A.VOGEL - Prostate Formula - 30ml

R 181.57

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Vendor: A.VOGEL SKU: 6007650000927
  • Populus tremuloides, Clematis recta, Chimaphila umbellate, Sabal serrulata and Solidago virguarea: are effective in the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy and its associated symptoms.
  • Populus tremuloides, Chimaphila umbellate, Peumus boldus and Onosmodium virginicum: are used for the treatment of bladder infections.

A homeopathic medicine which assists with the treatment of male urinary difficulties associated with an enlarged prostate.

Acute symptoms of the prostate, difficulty urinating, has to wait a long time for urine to begin to flow, dribbling at end of urination, pain on urination.



Take 10 drops on the tongue, or directly under the tongue or in a teaspoon of water 4 times daily 15 minutes before meals. Discontinue once improvement occurs.

In acute/severe cases:
Take the relevant number of drops hourly, gradually reducing frequency as improvement occurs, or as directed by your doctor, pharmacist or other healthcare provider.





Homeopathic Clinical Indication*

Chimaphila umbellata D3 (Winter green)

Sensation of swelling in perineum – like sitting on a ball. Pressing of fullness sensation on the bladder. Constant desire to urinate – wakes frequently at night to urinate. Specific remedy for urinary retention in BPH. Retarded urine flow – must wait a while before flow starts. Can only urinate standing, feet apart and leaning forward.

Clematis erecta D3 (Virgin’s Bower)

Hesitancy and taking long and significant effort to pass all the urine due to a constricted urethra followed by dribbling after urinating. Flow of urine is interrupted and the last few drops burn as they pass. Possible urethritis with burning.

Onosmodium virginianum D6 (False gromwell)

Loss of libido and/or anxiety over impotency. Erectile dysfunction and psychogenic impotence.

Peumus boldus D2 (Boldo)

Indicated for bladder atony – to tonify the bladder muscle.

Populus tremuloides D1 (American aspen)

Enlarged prostate with pain behind the pubic bone after urinating. Indicated for cystitis and catarrh of the bladder and irritation of the bladder and urethra in older men with urinary retention.

Solidago virgaurea D1 (Golden rod)

Enlarged prostate and/or prostatitis obstructing urine flow. ‘The homeopathic catheter’. Difficult urination, which is dark and in small amounts.