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        CHINAHERB - Wind Heat Cough - 60 Tablets

        Sang Ju Yin Treats the following symptoms: Tags: influenza with cough, prolonged cough after influenza attack Wind Heat Cough and Exterior Heat are both from “Analysis of Seasonal Febrile Diseases” by Wu Jutong in the Qing Dynasty. All are prescriptions aim to relieve the Exterior Syndrome with herbs that have a pungent flavour and cool nature. Exterior Heat is good at treating the swelling sore throat and fever in influenza, while the Wind Heat Cough is better at treating cough. The ancients called Wind Heat Cough “gentle formulation in pungent and cool herb” especially suitable for the treatment of newly infected flu, coughing due to attaching of Heat Evil and mild to moderate fever. It is said to be a...

        CHINAHERB - Qi-Yin Enrichment - 60 Tablets

        生脉散 / Sheng Mai San Treats the following symptoms: Tags: arrhythmia, chronic heart failure, diabetes, emphysema, shortness of breath, tonic for heart and lung, weakness caused by consumed energy from summer heat or sport Qi-Yin Enrichment was first published in 1231 AD and was edited by Li Dongyuan in “Differentiation on Internal and External Diseases”. It is an excellent ancient recipe for replenishing Qi and Yin of Heart and Lung. It is widely used in cardiopulmonary Qi and Yin weakness diseases, such as tuberculosis, chronic lung disease rehabilitation, etc. This formulation replenishes Qi and replenishes Yin by nourishing and not drying with a peaceful nature. It is a commonly used healthcare product to restore physical strength. For example, in the summer heat when running a marathon...

        CHINAHERB - Exterior Heat - 60 Tablets

        银翘丸 / Yin Qiao Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute febrile diseases, acute tonsillitis, cold and flu, cough, dry mouth, fever, hay fever with itchy+red eyes, headache, infectious mononucleosis, measles, mumps, pneumonia, respiratory tract infections, rubella, sore throat, sweating, swollen tonsils, thirst Exterior Heat is from Wu Jutong’s “Analysis of Seasonal Febrile Diseases” in the Qing Dynasty and has a history of nearly two hundred years. The formulation uses the two methods of sweating and clearing Heat. It is called the “method of relieving the Exterior Syndrome with herbs pungent in flavour and cool in nature”. It is an important formulation for the treatment of Wind-Heat Pattern of common cold and influenza characterized by fever, headache, sore throat, dry mouth and cough. Modern pharmacological...

        CHINAHERB - Expel Lung Cold - 60 Tablets

        小青龙汤 / Xiao Qing Long Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute and chronic cough / bronchitis / asthma with clear or white phlegm or no phlegm and cold feeling in chest or back, symptoms become worse with cold and winter time Expel Lung Cold has the effect of relieving Cold and dispelling Cold by warming the Lungs. Qinglong, the mythical beast of the East, unified the four seas of water. The ancient Chinese medical sage Zhang Zhongjing named this prescription Xiao Qinglong just because of its meaning of treating water. Cold Evil inside the drinking water restrains Yang. This disease is similar to bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis in Western medicine. The ability of the Lungs, Spleen and Kidneys to lead the Huajin Fluid is weakened,...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Lung Heat - 60 Tablets

        清气化痰丸 / Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan3   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cough / bronchitis / asthma in yellow phlegm, HIV/AIDS, lobar pneumonia, lung abscess, mycoplasma pneumonia, pneumonia, pulmonary infection Clear Lung Heat was released from the “Medical prescription research” edited by Wu Kun, a famous Chinese doctor in the Ming Dynasty. It was created for the treatment of Phlegm Heat accumulating in the Lungs, manifested as cough, chest tightness, thick and yellow sputum and other symptoms related dysfunction of Lungs. For more than 500 years, this recipe has been used in ancient China to treat Heat obstructive pulmonary disease. The Heat obstructive pulmonary disease is characterized by cough, thick and yellow or even bloody sputum....

        CHINAHERB - Broncho Formula - 60 Tablets

        哮喘方 / Xiao Chuan Fang Treats the following symptoms: Tag: chronic cough / bronchitis / asthma   Broncho Formula is a prescription for nourishing Lungs and relieving chronic cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. The problem of cough and asthma is in the Lungs, but it will inevitably damage the Lungs and Kidneys over a long period. Lung Deficiency will prolong the course of the disease. Deficiency of the Kidney will cause the failure of Kidney Qi to support Lung Qi and will aggravate the shortness of breath and wheezing. The formulation is based on nourishing Lung and Kidney, accompanied by clearing Large Intestine. The clearing Large Intestine is the ancient method of “taking away the firewood from under the...