逍遥丸 / Xiao Yao Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: absence of Menstruation (amenorrhoea), chronic hepatitis, depression, distress in the chest, headache, infertility, irregular menstruation, irritability, late menstruation, liver cirrhosis, liver detoxification, liver problems, low libido, mood swings, period pain (dysmenorrhoea), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), sore breasts, stress, symptoms become worse with stress or emotional upset Merry Life Formula comes from “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” published by emperor’s pharmacy of the Song Dynasty in 1106 AD. Because it is a common prescription for the treatment of mental disorders including depression and moodiness, it was named “Xiao Yao San“. It means that after taking the medicine, the Liver Qi is lively and smooth, and the mood is cheerful, and the trouble is left behind,...