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        GREEN PHARM - Turmeric No146 - 50ml

        Anti-inflammatory May enhance bone and joint health. May help prevent hardening of arteries in people suffering from diabetes. Helps combat cell degeneration. Nay help stop cholesterol from forming gall stones. Beneficial in the overall fight against Alzheimer's disease.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or with people having congestive heart disease.

        GREEN PHARM - Fenugreek No101 - 100ml

        Seeds are mainly used to treat loss of appetite, anorexia and to reduce blood sugar levels in type 1 and 2 diabetes. Lowers serum cholesterol, triglyside and low density lipoprotein. Soothes disturbed digestion. Combats impotence and period and menopause problems. Reduces fevers, detoxifies, dispels bad breath and body odor. May alleviate bronchitis. Stimulates the development of the breasts and increased milk flow. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used when pregnant. Please don't use during hypoglycemic treatment. 

        GREEN PHARM - Fenugreek No101 - 50ml

        Seeds are mainly used to treat loss of appetite, anorexia and to reduce blood sugar levels in type 1 and 2 diabetes. Lowers serum cholesterol, triglyside and low density lipoprotein. Soothes disturbed digestion. Combats impotence and period and menopause problems. Reduces fevers, detoxifies, dispels bad breath and body odor. May alleviate bronchitis. Stimulates the development of the breasts and increased milk flow. Precautions: Warning: Not to be used when pregnant. Please don't use during hypoglycemic treatment. 

        GREEN PHARM - Cinnamon No93 - 50ml

        Alleviates indigestion, stomach cramps, intestinal spasms, nausea, flatulence, diarrhoea. Lowers blood cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels. It's anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and has got anti-clotting properties. Fights candida albicans and Helicobacter pylori. Also tested to inhibit the growth of cultured tumor cells. May be useful for type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. In short, it is a very strong antioxidant.

        GREEN PHARM - Alfalfa No72 - 50ml

        High in Vitamin K. Rich source of Vitamin A and C. Contains various minerals. Helps lower cholesterol concentration in the bloodstream because of high levels of manganese.  Precautions: Warning: Massive amounts of Alfalfa in the diet could result in symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or in reversible pancytopenia. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - GlucoseSUPPORT No64 - 100ml

        A combination with Australian cowplant (Gymnema sylvestre) to stabilize bloodsugar levels. Use in combination with 21 FatTASTIC as a slimming combination and to combat fatigue.    Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - GlucoseSUPPORT No64 - 50ml

        A combination with Australian cowplant (Gymnema sylvestre) to stabilize bloodsugar levels. Use in combination with 21 FatTASTIC as a slimming combination and to combat fatigue.    Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - AttentionDD No10 - 50ml

        Support for Attention Deficit Disorder and hyperactivity in children. Skullcap acts as a nerve tonic and sedative, balancing the endocrine system. Valerian is known for its calming effect. Fenugreek assists stabilizing bloodsugar levels. Contains other supporting herbs like Marshmallow root, Slippery elm and Black cohosh.

        GREEN PHARM - SugarTREAT No5 - 100ml

        SugarTREAT has been formulated with a multi-faceted approach to stabilising and normalising the body's blood sugar. the primary ingredient, Fenugreek, is well-known for its traditional use in late onset diabetes, high cholesterol and related problems like impotence and low libido. Cancerbush which contains, Pinitol - a well-known antidiabetic agent also aids the liver and general immune system with its strong adaptogenic & tonic effects.

        GREEN PHARM - SugarTREAT No5 - 50ml

        SugarTREAT has been formulated with a multi-faceted approach to stabilising and normalising the body's blood sugar. the primary ingredient, Fenugreek, is well-known for its traditional use in late onset diabetes, high cholesterol and related problems like impotence and low libido. Cancerbush which contains, Pinitol - a well-known antidiabetic agent also aids the liver and general immune system with its strong adaptogenic & tonic effects.

        PMR NUTRITION - BMI Assist - 90 Capsules

        BMI Assist is a unique formula with vitamins , minerals and herbs to naturally assist the adrenal glands for optimal functioning. The adrenals play a role in the regulation of blood sugar, weight loss, stress and fatigue reduction. BMI Assist is an advanced fat burner “Weight loss aid” Ingredients: Supplement Facts: Capsules contain Alpha Lipoic Acid, Cayenne Pepper, Garcinina Cambogia 60% HCL, Green Tea Extract, Guarana Extract, L-Carnitine Tartrate and Chromium Polynicotinate

        SOLGAR - Alpha-Lipoic Acid 200 mg – 50 Vegetable Capsules

        Solgar ® Alpha Lipoic Acid 200 mg is a fatty acid found naturally in the body. It is soluble in both water and lipid based tissues and is sometimes used with vitamins C and E. The body is capable of making a small amount of Alpha-Lipoic Acid on its own but levels increase rapidly by eating foods like green vegetables and potatoes, or by taking a supplement. Solgar ® Alpha Lipoic Acid 200 mg comes in a 1 vegetable capsule, for easy absorption, daily dose, helping you fight of damage caused by free radicals and topping up your levels of antioxidants in the body....

        SOLGAR - Green Tea Leaf Extract – 60 Vegetable Capsules

        Solgar ® Green Tea Leaf Extract contains green tea from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Green tea has been consumed in Asia, and in particular China, for thousands of years. Green, black and oolong tea all come from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Green tea however is made from leaves which have not been fermented, giving them the highest level of antioxidants. Some of these antioxidants include polyphenols and flavonoids. A special powdered blend of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid (PhytO2X ®) has been added to this formula to maintain the freshness of the ingredients. Solgar ® Green Tea Leaf Extract comes in a dosage of 1-2 vegetable...

        YOUR WELLBEING - Berberine HCL 95% 60 Capsules

        BERBERINE is usually found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark. It can cause a reduction in blood sugar levels. Berberine may lower cholesterol and may reduce the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, it is a powerful antioxidant and also has anti-inflammatory effects.Ingredients: Please see image.Directions for Use: Please see image.

        YOUR WELLBEING - Alpha Lipoic Acid 60 Capsules

        ALPHA LIPOIC ACID is a vitamin-like antioxidant. It is mainly used in the treatment of diabetes, but can also inhibit damage to mitochondrial DNA. ALA is a potent scavenger of free radicals. It may increase brain and muscle energy levels and assist muscle recovery after exercise. ALA may help to prevent damage to cell membranes.Ingredients: Please see image.Directions for Use: Please see image.

        NATTREND - Turmeric 200g

        Turmeric and its active compound, curcumin, have remarkable health advantages, although turmeric is known for its ability to make rice yellow, it can aid in several ailments with its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Each sachet of Turmeric contains 200g pure turmeric powder. 5 BENEFITS of Turmeric Natural Anti-Inflammatory Natural Anti-Oxidant May help prevent development of cancer cells Relieve arthritis Effective anti-depressant Benefits may be experienced after continuous use for a period not less than 30 days. Ingredients: 100% Organic Turmeric PowderDirections for Use: You can easily add turmeric powder to lattes, tea, soups or casseroles to boost your nutritional...