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        GREEN PHARM - Liquorice No119 - 50ml

        Helps for adrenal gland fatigue.  Alleviates catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, allergies and coughs. Alleviates gastritis and ulcers. Anti-viral   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken when on high blood medication. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Lily Of The Valley No118 - 50ml

        Used for the treatment of heart failure and water retention (associated with the heart). Strengthens the contraction of the heart muscle and lowers the internal pressure of the heart.   Precautions: Warning: May cause nausea, vomiting and gastro-intestinal symptoms when taken in large amounts.

        GREEN PHARM - Lemon Balm No117 - 50ml

        Active against bacteria, fungi and viruses (including herpes). Relaxation and stress relief. Eases spasm in the digestive tract.   Precautions: Warning: Avoid when on thyroid medication because it inhibits the absorption of thyroid medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Lavender No116 - 50ml

        Assists the body against restlessness, insomnia and intestinal complaints.  Also shows anti-bacterial properties.

        GREEN PHARM - Indian Tobacco No115 - 50ml

        Symptomatic treatment of asthma, bronchitis and pertussis. For stop-smoking, it lessens the symptom of nicotine withdrawal. Used for relaxation.   Precautions: Warning: High doses can lower blood pressure and suppress breathing

        GREEN PHARM - Indian Cornbeard No114 - 50ml

        Useful against Urinary tract infections, cystitis and bladder infections.  Reduces symptoms of gout and rheumatism.  Helps stabilize blood sugar and is commonly used by overweight people. Assists in the supportive treatment of gonorrhea. Helpful against prostate hypertrophy.

        GREEN PHARM - Horsetail No113 - 50ml

        Excellent remedy for incontinence and bed wetting with children. Used specifically in cases of inflammation or benign enlargement of the prostate gland. Eases off pain of rheumatism and gout. Shown healing properties in bleeding, blood spitting, kidney disorders and gravel stones. Diuretic, to treat post-traumatic and static oedema. May alleviate enhanced menstrual bleeding. Rich source of silica.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. Use for a limited time, not longer than two weeks at a time.

        GREEN PHARM - Horehound No112 - 50ml

        Combats bronchitis and whooping cough. Stimulates digestion and improves poor appetite. Increases liver functioning.  Marrubiin may assist in normalizing an irregular heartbeat.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Hops No111 - 50ml

        A calming and sedative herb to the cental nervous system. Combats insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome. Eases tension and anxiety. Increases appetite and improves digestion. Also used for menstrual and menopausal problems.   Precautions: Warning: Do not use when on depression medication. Some people may have skin allergy reactions to hops.

        GREEN PHARM - Hawthorn No110 - 100ml

        The heart herb. Strenghtens the heart muscle and aortas. Lowers high blood pressure and has cholesterol lowering effects. may alleviate bradycard rhythm disorders. Should be used at least 6 weeks at a time.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation or children under 12 years of age.

        GREEN PHARM - Green Tea No109 - 100ml

        Immune booster.  May ease chronic cough and cold.  May reduce blood cholesterol levels.  Acts as general tonic.  Useful in treatment of stomach ulcers.  Assist the digestive system.  Nerve tonic.  Eases of asthma attach.  Protection against cell degeneration.  Protects the liver and helps in managing diabetes.  Powerful anti-oxidant.  Assist for radiant, firm skin.  Can assist in weight management.   Precautions: Warning:  May interfere with blood thinning medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Green Tea No109 - 50ml

        Immune booster.  May ease chronic cough and cold.  May reduce blood cholesterol levels.  Acts as general tonic.  Useful in treatment of stomach ulcers.  Assist the digestive system.  Nerve tonic.  Eases of asthma attach.  Protection against cell degeneration.  Protects the liver and helps in managing diabetes.  Powerful anti-oxidant.  Assist for radiant, firm skin.  Can assist in weight management.   Precautions: Warning:  May interfere with blood thinning medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Gravel Root No108 - 50ml

        Assist the body in dealing with dissolving of kidney stones, urinary tract infections;  Alleviates rheumatism and gout. Precautions: Warning:  not to be used during pregnancy or lactation

        GREEN PHARM - Golden Seal No107 - 50ml

        Anti-inflammatory.  Mainly used as a haemostatic to stop bleeding.  Also taken as anti-bacterial remedy to stop diarrhea.  It is a bitter tonic, digestive stimulant, mild laxative.  May reduce piles.  The anti-microbial effects of barberine and hydrastine, explain the main use of golden seal as anti-diarrhea medicine, Is used in eye drops.   Precautions: Warning:  Should not be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Ginseng No106 - 50ml

        General tonic.  Stimulates nervous and immune system.  Increases general stamina and strength.  May be useful for conditions such as hypertension, hypotention and neurosis. May act as an aphrodisiac.  Beneficial in the treatment of irregular hormonal secretion.  Protects against the effects of radiation exposure.  May lower blood sugar.  May be beneficial in treating irritability, insomnia and mild depression. Precautions: Warning:  Do not use in conjunction with anti-depressants or stimulants including caffeine.  May interfere with cardiac medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Ginkgo Biloba No105 - 50ml

        This herb is known for its mind-restoring abilities, provides mental energy, improves brain health and circulation and oxygen to the brain.  May also alleviate memory-loss.  May be helpful for Parkinson's Disease and Alzheimer's.  May help to lower high blood-pressure and may assist in alleviating artero-sclerosis and diabetes in the elderly.  May be used for asthmatic disorders.  Anti-inflammatory and helpful in auto-immune ailments.  May assist severe tinitis, extreme vertigo and irregular heartbeat. Precautions: Warning:  Do not use in conjunction with anti-coagulant drugs.