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        TIBB HEALTH - Blackseed Rub - 50g

        Topical rub to assist in relieving: the symptoms associated with colds and flu and joint and muscle pain. Topical rub to assist in relieving: the symptoms associated with colds and flu and joint and muscle pain. Adults and children 3 years and older is: Symptomatic management of the common cold and flu Apply thinly and evenly to the chest, back and neck for vaporization. Tibb-Blackseed Vapour Rub steaming technique Heat one liter of water and pour into heat-safe container and add 10 g of Tibb-Blackseed Vapour Rub. Breathe over the container and inhale the Vapour Rub-infused steam. You may place...

        TIBB HEALTH - Septogard Syrup - 200ml

        Nature’s antibiotic and immune booster Septogard is a herbal complex to support and strengthen your immune system optimally all year round. Immunity is defined as the ability of the body to resist and overcome infection or disease. The body has an amazing capability to protect itself and this system is known as the immune system. The activity of the immune system is continuous as our bodies are always under attack. The immune system detects a wide variety of agents that are harmful to the body, distinguishes them from the body’s healthy cells and tissues and eliminates them. Our immune system consists of...