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        A.VOGEL - Concentration Formula - 30ml

        Drops for concentration and restlessness  Veratrum album, Helleborus niger, Zincum metallicum, Staphisagria, Vanilla and Piper methysticum: relieve the restlessness and nervous distress frequently associated with lack of concentration. Vinca minor and Anacardium: counteract the effects of mental fatigue. Anacardium: is used for treatment of poor memory. Zincum metallicum, Avena sativa and Cypripedium: are effective in the treatment of sleeplessness. Zincum metallicum and Asarum europeaum: counteract the hypersensitivity of the sensory organs frequently associated with lack of concentration. Ginkgo biloba: is effective in the treatment of poor concentration and memory by increasing the circulation to the brain. A homeopathic medicine which...

        A.VOGEL - Nervousness Insomnia Formula - 30ml

        Drops for nervousness and restlessness  Lupulinum (Glandulae lupuli), Zincum valerianicum and Passiflora incarnata: are used in the treatment of sleeplessness associated with nervousness. Avena sativa: is effective in the treatment of both nervous exhaustion and sleeplessness. Petasites off: has a sedative action and counteracts sleeplessness. A homeopathic medicine for the relief of nervousness, nervous exhaustion and insomnia. Nervousness, nervous exhaustion, sleeplessness due to nervousness, restlessness.     Dosage Adults and children over 12 years: Take 10 drops on the tongue, or directly under the tongue or in a teaspoon of water 4 times daily 15 minutes before meals. Discontinue once improvement...

        A.VOGEL - Dormeasan - 50ml

        Sleep drops Herbal sleep remedy Relief of sleep disturbances, stress and anxiety Fresh herb extract  Dormeasan is a herbal sleep remedy made from extracts of freshly harvested, organically grown A herbal formulation for the relief of sleep disturbances, stress and anxiety. Ingredients support the nervous system by having calming action and address symptoms such as restlessness and anxiety and when taken at bedtime promotes restful sleep. Dormeasan is not a 'sleeping pill'. It is a herbal sleeping aid and won't normally leave you feeling groggy in the morning. Unlike many sleep remedies, Dormeasan is available in the form of a...