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        PEGASUS - Anti-Spasm 200c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for cramps and spasm including stomach cramps, baby colic, muscle cramps in the legs, restless legs and menstrual cramps. For spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome, this remedy taken in conjunction with the gastric plus 30C remedy can be helpful. In this case, alternate the dosing of the 2 remedies.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Aconitum napellus 200C Sudden onset of symptoms. Violent, painful and flatulent abdominal spasms. Anguish of mind and body, restlessness. Cactus grandiflora 30C Constrictive, spasmodic pain. Colocynthis 200C Severe abdominal spasm, causing patient to double up and apply pressure to the...

        PEGASUS - Anti-Virabac 200c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic ‘antibiotic’ for use in viral and bacterial infections, that is best implemented at the earliest stage of the infection. Safe for use in penicillin-allergic individuals. Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Baptisia tinctoria 30c Intense weakness, patient must lie down. Indescribable sick feeling, too sick to move. Heavy, aching muscles. Severe viral infection. Septic conditions. Belladonna 200C Rapid onset of symptoms; high, burning fever, headache, restlessness; internal coldness without thirst; skin hot and dry to the touch. Gunpowder 30c Localises the infection preventing deeper penetration into tissues. Mercurius corrosives 200c Helpful for corrosive discharges and glandular swellings....

        PEGASUS - Arthritis & Gout 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for acute inflammatory joint pain including arthritis, gout, sciatica and rheumatism.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Apium graveolens 6c Rheumatic pain. ‘Growing pains’. Bryonia 200c Joints red, swollen and hot. Knees stiff and painful, worsened by the least movement. Better for application of heat as well as pressure or binding up the joint. Weariness and heaviness in all limbs. Pins and needles in the soles hinder walking, with cracking in hip joints. Acute inflammation of toe joints. Capsicum 6c Shooting pains from hips to feet, joints are stiff, painful and ‘crack’ on beginning to...

        PEGASUS - Blue Box Kit

        THE BLUEBOX™ IS A MUST HAVE FOR EVERY HOME: It's simple and easy to use. Treats the whole family from infants to the elderly. Covers most of the common acute ailments that families are faced with. The kit is compact and travels well. Safe for use with other drugs Safe for babies as well as pregnant and breast-feeding mums. Readily taken by children, no alcohol, or nasty-tasting syrups Can’t overdose – even if a child swallows the contents of a bottle, it’s the same as one dose. Comes with comprehensive information booklet to guide you Quick response time with these...

        R 1,122.95 Read moreRead more

        PEGASUS - Bronchial Relief 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for acute chest conditions e.g. coughs, wheezing, tight chest, whooping cough, croup. For a very 'wet' or phlegmy cough, use muco drainol 30c instead. If a chest infection is suspected, add anti-virabac 200c. If using more than one remedy at a time, alternate dosing between the two remedies.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Antimonium tartaricum 200c Rattling of mucus giving rise to rapid, short breaths as if about to suffocate; loose cough with burning in chest. Bryonia 30c Dry hacking cough; patient holds chest, sides and head when coughing; sputum is rust in colour...

        PEGASUS - Calming 30c - 100 Pillules

        A general calmative that helps to take the edge off stressful situations, allowing one to focus and cope. This remedy is useful when giving speeches, writing exams or before performances and in hyperactivity. It may also be used for more severe anxiety e.g. panic attacks. This remedy is non-habit forming, won’t cause drowsiness and is safe for use in children.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Avena sativa 30c Calms the nervous system. Acts as a tonic for the debility of nervous exhaustion. Useful in alcoholic, tobacco and drug addiction where nervousness, sleeplessness and delirium tremens occur. Also...

        PEGASUS - Cold & Flu 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for typical head cold symptoms e.g. headache, thick stuffy head and nose, body aches, runny nose, fever etc. This remedy can safely be taken in conditions where regular cold & flu medication is contra-indicated e.g. high blood pressure.     Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Allium non dei. cepa 30c Copious, acrid watery nasal discharge which burns upper lip and nostrils; red, burning and watery eyes; sneezing; headache from congestion; raw throat with pain extending to ear; incessant hacking, tickling cough. Anas Barb 200c Anti-viral agent which boosts immunity against influenza. Belladonna 30c Sudden onset...

        PEGASUS - Constipation 6c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for acute constipation. It acts as a natural laxative with a gentle action. A useful remedy in treating constipation in children and for those who suffer from constipation when traveling away from home.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Alumina 4C Sluggish bowel movements, little desire to pass stool, when it does occur stool is hard & dry, itching & burning at anus, may bleed. Straining to pass stool, constipation of infants, the elderly & those with sedentary habits. Chelidonium majus 4C Constipation presenting with hard, round balls, may be yellow or clay colour. Constipation...

        PEGASUS - Cystitis 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for the typical symptoms of cystitis including a frequent urge to urinate, a burning sensation when urinating, pain in bladder area and discoloured urine. This remedy may also be helpful for incontinence and bed wetting.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Apis mellifica 30c Frequent, involuntary urination with a stinging, burning pain; urine may be scanty and highly coloured; urine may have a coffee-ground sediment; last drop seems to burn. Berberis vulgaris 30c Radiating pains in the bladder region; the sensation of some urine left behind; urine may contain mucous; urge to urinate frequently; the...

        PEGASUS - Gastric Plus 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for all aspects of abdominal discomfort including fullness, distension, bloating, flatulence, acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion. Many of the above symptoms may be precipitated by apprehension, fear and nervousness, which are also relieved by this remedy.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Anacardium orientale 30c General indigestion; belching, nausea and vomiting; weak digestion with fullness and distention; empty feeling in stomach with continual rumbling. Pain is better after eating and recurs 2-3 hours thereafter. Argentum nitricum 30c All symptoms of indigestion brought on by apprehension and anticipatory anxiety e.g. belching, wind, nausea, vomiting, burning stomach...

        PEGASUS - Hayfever 6c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for typical hay fever symptoms i.e. sneezing, itchy eyes, nose and palate, streaming, watery discharges from eyes and nose. This remedy will not cause drowsiness.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Allium cepa 6c Frequent sneezing with copious and watery, acrid nasal discharge; watery secretions from eyes: red, burning eyes. Arundo mauritanica 6c Itching of palate, eyes and in ear canals; itching in nostrils with sneezing; allergies from pollution. Histaminum 6c This remedy acts as a homeopathic antihistamine. Natrum muriaticum 6c Violent sneezing with watery discharge changing to nasal congestion and difficulty in breathing through...

        PEGASUS - Histamine Comp 30c - 100 Pillules

        This remedy is useful wherever a general antihistamine would be indicated e.g. non-specific skin rash, urticaria, general allergic reactions, chicken pox and shingles. It is also helpful for itchy skin in animals. This remedy will not cause drowsiness. For supportive assistance in shingles, add injury 6c for nerve pain & inflammatory relief. This remedy can be used in conjunction with sinus 30c when there is an allergic component to sinus congestion.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Apis mellifica 30c Helps with swelling, puffiness, stinging and red inflamed sensations associated with stings on the skin, eyes, face and throat (including constriction). Can...

        PEGASUS - Immune Defence 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for boosting the immune system when challenged e.g. overseas travel and long flights, during winter exposure to colds & flu, prior to sporting events or children at crèche exposed to infections.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Anas Barb 200c Anti-viral agent which boosts immunity against influenza. Echinacea angustifolia 6c Helps with septic conditions, feelings of weakness, aching muscles, dizziness & confusion, fever & chills. Assists the body to restore full function & wellness. Influenzinum 7c The current inactivated strain of influenza to boost immunity against the ‘flu. Propolis 6c Propolis has anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal...

        PEGASUS - Injury 6c - 100 Pillules

        Most helpful for any trauma injury, this remedy not only heals at a physiological level but also deals with the shock that accompanies an accident. It is very useful for muscle strain, twisted ankles, bumps, bruises, bleeding, jarred backs, crush injuries & those with nerve damage e.g. fingers caught in door, whiplash, coccyx injury, concussion etc. This remedy is also very helpful in aiding recovery following surgery, including caesarian section, plastic surgery, dental surgery etc. It also promotes healing following the birthing process, reducing the swelling & bruising of stretched tissues in this nerve-rich area.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered...

        PEGASUS - Liver 30c - 100 Pillules

        A supportive remedy for acute liver ailments e.g. ‘hangover’, overindulgence of food & alcohol, cirrhosis, hepatitis, jaundice etc. It acts as a tonic and helps to restore the liver following general overindulgence, glandular fever, anaesthesia, and the use of drugs that damage the liver.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Carbo vegetabilis 12c Known as the great reviver, this remedy is often recommended in weakened states. Eases adverse effects from alcohol intoxication of the previous day. Patient may have fullness after just a few mouthfuls of food with flatulence & cramps, aversion to meat and fatty foods. Carduus...

        PEGASUS - Migraine 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for acute migraine headaches and hormonal headaches.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Belladonna 200c Sudden onset with intense throbbing headache that is worse from slightest noise, jarring, motion, light, lying down and the least exertion. Better lying on bed with head up high on pillows, preferably in the dark. Severe pain and fullness especially in forehead and temples. Bryonia 30c Intense splitting headache, feels like head ‘about to burst’. Heavy head, nausea and dizziness on sitting up. Made worse by: movement, even of eyes, coughing, stooping Made better by: pressure, closing eyes, lying down....