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        PEGASUS - Muco Drainol 30c - 100 Pillules

        As the name suggests, this remedy helps to drain mucus wherever it lies e.g. from the nasal passages & nasal sinuses as well as the ears, thus easing sinus congestion and the ‘snotty nose syndrome’ in children where painful blocked ears are a problem. It is also very effective for mucus on the chest where the remedy helps to thin the mucus, so that it is easier to cough up and expel i.e. for ‘wet’ coughs with much phlegm or mucus. The remedy also reduces mucus in the throat that is difficult to clear.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy...

        PEGASUS - Nausea Vomiting Diarrhoea 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for the treatment of gastro-intestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, dehydration and dizziness. These symptoms might be due to food poisoning or viral stomach flu.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Arsenicum album 200c Vomiting and diarrhoea together. Craves iced water but even a few sips are vomited immediately. Great weakness and exhaustion. Restless and chilly, better for warmth. Cannot bear the smell of food. Gastric flu, food poisoning. China officinalis 30c Weakness, vomiting of undigested food, flatulence, belching and stomach cramps. Stools may be dark, foul and watery. Cocculus indicus 30c...

        PEGASUS - Pet Aggression Fear 30c - 100 Pillules

        Often maltreated and /or abused animals, that react from fear based experiences, resulting in malicious, destructive and aggressive behaviour(biting humans or other animals)   Ingredients: Anacardium 30c – used for: aggression with cowardice – animal openly aggressive but backs off if challenged.  Suspicious behaviour. Staphysagria 30c – Abused animals – ill effects of maltreatment and suppressed emotions. Stramonium 30c - Aggression and agitation with malicious, destructive behaviour, without apparent control.   (Dog) Often attacks all other animals to avoid fear of being attacked itself. Belladonna 30c - Aggression without provocation or warning.  Obvious anxiety & excitement of the senses. Furious temper, indiscriminate bouts of...

        PEGASUS - Pet Calming 30c - 100 Pillules

        A general calmative remedy that helps reduce anxiety and cope with stressfull situations. Ingredients: Aconite 30c - Anxiety, fear and restlessness.  Take fright easily – startled easily. Does not want to be touched. Argent 30c - Anticipatory anxiety e.g. getting into a car(visiting the parlour or vet), neurotic, fearful,nervous , anxious and timid. Chamomilla 30c – Known as the “opium of homeopathy”, it calms nervous excitement and helps with both mental and emotional aspects. Useful where animal is restless, sensitive, and overly attached to owner. Borax 30c  -  Noise sensitivity; violent fright/fear from sudden/unusual sounds e.g. report of gunshot & thunder. Nutritive –...

        PEGASUS - Pet Haematonic 6c - 100 Pillules

        For the use as a general blood tonic. Excellent in recuperative situations, e.g. post Biliary and surgical procedure or general debilitation.   Ingredients: China 30c – For patient who shows profuse exhaustion/weakness – aversion to both mental & physical effort. Excellent where loss of fluids, haemorrhages, diarrhoea or diuresis leads to debility. Acts on liver, spleen, digestive organs, nerves, blood, circulation and secretions.  Affects post-operative gas pains with loss of appetite.  Patient often has abnormal irritability & nervous sensitivity/ mental excitement.  Inflammation post haemorrhage, leading to part turning black. Strengthens heart & circulation- stops haemorrhage –aids in anaemia.  Lameness / weakness...

        PEGASUS - Pet Otitis 30c - 100 Pillules

        For general ear conditions, ear canker, Otitis externa, pain & itching. Safe to use in breeding, pregnant, lactating and young/new-born animals.   Ingredients: Belladonna 30c – Excellent in early stages where ear is hot, throbbing & swollen, with sudden onset. Calcarea sulphurica 12c – Chronic draining of mainly (right) ear. Flow of dark wax, thick offensive, yellow discharge. Hepar sulph 12c – Produces catarrhal inflammation and profuse secretions.  Tendency to suppuration marked foul green, like old cheese, sour.  Fetid pus from ears. Great sensitivity to touch of ears.  Dry scales on & behind ears; exude a thick gluey secretion which mats hair. Itching...

        PEGASUS - Pet Ringworm Fungal 12c - 100 Pillules

        For skin and hoof conditions caused by ringworm fungi; itching, irritation and hair loss.                                                                                                                  Ingredients: Bacillinum 30c – This nosode attends to Ringworm with dry scaly lesions. Chrysarobinum 6c – Useful when skin disease has progressed to a crusty stage, (often pus underneath) & a foul smelling discharge.  Scaly eruptions around eyes/ears. Vesicular or squamous lesions – violently itching & secondary bacterial infection. Dulcamara 6c – Typical ringworm, especially of the scalp – hair falls out in spots on scalp & temples, face, and chin – pruritus worse for cold wet weather. Sepia 12c - Ringworm- like eruptions every spring, often with...

        PEGASUS - Pet Snuffles Complex 12c (Cats) - 100 Pillules

        To treat the associated symptoms & conditions of cat Rhinotracheitis. Safe to use in breeding, pregnant, lactating and young/newborn animals.   Ingredients: Allium cepa 6c - Frequent sneezing with copious and watery, acrid nasal discharges; watery secretions from red and burning eyes. Euphrasia 6c – Burning, watery discharge from eyes, sensitive to light. Bland watery discharges from nose, cough with much mucous.  Symptoms of “cold in the eyes” Feline rhinontracheitis 30c – Nosode of the diseased discharge – “like cures like” Nat mur 12c – Violent sneezing with watery discharge, changing to nasal congestion and difficulty in breathing; burning, itching eyes with swollen lids....

        PEGASUS - Sinus 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for acute sinus-related conditions (e.g. postnasal drip & resulting cough, continual clearing of the throat, sinus congestion and pain, sinus headaches and painful blocked ears.) For allergic sinusitis, add histamine comp 30c.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Hepar sulphuris 30c Inflamed mucous membranes with profuse secretions; infected sinuses producing foul and sour smelling mucus; sensation of a “fish bone” in the throat, which transfers to ears on yawning. Hydrastis canadensis 30c Soothes mucous membranes and encourages the expulsion of mucus which may be thick and yellow; congested ears with deafness; dull frontal headache with sneezing;...

        PEGASUS - Sleep 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for insomnia in adults, children or infants. It is useful for the business person who struggles with an overactive mind at night, for the student who experiences an over-stimulated mind whilst studying or for children having nightmares.   Ingredients  Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Avena sativa 6c Sleeplessness from worry/anxiety or due to nervous exhaustion from overwork. Coffea cruda 30c Unusual activity of the mind; wakeful; mind full of ideas, races from one idea to the next; mind keeps going over the day’s events. Daphne indica 30c Inability to sleep, often from aching bones; nightmares; patient...

        PEGASUS - Sting 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for stinging and burning sensations. It treats the acute symptoms of insect stings & bites e.g. bee, wasp, jellyfish or bluebottle sting, spider bites. The remedy is also helpful for mosquito bites and flea bites & sand flea bites from sand pits. It eases the burning and stinging sensations associated with severe sunburn and hot water scalds.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Apis mellifica 30c Symptoms include pinkish swelling, stinging, burning and itching sensations associated with stings on the skin, eyes, face and throat (including constriction). Can be used in individuals sensitive to bee...

        PEGASUS - Throat 200c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for sore, inflamed and infected throats. Safe for penicillin-allergic individuals.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Apis mellifica 30c Pain upon swallowing; swollen, painful throat. Belladonna 30c Dry, red inflamed throat; enlarged tonsils; throat feels constricted; may feel sensation of a lump in the throat; continual inclination to swallow; scraping sensation in the throat. Diphtherinum 200c Dark, thick, grey membrane on tonsils. Mercurius solubilis 200c Sore throat that may be worse on the right side. Pain transfers to ear on swallowing; painful, dry throat but constant swallowing of profuse saliva. Penicillinum 30c Homeopathically prepared and...

        PEGASUS - Travel Sickness 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for nausea, vomiting and vertigo associated with travel sickness and for morning sickness in pregnancy. It is also useful for vertigo (dizziness) due to other conditions causing balance disturbances.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Carbo vegetabilis 12c Useful for the exhausted, weak patient. Vertigo, nausea and listlessness. Feels as though must hold onto something or will fall. Chininum sulphuricum 30c Vertigo with nausea and buzzing or ringing in the ears, often accompanied with vomiting. Head feels heavy, headache. Helpful in Meniere’s disease. Cocculus indicus 30c True vertigo, ‘world seems to be spinning’, must lie...

        PEGASUS – Teething Pain Fever 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for teething in children. It soothes the child who is restless, irritable, feverish and clingy. This remedy is also useful in adults with dental pain and toothache. Useful in childhood fevers too, it allows the body to use a fever as a healing tool.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Arnica montana 30c Hot head and cold body, night sweats with shivering over the whole body. Painful, inflamed gums during teething, soreness of gums after tooth extraction, tingling in gums, toothache. Arsenicum album 30c High temperatures, cold sweats with thirst. Patient feels cold externally but...