
CHINAHERB - Relief Vertigo - 60 Tablets

R 229.95

Vendor: CHINAHERB SKU: 9886027042

半夏白术天麻汤 / Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang

Treats the following symptoms:

Relief Vertigo originates from Li Dongyuan’s “Dongyuan’s Collection of Ten Books” published in 1529. It is a special formula for headache and dizziness caused by Phlegm. Due to failure of Spleen functions, turbidity Phlegm priming Liver Wind, Liver Wind and Phlegm disturbing the head and blinding the brain, this leads to dizziness, vertigo, headache, migraine. Turbidity Phlegm blocks the Qi; therefore, headaches and dizziness may also be accompanied by chest tightness and nausea. The effect of the formulation is resolving Phlegm and calming the Liver Wind, also strengthening Spleen and removing Dampness.

A modern application is often used for those with Phlegm, such as dizziness and vertigo, chronic headache, migraine, Menier’s disease, autogenic vertigo, neurological vertigo and epilepsy caused by disturbance of the head by Liver Wind and Phlegm.



“A female patient, 70 years old, with vertigo and headache for 10 days. The Western medical diagnosis was “Menier’s Syndrome“. She had Panic, vomiting, salivation, palpitations, anorexia, sticky mouth, tingling tongue, repeated urges to change clothes, small and soft stools, white greasy tongue and weak soft pulse. Diagnosed as Wind Phlegm offence and lack of Qi. After using Relief Vertigo for a few days, the symptoms reduced greatly. After taking it for another few days, the patient had no more symptoms and was cured.”




Disease description:

A migraine attack can cause pulsating and throbbing headaches, lasting between a few hours and up to three days. They are usually on one side of the head and accompanying symptoms are nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, as well as sensitivity to light, noise and smell. Migraines can occur with or without the so-called “aura”. This precedes the headaches and is usually caused by visual disturbances. A combination of factors such as lifestyle, diet and family predisposition can lead to a migraine attack with intense headaches.

Chronic headaches due to excessive muscle tension can be caused by persistent incorrect strain or psychological factors. Tension headaches are more likely to cause pulling pain or pressure pain, severe restrictions in everyday life and high psychological stress, as well as high internal tension.

Explanation according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Chinese medicine says that “head is the meeting place of all Yang meridians”, “the brain is the sea of the marrow”, it means that all Internal Organs send Essence and Blood to the head. Because of this close relationship, factors that imbalance organs can be the cause of headaches. Although the symptoms are in the head, it is closely related to Liver, Spleen and Kidney. Headache can also be a cause of External Wind or Invading Cold. To be summarized there are two types of headache, the External caused and Internal caused.

Possible syndromes causing these problems:

Wind-Cold Headache

For headaches with an unclear cause, Wind-Cold can be the reason with signs of headaches and stiffness on the occiput, stiff back and neck, body aches, aversion to cold, runny nose, headache worse when exposed to wind or when the season/ weather changes.

Recommended formulas to use:

Liver Yang Rising

Intense, severe, throbbing, expanding pain; pulsating and pounding in the Gallbladder Meridian, temples, eyebrows or behind one or both eyes; better sitting up, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances, ‘flashing lights’, dizziness, dry throat, insomnia, irritability.

Clear Hyperyang alternatively Relieve Interior Wind


Recommended formulas to use:

Blood Stagnation

Blood Stagnation let the patient feel severe, intense, stabbing, fixed pain.

Recommended formulas to use:

Damp Retention

Damp prevents Clear Yang from rising to brighten the sense orifices, turbid Yin fails to descend: head feels ‘wrapped in a towel’; dull, heavy, difficulty thinking, affecting whole head or forehead, sinusitis, nausea, chest fullness.

Recommended formulas to use:

Qi and Blood Deficiency

Deficient Qi fails to ascend, Blood fails to nourish brain and patient feels a dull headache on whole head or forehead, better for rest, worse for overwork, better lying down, poor appetite, tired, loose stools, poor concentration.

Recommended formulas to use: