
SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Camu C+ Powder, Organic 77g

R 517.00

Vendor: SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS SKU: 6009880596812
Camu C+ is pure concentrated organic Camu Camu berry powder: 30kgs of fresh camu fruit is used to produce 1kg of Camu C+ 30:1 concentrate. Camu C+ is not only more bioavailable than liposomal vitamin C (which is already more bioavailable than pure ascorbic acid), but is also absorbed into the blood stream faster, making this one of the most potent natural sources of vitamin C available. This highly nutritious, small, red super fruit is a rich source of phytochemicals and antioxidants that supports healthy skin and a strong immune system.

Ingredients: 100% certified organic Camu Camu ( 30:1 concentrate ) powder

Recommended for you need a potent source of vitamin C or when your immune system needs additional support to fight off diseases.

Did You Know?
Camu camu berries are one of the highest sources of vitamin C in the world, containing 50 times more vitamin C than oranges!