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        CHINAHERB - Expel Water Retention - 60 Tablets

        五苓散 / Wu Ling San Treats the following symptoms: Tag: water retention (oedema) Expel Water Retention came out of “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. It has the effect of inducing urination to remove Water and Damp Retention, warming Yang and Qi to transport Water and Dampness. It is indicated for Water Retention Syndrome. The Water Retention Syndromes of Bladder referring to “Treatise on Febrile Disease”, is a series of symptoms caused by unfavourable transport of Water by the Bladder. This is resulting in Stagnation of Water in the body, such as oedema caused by water overflowing to the skin, vomiting caused by Stagnation of Water in...

        CHINAHERB - Expel Stasis - 60 Tablets

        血府逐瘀汤 / Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: absence of Menstruation (amenorrhoea), acne, chronic headache and migraine, circulation disorders, contusion in the chest, dysmenorrhoea and irregular menstruation in clots or clotty and dark coloured menses, headache with a dull tongue colour and purple spots in border, pain in the chest, period pain (dysmenorrhoea), prostatitis, psoriasis, tumour Expel Stasis is originated from the “Correction on Errors in Medical Classics” by Wang Qingren from Qing Dynasty in 1830 AD. It has the effect of promoting Blood circulation and removing Blood Stasis, moving Qi and relieving pain. Wang Qingren’s formulation was originally intended to treat cardiovascular system disorders. However, due to its remarkable effect of promoting Blood circulation...

        CHINAHERB - Expel Lung Cold - 60 Tablets

        小青龙汤 / Xiao Qing Long Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute and chronic cough / bronchitis / asthma with clear or white phlegm or no phlegm and cold feeling in chest or back, symptoms become worse with cold and winter time Expel Lung Cold has the effect of relieving Cold and dispelling Cold by warming the Lungs. Qinglong, the mythical beast of the East, unified the four seas of water. The ancient Chinese medical sage Zhang Zhongjing named this prescription Xiao Qinglong just because of its meaning of treating water. Cold Evil inside the drinking water restrains Yang. This disease is similar to bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis in Western medicine. The ability of the Lungs, Spleen and Kidneys to lead the Huajin Fluid is weakened,...

        CHINAHERB - Consolidate Qi - 60 Tablets

        参苓白术散 / Shen Ling Bai Zhu San   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic colitis, chronic fatigue, chronic gastritis, diarrhoea (loose stools containing undigested food), food allergy, gastric or duodenal ulcers, increased vaginal discharge (white), indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, loose stool and chronic diarrhea which has no mucous in faeces, maldigestion Consolidate Qi was released from “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” issued by the state in the Song Dynasty of China, which was made by adding strengthening Spleen and removing Dampness herbs to the Four Gentlemen Formula. It is an important formulation for the treatment of chronic diarrhoea and bowel sounds due to Spleen Deficiency and Dampness. It is clinically used for chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, chronic gastritis, chronic...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Urinary Heat - 60 Tablets

        八正散 / Ba Zheng San   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: blood-stained urine, cystitis with burning sensation as urine is passed, urinary tract infection (burning + dark-coloured + frequent + urgent + strong-smelling) Clear Urinary Heat comes from the first Chinese patent prescription “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” spread by the state in the Song Dynasty. It is indicated for the treatment of Lin Syndrome of Damp-Heat Pattern, caused by Damp-Heat in the Bladder. The formulation is composed of a group of cold nature and diuretic and laxative herbs, which are used simultaneously, so that the formula can work straight in the Bladder for Heat detoxification. At the same time, it facilitates the Large Intestine and eliminates turbidity Heat from defecation. The...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Toxic Heat - 60 Tablets

        五味消毒饮 / Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute mastitis, boils, multiple abscesses, sore throat (red swollen and pus) Clear Toxic Heat is originated from “Golden Mirror of Medicine” edited by Wu Qian in the Qing Dynasty. Because this formulation is composed of five herbs, which has the effect of eliminating carbuncle and detoxification, it is named “Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin“. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to boils, erysipelas or acute febrile disease as “Toxic Heat” or “Toxic Fire“. The efficacy of this formulation is to clear away Heat and detoxification, dissipating boils and abscesses, and it is used to treat Toxic Fire Syndrome. “Golden Mirror of Medicine” records that...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Root Fire - 60 Tablets

        知柏地黄丸 / Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: impotence, menopausal symptoms in hot flushes and a lot of nightsweating, overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), recurrent cystitis, shingles (after-treatment), sore throat (chronic), sperm problems in male, swelling of external genitalia, tingling feeling in the fingers and toes, vaginal itching Clear Root Fire comes from “The Golden Mirror of Medicine” written by Wu Qian of the Qing Dynasty in China. This book was completed in 1742 AD and the title was given by the Chinese emperor Qianlong. The prescription is based on the nourishing Kidney-Yin foundation formulation Nourish Root Yin and added Rhizoma Anemarrhenae and Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis. The effect of this formula is to replenish Kidney and Yin, balance Yin and Yang through Nourish Root Yin, and also...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Lung Heat - 60 Tablets

        清气化痰丸 / Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan3   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cough / bronchitis / asthma in yellow phlegm, HIV/AIDS, lobar pneumonia, lung abscess, mycoplasma pneumonia, pneumonia, pulmonary infection Clear Lung Heat was released from the “Medical prescription research” edited by Wu Kun, a famous Chinese doctor in the Ming Dynasty. It was created for the treatment of Phlegm Heat accumulating in the Lungs, manifested as cough, chest tightness, thick and yellow sputum and other symptoms related dysfunction of Lungs. For more than 500 years, this recipe has been used in ancient China to treat Heat obstructive pulmonary disease. The Heat obstructive pulmonary disease is characterized by cough, thick and yellow or even bloody sputum....

        CHINAHERB - Clear Hyperyang - 60 Tablets

        清肝降压片 / Qing Gan Jiang Ya Pian   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic headache and migraine, dizziness and vertigo, high blood pressure (hypertension) Both Clear Hyperyang and Relieve Interior Wind have the effect of quenching the Liver Wind, nourishing Yin and calming down Yang. But the ingredients in Clear Hyperyang contain Long Dan Cao (Radix Gentianae), so the effects of Clear Hyperyang are stronger on clearing Liver Fire. The symptoms of Liver Fire usually manifest as red eyes, eye secretions, irritability, headache, bitter mouth, wiry pulse. Therefore, Clear Hyperyang is good at treating hypertension, chronic headache and migraine, dizziness and vertigo, eye redness, irritability and other Liver Fire and Liver Yang Hyper-activities.       CHRONIC HEADACHE AND MIGRAINE Typical symptoms: chronic headache and migraine, irritability, nausea and vomiting, tinnitus Disease description:...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Heat Bi - 60 Tablets

        清热除痹片 / Qing Re Chu Bi Pian   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: arthritis when affected joints or muscles are red / swollen / painful, gout (worse for warmth-better for cold), uric acid Clear Heat Bi is an adjusted formula from an ancient recipe “Xuan Bi Tang” from“Differentiation and treatment of febrile disease”. Sang Zhi (Ramulus Mori) and Wei Ling Xian (Herba Potentillae Chinensis) are used in Clear Heat Bi to replace Fangji (Fourstamen Stephania Root ) in “Xuan Bi Tang”, which contains aristolochic acid. The effects of Clear Heat Bi are to clear away Damp-Heat, dredge the Meridians and relieve arthritis pain; attending to Damp-Heat Bi Syndrome. Damp-Heat Bi Syndrome is that Damp-Heat accumulating in the joints and meridians, Meridian Qi and Blood are blocked and...

        CHINAHERB - Calm Shen - 60 Tablets

        酸枣仁汤 / Suan Zao Ren Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: anxiety and palpitations, dreaminess, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, stress, withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking Calm Shen is an adjusted formula from the ancient recipes “Suan Zao Ren Tang”. It is suitable for stress-related insomnia, anxiety, palpitation and irritability. Chinese medicine believes that insomnia is a problem in the Heart. The Shen (spirit) does not stay at home (Heart) and insomnia occurs, which is related to the Yin-Yang Qi and Blood disorders of Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Stomach, and Kidney. Insufficiency of Yin and Blood leads to loss of Heart support and these are the main pathological changes of insomnia. Symptoms are lustreless complexion, tiredness, inability to sleep at night, palpitations and forgetfulness. Mostly due to Spleen Deficiency, failure of...

        CHINAHERB - Broncho Formula - 60 Tablets

        哮喘方 / Xiao Chuan Fang Treats the following symptoms: Tag: chronic cough / bronchitis / asthma   Broncho Formula is a prescription for nourishing Lungs and relieving chronic cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. The problem of cough and asthma is in the Lungs, but it will inevitably damage the Lungs and Kidneys over a long period. Lung Deficiency will prolong the course of the disease. Deficiency of the Kidney will cause the failure of Kidney Qi to support Lung Qi and will aggravate the shortness of breath and wheezing. The formulation is based on nourishing Lung and Kidney, accompanied by clearing Large Intestine. The clearing Large Intestine is the ancient method of “taking away the firewood from under the...

        CHINAHERB - Four Gentlemen Formula - 60 Tablets

        Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic fatigue, gastric ulcer, immune compromised patient, loose stool, maldigestion, nausea and vomiting   四君子汤 / Si Jun Zi Tang Four Gentlemen Formula comes from “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” published by emperor’s pharmacy of the Song Dynasty in 1106 AD. It is the basic formula for Qi supplement. Qi is the basic driving force for life activities. “Gentlemen” means that the nature of the formula is tolerant and peaceful. It tonifies gentle, just like a gentleman who has impartiality, compromise and reconciliation. The composition of four herbs is named Four Gentlemen Formula. The Spleen and Stomach are the foundation of the Acquired Qi, and the Mizutani Essence digested from Spleen and Stomach is the source of Qi. Therefore, the role of Four Gentlemen Formula is...

        CHINAHERB - Cinnamon Formula - 60 Tablets

        Treats the following symptoms: Tags: allergic asthma, allergies, common cold with immune deficiency, easy sweating, easy to suffer from cold, fear of wind, hay fever, itchy skin rash, not getting better from cold, post nasal drip, urticaria, winter dermatitis 桂枝汤 / Gui Zhi Tang Cinnamon Formula was recorded in “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” published 1900 years ago. Chinese Medicine believes that the harmonization of the Ying and Wei Qi is the basis of the body’s resistance to exogenous pathogen Evil. “Ying” is a substance that nourishes Wei Qi, which belongs to Yin; “Wei Qi” refers to the Defence Qi of the body’s surface to resist the invasion of external Evils and belongs to Yang. Wei Qi depends on the nourishment of Ying; Ying depends on the warmth and promotion of Qi. If the Ying and the Wei Qi do not reconcile, it will cause various...