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        GREEN PHARM - ImmuneBOOST No26 - 50ml

        Echinacea is a natural antibiotic and boosts the immune system. Yarrow is anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Golden rod is widely used to treat coughs, influenza and bronchitis. Myrrh relieves nasal congestion and cough and is a broad spectrum immune system booster. Precautions: Warning: Echinacea may trigger reaction with Asthma sufferers. Not to be taken longer than 30 (thirty) days. Golden rod may cause allergic reactions. Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.  

        GREEN PHARM - HayfeverSUPPORT No24 - 50ml

        Marshmallow root lubricates mucous membranes and inner linings of the respiratory tract and alleviate inflammation. Peppermint has strong antimicrobial properties and assists the body in calming mucosal inflammation and breaks down catarrh in the respiratory tract. Cancerbush acts as an adaptogen for inflammation caused by pollen in the air. Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation. Avoid using longer than 60 (sixty) days as Stinging nettle may cause skin irritations and rash.

        GREENPHARM - FluCARE No22 - 50ml

        Support for cold and flu. Use with 26 ImmuneBOOST and 18 CoughEASE and FeverCARE Echinacea is considered a natural antibiotic with anti-viral properties. It also boosts the Immune System. Feverfew combats fever and pain while Ginseng increases oxygen to the blood, immune competence and stress resistance.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy and lactation. Echinacea may trigger Asthma attacks in Asthma sufferers.

        GREENPHARM - CoughEASE No18 - 50ml

        Support when having a dry cough and when wheezing. Contains anti-inflammatory and anti-viral herbs including Anise. Precautions: Warning: Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. Liquorice root should be avoided when taking hypertension medication. 

        GREENPHARM - DegenCARE No13 - 50ml

        Cell regeneration and support for Cancer. Canavanine in Cancerbush is an arginine mimic that documented anti-carcenogenic activity. Pinitol is a known anti-diabetic agent with potential in the treatment in cases of severe immune disfunction. Myrrh is a strong immune stimulant while Red clover is known for its blood cleansing abilities and blood purification. Green tea is a powerful anti-oxidant which helps prevent cellular damage and ageing.   Precautions: Warning: Cancerbush may cause a dry mouth and mild diarrhoea, slight dizziness and constipation. Myrrh should not be used if on heart medication or diabetes medication. Red clover may potentiate the effects...

        GREEN PHARM - SugarTREAT No5 - 100ml

        SugarTREAT has been formulated with a multi-faceted approach to stabilising and normalising the body's blood sugar. the primary ingredient, Fenugreek, is well-known for its traditional use in late onset diabetes, high cholesterol and related problems like impotence and low libido. Cancerbush which contains, Pinitol - a well-known antidiabetic agent also aids the liver and general immune system with its strong adaptogenic & tonic effects.

        GREEN PHARM - SugarTREAT No5 - 50ml

        SugarTREAT has been formulated with a multi-faceted approach to stabilising and normalising the body's blood sugar. the primary ingredient, Fenugreek, is well-known for its traditional use in late onset diabetes, high cholesterol and related problems like impotence and low libido. Cancerbush which contains, Pinitol - a well-known antidiabetic agent also aids the liver and general immune system with its strong adaptogenic & tonic effects.