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        GREEN PHARM - Skullcap No142 - 50ml

        Beneficial in the treatment of epilepsy, insomnia, hysteria and anxiety. Helps renew and revive the central nervous system. May relieve and prevent epileptic seizures, May assist with PMS and promote menstruation. Helps treat throat infections.  May be beneficial for ADD.   Precautions: Warning: Overdose causes giddiness, stupor, confusion and twitching.               Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation.               May potentiate the effects of sedative medications.

        GREEN PHARM - SleepWELL No7 - 100ml

        Have a good night's rest with this calming mixture of herbal extracts. SleepWELL contains Chamomile, known for its calming and mild sedative effect together with Valerian, Hops and Passion flower - well-known for cardio-tonic, anti-spasmodic and gentle sedating effect, safe even for children.

        GREEN PHARM - SleepWELL No7 - 50ml

        Have a good night's rest with this calming mixture of herbal extracts. SleepWELL contains Chamomile, known for its calming and mild sedative effect together with Valerian, Hops and Passion flower - well-known for cardio-tonic, anti-spasmodic and gentle sedating effect, safe even for children.

        GREEN PHARM - Slippery Elm No143 - 100ml

        Lubricates the mucous membranes so it assists dysentery, enteritis, gastric catarrh, gastritis, gastrointestinal irritation and mucous colitis. May neutralize stomach acids and reduce over-activity in the bowel.  Very beneficial so help heal stomach ulcers.  Beneficial for treatment of the respiratory tract including bronchitis, coughs, irritation of the pharynx and sore throat. May soothe irritation of the urinary tract.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Slippery Elm No143 - 50ml

        Lubricates the mucous membranes so it assists dysentery, enteritis, gastric catarrh, gastritis, gastrointestinal irritation and mucous colitis. May neutralize stomach acids and reduce over-activity in the bowel.  Very beneficial so help heal stomach ulcers.  Beneficial for treatment of the respiratory tract including bronchitis, coughs, irritation of the pharynx and sore throat. May soothe irritation of the urinary tract.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - St John's Wort No144 - 50ml

        Use for injured nerves, depression and anxiety caused by menopausal changes. Stimulates gastric and bowel secretions. May have sedative and pain relieving properties for sciatica and rheumatism.   Precautions: Warning: Do not use for longer than 10 days at a time.                Do not use with any other medication.               Do not use with warfarin, digoxin and anticonvulsants or other anti-depressant medication.

        GREEN PHARM - StomachSTOP No4 - 50ml

        Yarrow, one of the primary ingredients of StomachSTOP, is a highly effective aid to the digestive system thanks to its mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties - combined with the soothing antiemetic effects of Ginger and Slippery elm's protective lining of the intestinal walls. StomachSTOP offers a soothing antimicrobial aid against stomach complaints. StomachSTOP is also highly beneficial in cases of nausea and diarrhoea.

        GREEN PHARM - SugarTREAT No5 - 100ml

        SugarTREAT has been formulated with a multi-faceted approach to stabilising and normalising the body's blood sugar. the primary ingredient, Fenugreek, is well-known for its traditional use in late onset diabetes, high cholesterol and related problems like impotence and low libido. Cancerbush which contains, Pinitol - a well-known antidiabetic agent also aids the liver and general immune system with its strong adaptogenic & tonic effects.

        GREEN PHARM - SugarTREAT No5 - 50ml

        SugarTREAT has been formulated with a multi-faceted approach to stabilising and normalising the body's blood sugar. the primary ingredient, Fenugreek, is well-known for its traditional use in late onset diabetes, high cholesterol and related problems like impotence and low libido. Cancerbush which contains, Pinitol - a well-known antidiabetic agent also aids the liver and general immune system with its strong adaptogenic & tonic effects.

        GREEN PHARM - Thyme No145 - 50ml

        Eases respiratory infections like coughs and bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and hayfever. Soothes PMS, increases flow of urination and menstruation. Assists digestion and calms abdominal cramps.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation

        GREEN PHARM - TraumaCARE No47 - 100ml

        Passion flower assists in calming the body's neuro-receptors. Complimentary herbs include Hops and Valerian.

        GREEN PHARM - TraumaCARE No47 - 50ml

        Passion flower assists in calming the body's neuro-receptors. Complimentary herbs include Hops and Valerian.

        GREEN PHARM - Turmeric No146 - 50ml

        Anti-inflammatory May enhance bone and joint health. May help prevent hardening of arteries in people suffering from diabetes. Helps combat cell degeneration. Nay help stop cholesterol from forming gall stones. Beneficial in the overall fight against Alzheimer's disease.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or with people having congestive heart disease.

        GREEN PHARM - Valerian No147- 50ml

        Most useful relaxing nervines. For insomnia, PTSD, intestinal colic, insomnia, stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, epilepsy, PMS and cramps of painful periods.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. May cause drowsiness. Do not use in conjunction with other sedatives.

        GREEN PHARM - Velvet Bean No156 - 50ml

        Lowers stress, improves focus, boosts libido and elevates mood. Helps kill worms, combats tuberculosis, rheumatic disorders and gout, muscular pain, menstrual disorders and diabetes. Helps with cell-regeneration.   Precautions: Warning: May cause nausea, abdominal bloating and insomnia.

        GREEN PHARM - VitalFEMME No51 - 50ml

        Black cohosh has an oestrogen-like action, suppressing the activity of the luteinizing hormone: Controlled studies have indicated efficacy in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women, Skullcap balances chemical reactions in the body via the hypothalamus. Jasmine calms the human body and forms extra oestrogen . Supportive herbs include Dandelion and sceletium.