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        SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Spirulina Tablets, Organic 100g

        Spirulina is a protein-rich, blue-green algae that contains a phenomenal combination of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients and antioxidants. It is 65% pure protein by weight, and contains 12 times more digestible protein than beef! What makes it so special ... It's a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids Chlorophyll-rich, high in antioxidants Highest protein content of any plant-based food Packed with B vitamins for higher energy levels Calcium & iron for bone & blood health High iron content combats anaemia Cleansing & detoxifying effects Contains a wide array of vitamins & minerals Useful for managing allergies Mucus...

        SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Master Green 120g

        THE 5-IN-1 NUTRITIONAL GREENS ACTIVATOR Cleanse + Alkalise + Detoxify + Gut Health + Anti-inflammatory Bringing together 5 of our most powerful supergreens for cleansing, alkalising and deep mineral nourishment. A functional anti-inflammatory complex specially formulated to purify the body, and restore the body’s natural pH for faster recovery. With well-recognised miracle moringa and spirulina, Master Greens is intended to nourish the body with a full spectrum of macros, micros and phyto nutrients. Moringa - said to be an energising, antioxidant-rich multi-mineral food Spirulina and Chlorella - rich in chlorophyll, whole protein and phycocyanin for supporting brain health Wheatgrass and...

        SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Spirulina Powder, Organic 200g

        Spirulina is a protein-rich, blue-green algae that contains a phenomenal combination of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients and antioxidants. It is 65% pure protein by weight, and contains 12 times more digestible protein than beef! What makes it so special ... It's a complete protein, containing all essential amino acids Chlorophyll-rich, high in antioxidants Highest protein content of any plant-based food Packed with B vitamins for higher energy levels Calcium & iron for bone & blood health High iron content combats anaemia Cleansing & detoxifying effects Contains a wide array of vitamins & minerals Useful for managing allergies Mucus...

        SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Chlorella Tablets, Organic - 200g

        These Chlorella Tablets are certified organic and additive-free, which means you get pure potent nourishment in every dose. Chlorella is a freshwater micro-algae that is absolutely packed with chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein and phytochemicals. It has powerful detoxing properties and promotes healthy immune function. Each Soaring Free Superfood Chlorella Tablet contains 200mg of chlorella. Being rich in chlorophyll means that it helps balance pH and acts as a powerful heavy metal detoxifier. Soaring Free Chlorella is has broken cell walls which means your digestive system can access the nutritional power inside. Each packet contains 500 tablets. As...

        SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Matcha, Organic 70g

        Soaring Free Potent Plant Cerimonial Grade Organic Matcha is a super concentrated green tea powder. Matcha enhances concentration and sustains energy levels without the jitters of coffee. It combines the powers of caffeine with L-theanine to provide a tranquil, focused mental state, so that you can find focus without the fatigue! Stir into hot water to make tea & top up with almond milk for added creaminess. For extra flavour add some dried mint leaves or lemon rind. Add to a superfood smoothie, hot chocolate or mix a shot of matcha with steamed milk & espresso for an extra boost....

        SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Baobab Powder, Organic 200g

        The baobab tree is known by traditional African as the Tree of Life. It is abundant in prebiotic fibre which your probiotics (gut flora) need to thrive. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and the minerals BENEFITS SKIN NOURISHING – vitamin C is essential for creating collagen BALANCES BLOOD SUGAR - the pectin is what helps to minimise spikes and energy dips REGULATES COLON – to keep things moving along we need dietary fibre CARDIOVASCULAR SUPPORT – minimises unhealthy cholesterol for better heart health GOOD GUT SUPPORT - pectin feeds your probiotics which produce most of your serotonin FORTIFIES TEETH...

        SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Goji Berries, Organic 200g

        Goji berries are amazing anti-aging & protein rich superberries that support weight loss! They're added to almost every meal in China because they are known to stimulate the release of digestive juices for a healthy metabolism. These bright little crunchy red berries have a delicate sweet-sour taste and with a potent combination of antioxidants, protein, vitamin A and B2 are essential for keeping skin and hair healthy & beautiful. Eat as a dried-fruit snack, add to mueslis, granola, smoothie bowls or oats. Bake into muffins, rusks and any recipe using raisins. They are also great in salads, as it some...

        SOARING FREE SUPERFOODS - Goji Berries, Organic 500g

        Goji berries are amazing anti-aging & protein rich superberries that support weight loss! They're added to almost every meal in China because they are known to stimulate the release of digestive juices for a healthy metabolism. These bright little crunchy red berries have a delicate sweet-sour taste and with a potent combination of antioxidants, protein, vitamin A and B2 are essential for keeping skin and hair healthy & beautiful. Eat as a dried-fruit snack, add to mueslis, granola, smoothie bowls or oats. Bake into muffins, rusks and any recipe using raisins. They are also great in salads, as it some...