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        CHINAHERB - Diabetic Herbs - 60 Tablets

        消渴片 / Xiao Ke Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: diabetes, dry mouth, elevated blood glucose, frequent urination, hunger, thirst Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of diabetes is due to improper diet and emotional depression, which leads to Lung and Kidney Yin Deficiency, Spleen and Stomach Heat. The role of Diabetic Herbs is not to directly lower blood sugar like western medication, but to nourish the Yin of the Lungs and Kidneys, clear the Heat and improve the metabolic function of the body to lower blood sugar. This formula can be used for complementary treatment of beginning diabetes. It is not a substitute for insulin therapy.     DIABETES (NON-INSULIN-DEPENDENT DIABETES) Typical symptoms: diabetes, dry mouth, fatigue, loss of energy, thirst, wound or ulcer healing slowly...

        CHINAHERB - Arouse Center Qi - 60 Tablets

        补中益气汤 / Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic diarrhoea, fatigue, HIV/AIDS, immune deficiency, low blood pressure (hypotension), prolapse of stomach; uterus and bladder or rectum Arouse Center Qi was made by Li Dongyuan during the Jin and Yuan dynasties 900 years ago. According to the Theory of Five Elements, the Spleen and Stomach (general term for digestive and absorption functions of the gastrointestinal tract) belong to the Earth among the Five Elements and the Lung belongs to the Metal. According to the Five-Theory of “Earth produce Metal“, as long as the function of the Spleen Earth is working, it will greatly help the function of the Lung Metal. According to “Earth can produce everything in the world“, the functions of all organs of the body...

        CHINAHERB - Tonic for Men and Women - 60 Tablets

        Qi Wei Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: clear urine, impotence, lassitude and a cold feeling in the lower back and knees, low libido, sperm problems in male Decreased sexual function, impotence and premature ejaculation are the manifestations of Kidney Qi and Yang Deficiency. Tonic for Men and Women‘s main action is to nourish Kidney Qi and warm Yang. Since Yang depends on nourishment of Yin and Essence, the formulation is also based on the theory of “seeking Yang from Yin” and it is supplemented with nourishing Yin essence herbs. So, the source of Yang Qi is endless. The formula is for the help of low libido, impotence and premature ejaculation of Kidney Qi and Kidney Yang Deficiency. If impotence is accompanied...

        CHINAHERB - Purge Heat - 60 Tablets

        龙胆泻肝片 / Long Dan Xie Gan Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acne with infection, bile, conjunctival congestion, dermatitis, early menstruation, eczema and dermatitis, eye infection, heavy menstruation, herpes, HIV/AIDS, itching, pain and bulging of ear, sexual transmitted disease, shingles, sudden loss of hearing, swelling vulvae, tinnitus, turbid and smelly urine, vaginal discharge (yellowish fetid), vaginal itching Purge Heat, from the Song Dynasty “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary”, is an important formulation for clearing away Liver Fire and Damp-Heat from Liver and Gallbladder. Liver and Gallbladder Damp–Heat refers to the syndrome mostly caused by Dampness and Heat Evil; overfeeding fat, or Spleen and Stomach dysfunction leading to Dampness collection. According to the Five Elements Theory, the Spleen belongs to the Earth, the Liver belongs to the Wood and congested Dampness of Spleen (Earth) insulting the Liver (Wood) is leading to Damp–Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder. Liver and Gallbladder Damp–Heat is manifested either as inflammation of Liver and Gallbladder such as headache, red eyes, pain or uncomfortable in the flank, bitter taste in...

        CHINAHERB - Nourish Blood - 60 Tablets

        归脾丸 / Gui Pi Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: anaemia, anxiety and palpitations, arrhythmia, blood in the stool, breathlessness on exertion, dizziness and vertigo, early menstruation, excessive uterine bleeding, fatigue, heavy menstruation, HIV/AIDS, immune deficiency, insomnia, loss of energy, neurasthenia, poor memory, purpura (blood or purple-coloured spots) Nourish Blood was first published in Yan Yonghe’s “Formulas for Benefiting Health” in the Song Dynasty and was completed in 1253 AD. Mainly treat anaemia, anxiety and palpitation, dizziness and vertigo, forgetfulness, depression, immune deficiency and insomnia which are caused by Heart and Spleen, Qi and Blood Deficiency Syndrome. It also treats blood in the stool, subcutaneous purpura, early menstruation, women with heavy menstruation, excessive uterine bleeding with lighter blood colour caused by Spleen Deficiency leading to inability to control Blood.   Although Nourish Blood is the...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Urinary Heat - 60 Tablets

        八正散 / Ba Zheng San   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: blood-stained urine, cystitis with burning sensation as urine is passed, urinary tract infection (burning + dark-coloured + frequent + urgent + strong-smelling) Clear Urinary Heat comes from the first Chinese patent prescription “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” spread by the state in the Song Dynasty. It is indicated for the treatment of Lin Syndrome of Damp-Heat Pattern, caused by Damp-Heat in the Bladder. The formulation is composed of a group of cold nature and diuretic and laxative herbs, which are used simultaneously, so that the formula can work straight in the Bladder for Heat detoxification. At the same time, it facilitates the Large Intestine and eliminates turbidity Heat from defecation. The...