What is inflammation?
There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic body.
Acute inflammation is short-term, and a healthy response when fending off bacteria, viruses, parasites or injury. Some typical symptoms are localized heat, redness, swelling, pain and loss of function. This is the body’s immune system reacting to fight off foreign bacteria. This typically lasts a few days to weeks.
Chronic inflammation is a constant low-grade level of inflammation. It’s a result of exposure to environmental chemicals/toxins, high stress, a sedentary lifestyle, sleep deprivation, genetic factors, or a diet high in processed foods. Instead of a short-term, localized, site-specific area that the body fights as in acute inflammation, chronic inflammation is a long, mild, whole-body grind. It's important to realize that chronic inflammation is the source of many if not most diseases, including cancer, obesity, and heart disease. While inflammation is a perfectly normal and beneficial process that occurs when your body's white blood cells and chemicals protect you from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses, it leads to trouble when the inflammatory response gets out of hand.
Health issues potentially resulting from inflammation
Chronic inflammation is linked to virtually every disease in one way or another. More often than not, it is the eventual signs of inflammation that alert people to the presence of disease. By that time, it has usually been present in the body for a while.
Here are just a few of the illnesses that may result from prolonged or chronic inflammation:
1. Alzheimer’s disease. Brain cells may be destroyed by chronically elevated levels of inflammation.
2. Congestive heart failure. Chronic periods of inflammation may cause the heart muscle to wear out and waste away.
3. Fibromyalgia. Inflammation attacks the connective tissues, leading to pain.
4. Asthma and Cytokines. “Cytokines are inflammatory immunologic proteins that are there to fight off infections and ward off cancers and assist the lungs where asthma and viruses are are present. But when they are out of control, they can make you very ill. A cytokine storm is the result of an immune system gone wild. The body’s own killer immune cells are often defective, resulting in increased production of inflammatory proteins that can lead to organ failure and death. Serrapeptase can reduce the level of these inflammatory proteins.
5. Arthritis. Inflammatory cytokines may cause cellular activity that leads to the destruction of synovial fluid and joint cartilage.
6. Neuropathy. Inflammation induces autoimmune reactions that attack the vascular, myelin, and connective tissues, potentially causing nerve irritation.

SerraFast Capsules are designed to help the body fight chronic inflammation and are formulated using the following ingredients:
Serrapeptase, technically called Serratio Peptidase, is a proteolytic enzyme, which means that it chops up or digests protein. It is produced by bacteria in the gut of silkworms and is used to digest their cocoons. When this enzyme is isolated and coated in the form of a tablet, it has been shown to act as an anti-inflammatory and a pain-blocker, much like aspirin, ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). What’s more, preliminary research indicates that Serrapeptase may even help inhibit plaque build-up in arteries, thereby preventing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and a resulting heart attack or stroke. Therefore, much like aspirin, this naturally derived enzyme may work to prevent inflammation, pain, heart attack and stroke. Unlike aspirin and other over-the-counter (OTC) NSAIDs, Serrapeptase has not been shown to cause ulcers and stomach bleeding. Although the Serrapeptase enzyme was discovered in silk worms, no silkworms are actually used in the manufacturing process of commercially available Serrapeptase supplements. The enzymes are extracted from Serratia bacteria, and grown in controlled environments without the use of a silkworm host.
Serrapeptase works in three ways:
It reduces inflammation by thinning the fluids formed from injury, and facilitating the fluid’s drainage. This in turn, also speeds tissue repair.
It helps alleviate pain by inhibiting the release of pain-inducing amines called bradykinin. (Bradykinin mediates inflammation by causing vasodilation, by increasing vascular permeability, and by stimulating the synthesis of prostaglandins.)
It enhances cardiovascular health by breaking down the protein by-products of blood coagulation called fibrin. Conveniently, Serrapeptase is able to dissolve the fibrin and other dead or damaged tissue without harming living tissue. This could enable the dissolution of atherosclerotic plaques without causing any harm to the inside of the arteries.
Because Serrapeptase digests or dissolves all non-living tissue, including blood clots, cysts and arterial plaque, it is used to treat a variety of conditions, including sprains and torn ligaments, postoperative swelling, venous thrombosis (clots in the legs), ear, nose and throat infections and atherosclerosis. A pain-reliever and anti-inflammatory supplement that has anti-clotting activities without the risk of stomach bleeding? Sounds too good to be true? Let’s look at the research. When searching PubMed for Serrapeptase, one can find close to 40 clinical studies, most of which are from European or Asian researchers. The studies, on the whole, conclude that Serrapeptase can have tremendous benefits.
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
Bacopa monnieri, a plant commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine, has an age-old reputation for being an effective and powerful herb helpful for memory and combating stress. Bacopa monnieri, known to most as Brahmi, acts as an adaptogen; which means it helps the body adapt to new or stressful situations. The following facts show the power and versatility of this therapeutic plant.
Supports the Brain
As people age, it’s common for age-related brain degradation to happen. The active compounds in Brahmi, known as bacosides, positively influence brain cells that prompt the regeneration of brain tissue. In one animal study, long-term supplementation with bacosides showed therapeutic value against the rapid degeneration associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
Encourages Normal Blood Pressure
Brahmi has been shown to increase the utilization of nitric oxide in the body and also appears to encourage vascular muscle function, two benefits that positively influence normal blood pressure.
Strong Antioxidant Activity
Brahmi provides protection against oxidative damage, a type of cellular damage caused by free radicals. The herb has also been shown to enhance antioxidant activity in other organs, like the kidneys.
Methylsulfonylmethane is a sulphur (a chemical) found in fresh raw foods including fruits, vegetables and meat. MSM, is a white crystalline substance that contains 34% sulphur.
How does it work?
Laboratory studies have found that MSM has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Sulphur, which is a major component of MSM, plays an important role in making collagen and glucosamine, both of which are vital for healthy bones and joints, and in the production of immunoglobulins, which help your immune system.
MSM very effectively fights inflammations resulting from autoimmune reactions (in which the body's immune system turns on itself). For example, people who suffer from arthritis often benefit greatly from MSM. Several studies have shown that supplementation of MSM significantly reduces joint degeneration and inflammation. In one study, 24 people with symptomatic osteoarthritis were treated with either a regular (NSAID) drug, or with 3 grams of MSM daily. After one month, both groups noted equal improvements in pain and stiffness.
Some research suggests that there is a minimum concentration of MSM that must be maintained in the body to preserve normal physiological function and the molecular structure of our musculoskeletal systems. Low concentrations of MSM in our bodies have been linked with unspecified complaints of fatigue, depression, high sensitivity to physical and psychological stress, and with a large number of degenerative diseases.
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Curcumin
Arguably, the most powerful aspect of curcumin is its ability to control inflammation.
Studies found that curcumin is among the most effective anti-inflammatory compounds in the world. Diseases such as cancer, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, high cholesterol and chronic pain can be the result of inflammation.
The anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin have also been studied as a possible treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.
An in-depth analysis of all the studies evaluating curcumin’s ability to manage inflammatory bowel disease (IBS, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis) found that many patients were able to stop taking their prescribed corticosteroids because their condition improved so dramatically by taking curcumin.