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        CHINAHERB - Ache Ease - 100 Pills

        Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang is a potent natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory. Key symptoms and signs for use:Chronic pain in the shoulders, back, elbows, waist, leg, extremitiesChronic generalized pain throughout the body that doesn’t respond to therapy Precautions and Contraindications:Contraindicated during pregnancy Dosage Form:PillsDosage and Administration: Taken orally, 4 pills, three times dailyPackage: Containers of 100 pills

        CHINAHERB - Warm Menses - 240 Tablets

        Warm Menses (Wen Jing Tang) comes from“Essentials of the Golden Chamber” written by Zhang Zhongjing, a physician in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It has the effect of warming the Meridian and dispelling Cold, nourishing Blood and removing Blood Stasis. Warm Menses consists of 12 herbs, based on the group of warming and nourishing herbs, with a small amount of nourishing Yin and cooling blood herbs, so that the whole formula is warm but not dry. This formula is commonly used for Cold, Deficiency and Stagnation pattern of gynecology problems, with the symptoms of irregular and painful menstruation, cold and pain in lower abdomen, low menstrual flow, dark purple colored or blood clots, pale complexion, cold limbs,...

        CHINAHERB - Exterior Cold - 60 Tablets

        Exterior Cold was created by Zhang Yuansu, a well-known doctor in the Jin Dynasty, and was included in the book “It’s Hard to Know” by his disciple Wang Haogu in 1308 AD. The formulation contains herbs that relieve the Exterior Syndrome and are pungent in flavour and warm in nature as the main ingredient, and it is also compatible with Heat-clearing herbs. Its effect is mainly to disperse Wind, Cold and Dampness, supplemented by clearing Heat, but also beneficial to joints and pain relief. It is suitable for the treatment of exogenous Wind–Cold and Dampness, with internal Heat Pattern. The clinical application is based on dialectic points of chills, fever, no sweat, headache, and sore limbs. It is a...

        CHINAHERB - Osteo-Well Zhuang Yao Pian - 60 Tablets

        壮腰健肾片 / Zhuang Yao Jian Shen Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: bursitis, chronic waist / leg / joint pain, lassitude feeling in the lower back and knees, lower back ache, lumbocrural pain, osteoporosis Chinese medicine believes that the waist is the palace of the Kidneys. If Kidney Qi is deficient, chronic low back pain will occur and the waist and knees will be sore and weak. Zhuang Yao Pian nourishes the Kidneys, strengthens the muscles and strengthens the bones. It is used for chronic waist, leg or joint pain caused by a Deficiency of Kidney Qi. It is commonly seen in elderly people who are weak and have pain in the waist, legs and shoulders, senile lumbocrural pain,...

        CHINAHERB - Warm Cold Limbs - 60 Tablets

        當歸四逆湯 / Dang Gui Si Ni Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: circulation disorders, early stage of angiitis of lower extremities, gout (worse for cold-better for warmth), Raynaud's syndrome Warm Cold Limbs comes from “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” written by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in China. It is for the treatment of Blood Deficiency and Cold Condense in the Meridians. Because of the Cold Evil Coagulation, the blood flow is insufficient, the Yang can not reach the extremities and the Blood can not fill the blood vessels. This manifests as cold hands and feet, the colour is blue and purple, and the pulse is very weak. If the symptoms show cold limbs, the pulse...

        CHINAHERB - Thorowax Purger - 60 Tablets

        Da Chai Hu Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: abdominal pain, bile, bitter taste in the mouth, constipation, fullness in abdomen, nausea and vomiting, pancreatitis and cholecystitis Thorowax Purger is from “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” written by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in China. It is made from Shaoyang Formula by removing ginseng and liquorice and adding rhei, citrus aurantium and paeonia lactiflora. Its effect is mainly to reconcile the Liver and Gallbladder to purge. It is used for disharmony of Shaoyang, Liver and Gallbladder Damp Heat, the manifestation of upper abdominal pain and fullness like a nodular mass or discomfort, bitter mouth, nausea or vomiting, constipation, yellow, greasy red tongue, pulse string or slippage. In modern clinic it...

        CHINAHERB - Smooth Liver - 60 Tablets

        柴胡疏肝片 / Chai Hu Shu Gan Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: cholecystitis, chronic gastritis, depression, fullness in stomach, hepatitis, interfacial neuralgia, pain in ribs area, pain or distending feeling in chest and hypochondriac region, sto, stomach ache, symptoms become worse with stress or emotional upset Smooth Liver came out of the Ming Dynasty and was mentioned in Ye Wenling’s “Medical Purpose”, published in 1535 AD. It is a formula for the treatment of Liver Qi Stagnation. The symptoms are characterized by mood depression and pain or distension in the circulation site of Liver Meridian, such as pain in the ribs area, stomach pain, fullness, often sigh involuntarily and wiry pulse. Nowadays, it is commonly used...

        CHINAHERB - Relieve Bi - 60 Tablets

        独活寄生汤 / Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: arthritis in stiffness / pain / aches / heaviness or numbness of joints and muscles, fibromyalgia, intolerance to cold, lower back ache, lumbar muscle strain, sciatica, senile lumbo-crural pain Relieve Bi is from the earliest clinical encyclopedia of traditional Chinese medicine “Thousand-Golden-Prescriptions” written by Sun Simiao of Tang Dynasty in 652 AD. Many practitioners in the later generations evaluated the Relieve Bi, the focus is on removing Wind, Cold and Dampness, supplemented with nourishing the Liver, Kidney, and Qi and Blood. Its composition is considered to “eliminate Evil without hurting the Zheng Qi, support the Zheng Qi without remaining Evil”. It...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Heat Bi - 60 Tablets

        清热除痹片 / Qing Re Chu Bi Pian   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: arthritis when affected joints or muscles are red / swollen / painful, gout (worse for warmth-better for cold), uric acid Clear Heat Bi is an adjusted formula from an ancient recipe “Xuan Bi Tang” from“Differentiation and treatment of febrile disease”. Sang Zhi (Ramulus Mori) and Wei Ling Xian (Herba Potentillae Chinensis) are used in Clear Heat Bi to replace Fangji (Fourstamen Stephania Root ) in “Xuan Bi Tang”, which contains aristolochic acid. The effects of Clear Heat Bi are to clear away Damp-Heat, dredge the Meridians and relieve arthritis pain; attending to Damp-Heat Bi Syndrome. Damp-Heat Bi Syndrome is that Damp-Heat accumulating in the joints and meridians, Meridian Qi and Blood are blocked and...