
TRUEFOOD - Golden Flax Seed - 400g

R 72.79

Vendor: TRUE HEALTH SKU: 707273446213

Truefood Golden Flax seed, sometimes referred to as linseeds are from the Linum usitatissimum plant which is a member of the genus Linum. Interestingly the word ‘usitatissimum’ is Latin for ‘of greatest use’.

The seeds are naturally gluten free and have a mild nutty taste, they retain water so they can be used as an egg substitute or thickener as well as a whole grain alternative to commercial flours. However, it must be noted that the body cannot absorb the nutrients from the seeds when whole, they should be ground into a flour, sprouted or taken in an oil form to ensure that nutrients are absorbed by the body.

When baking with flax seed powder, the temperature should not exceed 150c so that the ALA remains stable.

High in Omega 3 (ALA) which prevents heart disease, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, improves memory function and promotes healthy skin and hair further to reducing inflammation and protecting against diseases and assisting with depression or mental illness. The high levels of mucilage gum in flax seeds can also increase the bodies nutrient intake, by slowing the movement of food from the stomach into the small intestine. Flax seeds are a good source of fibre which helps to reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol as well as promote digestive health by maintaining healthy gut bacteria. It also assists with detoxification, fat loss and sugar cravings. With ample levels of Magnesium, Flax seed helps to regulate calcium and potassium levels in the body as well as assist with heart health, increased energy, calming nerves and aiding in digestion. Magnesium can also prevent the onset of osteoporosis and heart attacks.



Flax seed


Serving size/Dosage:

Add to smoothies and porridge’s or use to garnish Buddha bowls, can be used in place of eggs for baking.