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        GREEN PHARM - Cat's Claw No166 - 50ml

        Antiviral properties and boosts immune system. Combats infection, arthritis, allergies, asthma and diabetes. Effective against ulcers and hemorrhoids and cell-degeneration.  Helps repair DNA. Helps reduce high blood pressure. May relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis,   Warning: Might slow blood clotting. Stop taking at least 2 weeks before any surgery.

        GREEN PHARM - CANDAG No165 - 50ml

        Bronchilator, helps combat asthma and improves lung capacity. Effective against pain linked to arthritis and stress and alleviates anxiety. Anti-depressant. Assists  with autism and regulates seizures. Helps mend broken bones. Stimulates appetite and helps with weight-loss. Regulate and may prevent diabetes. Combats cell-degeneration. Beneficial for ADHD / ADD. May help reduce pressure applied on the eyeball providing relief to individuals with glaucoma. Relief for multiple sclerosis. Many more benefits to list   Warning: Might be addictive.

        GREEN PHARM - Vitamin B17 No164 - 100ml

        Contains numerous B-vitamins. Helps with cell regeneration. Assists with high blood pressure.   Warning: Be careful of excessive use because of its arsenic content.

        GREEN PHARM - Vitamin B17 No164 - 50ml

        Contains numerous B-vitamins. Helps with cell regeneration. Assists with high blood pressure.   Warning: Be careful of excessive use because of its arsenic content.

        GREEN PHARM - Gymnema Sylvestre No163 - 50ml

        Australian cow plant. Assists blood sugar balance. Increases insulin production. Improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing heart disease risk. May aid weight loss. Helps reduce inflammation due to its tannin and saponin content.   Warning: Not to be used when pregnant or lactating. Do not take with aspirin or St John's wort.

        GREEN PHARM - Cleaver No161 - 100ml

        Your number 1 herb in assisting the lymphatic system.  Reduces swelling in glands, combats inflammation in tonsils, benign tumors and cysts. Helps treat crystals in the urinary tract and kidney stones. Detox kidneys, liver, pancreas and spleen. Diuretic properties, therefor excellent to combat water retention. Effective against cancer-like skin disorders and cancer of the tongue.   Warning: May cause nausea, stomach aches and vomiting.               Use for two weeks and then skip two weeks again.

        GREEN PHARM - Jasmine No160 - 50ml

        Bursting with antioxidants. Antiviral and anti-bacterial properties. Hormonal balancer. Supportive therapy for cancer of the bones, lymphatic nodes and breasts. Combats dermatitis and conjunctivitis. Promotes good oral health. Boosts brain function and may protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.   Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Origanum No159 - 100ml

        Broad spectrum antibacterial. Treats bronchitis, catarrh, cold and flu and dyspepsia. Even used as a gargle for sore throats. Anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory.

        GREEN PHARM - Origanum No159 - 50ml

        Broad spectrum antibacterial. Treats bronchitis, catarrh, cold and flu and dyspepsia. Even used as a gargle for sore throats. Anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory.

        GREEN PHARM - Butchers Broom No158 - 50ml

        Eases swelling and pain especially in people who are on their feet the whole day. Improves circulation and tightens the circulatory system's veins. Strengthens the bloodvessels capillary walls. Enhances the blood flow to brain legs and hands.   Precautions: Warning: Not recommended for people with high bloodpressure.               Large doses may cause vomiting, purging, weakening of the heart and low blood pressure and respiratory collapse.               Not to be used during pregnancy and lactation

        GREEN PHARM - Orange Flowers No157 - 50ml

        Alleviates symptoms of shock. combats insomnia and helps for baby's colic. Use to treat flatulence and digestive complaints. Contains Vitamin C which boosts the immune system.   Precautions: Warning: May cause allergic skin reactions.

        GREEN PHARM - Velvet Bean No156 - 50ml

        Lowers stress, improves focus, boosts libido and elevates mood. Helps kill worms, combats tuberculosis, rheumatic disorders and gout, muscular pain, menstrual disorders and diabetes. Helps with cell-regeneration.   Precautions: Warning: May cause nausea, abdominal bloating and insomnia.

        GREEN PHARM - Olive Leaf No155 - 50ml

        Antimicrobial properties. Assist the body in bringing down high bloodsugar. Gives energy and stamina and helps combat chronic fatigue. May alleviate cystitis.

        GREEN PHARM - Mistletoe No154 - 50ml

        Excellent and effective remedy for epilepsy Aids the metabolism and helps ease chronic metabolic disorders. Taken over a long period it may help for diabetes. Improves concentration and normalize hormonal imbalances.  May reduce hardening of the arteries and be helpful with the effects of a stroke. Reduces heart rate and strengthens the wall of the peripheral capillaries. Balances high and low blood pressure. Reduces buzzing in the ears. Helpful in uterine and menstrual disorders and menopause. Assists with cell degeneration repair, particularly lung and ovarian cancer. Eases anxiety.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Cramp Bark No153 - 50ml

        Assist the body with high blood pressure as it is anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Hypotensive and assists with low blood pressure, thus a cardiac tonic. Used for muscle spasms and pain especially in the lower back and legs. May alleviate menstrual cramps.   Precautions: Warning: Do not take when allergic to aspirin (because of the salicin content)               Not to be taken with blood thinning medication.               May cause hypotension when taken in large doses.               Not to be used during pregnancy or...

        GREEN PHARM - Chaste Berry No151 - 50ml

        May normalize the reproductive organs and infertility in women. Used for progesterone deficiency and acne (especially with pre menstrual flare up). Men may also use this herb for acne. This herb has pain relieving properties. May be used for hormonal complaints and imbalances such as Fibrocystic breast disease, menopause, menorrhagia (heavy menstruation), menstrual difficulties (secondary amenorrhea), menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome. Useful in treating endometriosis.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken with any drug or product that affects the female hormone system such as HRT or the contraceptive pill. Not to be taken during pregnancy.