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        CHINAHERB - Nourish Blood - 60 Tablets

        归脾丸 / Gui Pi Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: anaemia, anxiety and palpitations, arrhythmia, blood in the stool, breathlessness on exertion, dizziness and vertigo, early menstruation, excessive uterine bleeding, fatigue, heavy menstruation, HIV/AIDS, immune deficiency, insomnia, loss of energy, neurasthenia, poor memory, purpura (blood or purple-coloured spots) Nourish Blood was first published in Yan Yonghe’s “Formulas for Benefiting Health” in the Song Dynasty and was completed in 1253 AD. Mainly treat anaemia, anxiety and palpitation, dizziness and vertigo, forgetfulness, depression, immune deficiency and insomnia which are caused by Heart and Spleen, Qi and Blood Deficiency Syndrome. It also treats blood in the stool, subcutaneous purpura, early menstruation, women with heavy menstruation, excessive uterine bleeding with lighter blood colour caused by Spleen Deficiency leading to inability to control Blood.   Although Nourish Blood is the...

        CHINAHERB - Harmonizes Stomach - 60 Tablets

        半夏泻心汤 / Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: abnormal bowel sounds, acid reflux, chronic colitis, chronic gastritis, diarrhoea, duodenal ulcer, fullness in stomach, functional dyspepsia, gastric ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, pain in the epigastrium, stomach ache, stomach hernia Harmonizes Stomach comes from the classic “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”. Many medical practitioners call Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang the first formulation for gastrointestinal conditioning. The formulation uses “pungent-open, bitter-descend and sweet-tonic” as the idea of forming the formula. The pungent-open means using herbs in pungent flavour to restore digestion function of the Spleen. Bitter flavour herbs are restoring the descending function of the Stomach and sweet-tonic means it is using sweet flavours to tonic Spleen and Stomach. It is a classic formula for regulating Spleen and Stomach function....

        CHINAHERB - Consolidate Qi - 60 Tablets

        参苓白术散 / Shen Ling Bai Zhu San   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: chronic colitis, chronic fatigue, chronic gastritis, diarrhoea (loose stools containing undigested food), food allergy, gastric or duodenal ulcers, increased vaginal discharge (white), indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, loose stool and chronic diarrhea which has no mucous in faeces, maldigestion Consolidate Qi was released from “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” issued by the state in the Song Dynasty of China, which was made by adding strengthening Spleen and removing Dampness herbs to the Four Gentlemen Formula. It is an important formulation for the treatment of chronic diarrhoea and bowel sounds due to Spleen Deficiency and Dampness. It is clinically used for chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, chronic gastritis, chronic...

        BOUND OXYGEN - Gut Drops - 30ml

        Bound Oxygen Gut Drops All disease starts in the Gut – but the problem is that humans are not very good at preventing illness, even when they know what the problem is. The diseases in the gut – small intestine – is not done through poisoning, it happens because we feed the anaerobic pathogens. The good news is that they are alive and so we can starve them or deprive them of water – all we have to do is to stop feeding them and giving them liquids! This is quite easy now that we know what we are trying to...

        A.VOGEL - Molkosan® Original - 200ml

        Supports a healthy digestive system, relieves IBS symptoms   Supports healthy gut bacteria. Promotes good digestion. Helps relieve IBS / digestive symptoms. High in L+ lactic acid. Helps eliminate bad gut bacteria and yeasts. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant. Free of lactose, gluten, sugar and calorie free. Suitable for vegetarians.   Molkosan® is one of Alfred Vogel’s original remedies. Made from whey obtained from organic milk, Molkosan® is rich in a substance known as L+ lactic acid which is now known to support the growth of good gut bacteria. In this way, it acts as a prebiotic. More about Molkosan®...

        A.VOGEL - Molkosan® Original - 500ml

        Supports a healthy digestive system, relieves IBS symptoms   Supports healthy gut bacteria. Promotes good digestion. Helps relieve IBS / digestive symptoms. High in L+ lactic acid. Helps eliminate bad gut bacteria and yeasts. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant. Free of lactose, gluten, sugar and calorie free. Suitable for vegetarians.   Molkosan® is one of Alfred Vogel’s original remedies. Made from whey obtained from organic milk, Molkosan® is rich in a substance known as L+ lactic acid which is now known to support the growth of good gut bacteria. In this way, it acts as a prebiotic. More about Molkosan®...

        A.VOGEL - Indigestion Formula - 30ml

        Heartburn and indigestion drops     Atropa belladonna: is effective in the treatment of pain associated with indigestion and increased stomach acidity. Artemisa abrotanum, Robinia pseudacacia and Nux vomica: counteract acid indigestion. Chionanthus virginicus: aids in the treatment of headaches arising from digestive upsets. Haronga madagascar: causes an increase in the secretion of the digestive fluids, thereby relieving dyspepsia.   A homeopathic medicine which assists with the treatment of heartburn and indigestion. Excess acid in the stomach, too little acid in the stomach, reflux, burping, feeling in the stomach of fullness/bloatedness. Top of Form Bottom of Form Dosage   Adults and...

        PHYTOCEUTICS - Ceregut Probiotic - 30 Sachets

        Ceregut™ is a 3 billion CFU probiotic formulated to help improve or normalise gut bacteria to better the functioning of the digestive system. The two strains of probiotics in Ceregut™ are well documented for their beneficial effect on the digestive tract and health in general. When ingested on a regular basis, these probiotics should improve or normalise the microbial balance in the human intestines and thereby improve the functioning of the digestive tract/gut.   Ceregut™ contains 2 very specific species and strains of probiotic that were first isolated more than 32 years ago: Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell®-52 and Bifidobacterium longum Rosell®-175. Ceregut™ is produced by...

        PHYTOCEUTICS - Ceregut Probiotic - 10 Sachets

        Ceregut™ is a 3 billion CFU probiotic formulated to help improve or normalise gut bacteria to better the functioning of the digestive system. The two strains of probiotics in Ceregut™ are well documented for their beneficial effect on the digestive tract and health in general. When ingested on a regular basis, these probiotics should improve or normalise the microbial balance in the human intestines and thereby improve the functioning of the digestive tract/gut.   Ceregut™ contains 2 very specific species and strains of probiotic that were first isolated more than 32 years ago: Lactobacillus helveticus Rosell®-52 and Bifidobacterium longum Rosell®-175. Ceregut™ is produced by...

        GREEN PHARM - Agrimony No150 - 50ml

        Diarrhoea, stomach and intestinal ailments benefits from this herb. Rheumatism, lumbago and hardening of the liver and spleen disorders. May benefit kidney and bladder disorders and enlargement of the heart if taken over long periods of time. Increases the suppleness of the larynx. When boiled in milk it can help with male impotence. Treats urinary incontinence and cystitus.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken by pregnant or lactating women.               Not to be taken with any blood pressure medication.

        GREEN PHARM - St John's Wort No144 - 50ml

        Use for injured nerves, depression and anxiety caused by menopausal changes. Stimulates gastric and bowel secretions. May have sedative and pain relieving properties for sciatica and rheumatism.   Precautions: Warning: Do not use for longer than 10 days at a time.                Do not use with any other medication.               Do not use with warfarin, digoxin and anticonvulsants or other anti-depressant medication.

        GREEN PHARM - Slippery Elm No143 - 100ml

        Lubricates the mucous membranes so it assists dysentery, enteritis, gastric catarrh, gastritis, gastrointestinal irritation and mucous colitis. May neutralize stomach acids and reduce over-activity in the bowel.  Very beneficial so help heal stomach ulcers.  Beneficial for treatment of the respiratory tract including bronchitis, coughs, irritation of the pharynx and sore throat. May soothe irritation of the urinary tract.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Senna No141 - 50ml

        Stimulates peristalsis, triggering bowel movement therefor helping with constipation. Anti-inflammatory, detox, cleansing, hemorrhoids. Pre and post operative cleansing. Laxative.

        GREEN PHARM - Rosemary No136 - 50ml

        Treats stomach cramps and flatulence. Stimulates appetite and the secretion of gastric juices. Useful against headaches and nervous complaints. Improves memory.

        GREEN PHARM - Plantain No133 - 50ml

        Treatment of cough, phlegm in the lungs, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Helps purify blood. Beneficial for kidneys, treating eczema and herpes and diarrhoea.  May be used for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Beneficial in the treatment of thrombosis. For congestion of mucous of the middle ear, glue ear and infections of the ear. Useful in skin conditions and in ointments for treating hemorrhoids.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.

        GREEN PHARM - Plantain No133 - 100ml

        Treatment of cough, phlegm in the lungs, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Helps purify blood. Beneficial for kidneys, treating eczema and herpes and diarrhoea.  May be used for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Beneficial in the treatment of thrombosis. For congestion of mucous of the middle ear, glue ear and infections of the ear. Useful in skin conditions and in ointments for treating hemorrhoids.   Precautions: Warning: Not to be taken during pregnancy or lactation.