone and other steroids. Burdock assists in combating various skin compaints while Calendula  eases dry skin and eczema. Centella accelerates healing after surgery to prevent the formation of scar tissue. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use longer than six months continually.

        GREEN PHARM - MediSKIN No34 - 50ml

        Ginkgo biloba improves circulation of blood and oxygen to the skin. Sarsaparilla's steriodal saponins are used as starting materials for the synthesis of cortisone and other steroids. Burdock assists in combating various skin compaints while Calendula  eases dry skin and eczema. Centella accelerates healing after surgery to prevent the formation of scar tissue. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Do not use longer than six months continually.

        GREEN PHARM - LymphEASE No33 - 100ml

        Barberry is used for liver ailments and disorders of the kidneys. Both organs help rid the body of toxins that clutter the lymphatic system. Protobarberine alkoloids in Barberry intercalate DNA and inhibits various enzymes and neuroreceptors. These alkaloids show broad anti-bacterial, anti-fungal amoebicidal and cytotoxic activities. Ginger speeds up circulation in the lymph nodes and Dandelion assists the liver in getting rid of bad toxins, supporting the lymphatic system. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. Not to be used continuously for more than 30 (thirty) days.