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        A.VOGEL - Concentration Formula - 30ml

        Drops for concentration and restlessness  Veratrum album, Helleborus niger, Zincum metallicum, Staphisagria, Vanilla and Piper methysticum: relieve the restlessness and nervous distress frequently associated with lack of concentration. Vinca minor and Anacardium: counteract the effects of mental fatigue. Anacardium: is used for treatment of poor memory. Zincum metallicum, Avena sativa and Cypripedium: are effective in the treatment of sleeplessness. Zincum metallicum and Asarum europeaum: counteract the hypersensitivity of the sensory organs frequently associated with lack of concentration. Ginkgo biloba: is effective in the treatment of poor concentration and memory by increasing the circulation to the brain. A homeopathic medicine which...