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        GREEN PHARM - Marigold No121 - 50ml

        Improves digestion, stimulates bile production and helps heal gastric ulcers. It regulates menstrual disorders. Highly beneficial to combat candida overgrowth in the intestines. May assist in gall bladder problems. It is considered a liver tonic and it soothes digestion. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties especially in the mouth and throat.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken in high doses or for prolonged periods.

        GREEN PHARM - Marjoram No122 - 50ml

        Scientifically proved to be beneficial in the treatment of gastric ulcers, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. Assists the body with gastro-intestinal tract disorders and infections.  Antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be used when taking lithium.

        GREEN PHARM - Marshmallow No123 - 50ml

        Soothing medicine for cough, peptic ulcers and inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth, stomach and throat. May alleviate inflamed hemorrhoids. Use as a gargle to sooth the throat.

        GREEN PHARM - MigraineSTOP No3 - 50ml

        This gentle combination of Valerian and Feverfew is based on several studies showing these two herbs to be extremely effective in preventing and treating Migraine. Valerion is also well-known for its non-addictive sedating and tranquilising actions and is also highly recommended in cases of restlessness, sleeplessness, menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

        GREEN PHARM - Milk-Thistle No124 - 100ml

        Liver stimulant. Assists in fighting hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver by help forming new liver cells. Promotes flow of bile from the liver and gall bladder. Silymarin prevents liver toxins from entering the liver cells and also stimulates regeneration and the formation of new liver cells.   Precautions: Warning: If pregnant, consult with a health care professional before use.

        GREEN PHARM - Milk-Thistle No124 - 50ml

        Liver stimulant. Assists in fighting hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver by help forming new liver cells. Promotes flow of bile from the liver and gall bladder. Silymarin prevents liver toxins from entering the liver cells and also stimulates regeneration and the formation of new liver cells.   Precautions: Warning: If pregnant, consult with a health care professional before use.

        GREEN PHARM - Mistletoe No154 - 50ml

        Excellent and effective remedy for epilepsy Aids the metabolism and helps ease chronic metabolic disorders. Taken over a long period it may help for diabetes. Improves concentration and normalize hormonal imbalances.  May reduce hardening of the arteries and be helpful with the effects of a stroke. Reduces heart rate and strengthens the wall of the peripheral capillaries. Balances high and low blood pressure. Reduces buzzing in the ears. Helpful in uterine and menstrual disorders and menopause. Assists with cell degeneration repair, particularly lung and ovarian cancer. Eases anxiety.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Moringa No170 - 50ml

        Contains various vitamins and minerals eg. vitamin C, B6, B2, A, iron and magnesium Lowers blood sugar and blood cholesterol. Reduces inflammation and protects against arsenic toxicity.

        GREEN PHARM - Motherwort No125 - 50ml

        The main use of the herb is to treat nervous heart conditions. May be supportive in the treatment of thyroid hyperactivity.

        GREEN PHARM - Mullein No162 - 100ml

        Excellent for respiratory tract, tuberculosis, bronchitis and extreme coughing, earache and influenza Beneficial for colic, digestive upsets, nervous tension and insomnia.  Anti-inflammatory.

        GREEN PHARM - Mullein No162 - 50ml

        Excellent for respiratory tract, tuberculosis, bronchitis and extreme coughing, earache and influenza Beneficial for colic, digestive upsets, nervous tension and insomnia.  Anti-inflammatory.

        GREEN PHARM - MultipleSclerosis No35 - 50ml

        A chronic disease of the nervous system because the Myelin sheaths surrounding nerves in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. Symptoms include unsteady gait and shaky movements of the limbs. Ginkgo biloba stimulates cerebral circulation and oxygenation of cells. L-argenine in Green tea sooths the frailed nerves. Turmeric combats inflammation, is an anti-oxidative and lubricates nervous sheets. Alfalfa supports Vitamin K to cells. 

        GREEN PHARM - Myrrh No126 - 50ml

        Myrrh is mainly used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory for the topical treatment of mouth and throat infections (gingivitis and other gum diseases, tonsillitis and mouth ulcers. Relief of nasal congestion and cough. Excellent immune booster. Helps the body get rid of parasites.

        GREEN PHARM - Neem No171 - 50ml

        Source of Vitamin E. Combats eczema, psoriasis and skin allergies, Eye disorders and bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, low appetite. Heart and blood vessels. Fever, diabetes and gingevitis and liver ailments.   Warning: Not to be used during pregnancy.

        GREEN PHARM - Nettle No127 - 100ml

        Eases hayfever, asthma, eczema and allergig disorders. Assists with poor kidneys and flood retention. Improves breast milk production. Reduces an enlarged and painful prostate. May alleviate symptoms of gout and arthritis. It improves urine flow.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or when taking other diuretic medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Nettle No127 - 50ml

        Eases hayfever, asthma, eczema and allergig disorders. Assists with poor kidneys and flood retention. Improves breast milk production. Reduces an enlarged and painful prostate. May alleviate symptoms of gout and arthritis. It improves urine flow.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or when taking other diuretic medication.