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        NATURE'S PLUS - Gold Multivitamin - 90 Chewables

        Source of Life GOLD is the ultimate multivitamin supplement with concentrated whole foods! With revolutionary new all-natural ingredients and more Energizing, Antioxidant, and Anti-Aging power than ever before, Source of Life Gold Chewables will change your life with an unparalleled Burst of Life and Burst of Health! With Acai, Resveratrol, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, CoQ10 and Over 120 whole foods. These irresistible chewables turn daily supplementation into an exciting, flavour-filled experience. Delicious mango and mouthwatering pineapple highlight a tropical fruit blend so sumptuous, it’s irresistible!   Ingredients: Amounts per serving of 3 tablets: Vitamin A              ...

        R 1,442.00 Read moreRead more

        NATURE'S PLUS - Gold Children’s Multies - 120 Chewables

        Natures Plus Animal Parade GOLD Multi takes protection & nutritional support for children to the next level. The new sugar-free formula is packed with delicious natural flavours and even more goodness. Each serving of these fun, animal shaped chewables is packed with 500 IU of vitamin D3, more trace minerals, enzymes, probiotics and a colourful assortment of certified organic whole foods. Animal Parade Gold Children’s Multies are free from artificial colours and preservatives. Free from common allergens such as yeast, wheat and soy. Sweetened with Xylitol, which may reduce  the risk of tooth decay.   Ingredients: Amounts per serving of 2...

        HIGH ON LIFE - Guava Concentrate - 1L

        Suitable for Vegans, Vegetarians, Diabetics, those with ADD/ADHD, the Health Conscious, and those following a Sugar free, Dairy Free, Banting, Keto, Low Carb or Carb-free Lifestyle! Why fiddle with suppositories or revolting-tasting powders to get your tummy movingwhen you have this INSTANT and DELICIOUS fruit flavoured concentrate, which is high in both soluble and insoluble fibres right at your fingertips! Use this drink to stimulate the colon thereby promoting bowel health and regularity!   Ingredients: Purified water, Gum Acacia, Oat Fibre, Polydextrose and/or Inulin, Vegetable Fibre, Citric acid, Malic acid, Flavour, Guar Gum, Stevia, Vitamin Premix, Xanthan Gum, Preservatives (Potassium,...

        HIGH ON LIFE - Fruits Concentrate - 1L

        Suitable for Vegans, Vegetarians, Diabetics, those with ADD/ADHD, the Health Conscious, and those following a Sugar free, Dairy Free, Banting, Keto, Low Carb or Carb-free Lifestyle! Why fiddle with suppositories or revolting-tasting powders to get your tummy moving when you have this INSTANT and DELICIOUS fruit flavoured concentrate, which is high in both soluble and insoluble fibres right at your fingertips! Use this drink to stimulate the colon thereby promoting bowel health and regularity!   Ingredients: Purified water, Gum Acacia, Oat Fibre, Polydextrose and/or Inulin, Vegetable Fibre, Citric acid, Malic acid, Flavour, Guar Gum, Stevia, Vitamin Premix, Xanthan Gum, Preservatives...

        PURE HERBAL REMEDIES - IBS Formula - 90 Capsules

        This formula is for Irritable bowel Inflamed colon Spastic colon Bloating Diarrhoea Stomach cramps This formula is very soothing in the colon and assists in the healing of sensitive, inflamed, and spastic colons. Make sure to drink lots of water with this formula. If the bowels are a bit sluggish, use Digest Energy or Colon Support with it. You can feel this remedy working within 10 minutes.   Ingredients: IBS Formula contains: Chamomile – anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, encourage friendly bacteria growth. Calamus – rejuvenates the nervous system, antispasmodic. Peppermint – flatulence, antispasmodic. Slippery elm – soothing and protecting for ulceration and inflammation...

        PURE HERBAL REMEDIES - Digest Energy - 90 Capsules

        This formula is for Indigestion Gas Overeating Mild constipation Bloating and feeling of fullness. Insufficient absorption This formula stimulates digestion and creates heat in the digestive system. It is useful for conditions where there is not enough enzyme production, insufficient absorption, or if you have overeaten. It enables the food to digest thoroughly, improving absorption and reducing fermentation, which can cause bloating and gas. It is also useful for drying up mucous in the intestines that encourage candida overgrowth. Using antacids long term in these cases may only make the situation worse even though there may be short-term relief. To...

        PURE HERBAL REMEDIES - Colon Support - 90 Capsules

        This formula is for Constipation Sluggish colon Colon detox Often laxatives can be harmful to the colon and make it lazy, but Colon support works on regenerating colon function by stimulating the nervous system and digestive systems. Instead of increasing the dosage as you would with laxatives, you can gradually decrease the dosage as the condition improves. It does not irritate the colon or make you laxative-dependent. For best results, use Colon support as a course. It is safe for long-term use. If you need a gentler formula, lower your dosage, or use Digest Energy.   Ingredients: Colon Support contains: Sacred...

        PURE HERBAL REMEDIES - Candida Support - 90 Capsules

        This formula is for Elimination of fungus Killing Bacteria Fighting Candida albicans Drying intestinal mucous Boosting immunity This formula is used for the elimination of intestinal fungus. Most candida formulas are only antifungals where Candida Support changes the environment in the colon so that Candida cannot survive or re-occur. It is ideal for people suffering from Candida albicans with symptoms of fatigue, weak immunity, bloating, yeast infections, etc. It helps to dry up the mucous in the intestines so that fungus cannot survive and works best when used in conjunction with a candida diet and Digest Energy.   Ingredients: Candida...

        NATURE FRESH - Probiotic-15 Liquid - 200ml

        PROBIOTIC-15 is a liquid concentrate of the three basic families of probiotic strains: lactobacillus, phototropic probiotics (similar to blue-green algae) and beneficial yeasts that do not cause candidiasis. These beneficial microbes consume the trouble making candida! When we take antibiotics and even large and frequent doses of herbs like goldenseal, oregano oil, echinachea or propolis we kill off the beneficial gut microbes as well. In other words, we compromise over 8% of the immune system and that is why we suffer from candida and constipation!   Ingredients: 13515mg Purified Structured water 600mg SCM EM food grade 525mg Organic Grape and...

        THE HARVEST TABLE - Multi Collagen Powder - 450g

        Our Multi Collagen Powder provides all the benefits of type I, II and III collagens in their ideal ratios. This will ensure optimum results in terms of strong hair and nails, glowing skin, reduced joint aches and a healthy gut. Our Multi Collagen Powder has a slightly stronger flavour profile and requires a little agitation to dissolve.   Ingredients: Hydrolysed Collagen Bovine, Hydrolysed Collagen Marine (codfish skin), Hydrolyzed chicken protein isolate (44% Collagen)     Serving size/Dosage: We suggest a serving of at least 2 tablespoons a day for optimum health and wellbeing. The Harvest Table Multi Collagen can be added into...

        THE HARVEST TABLE - Multi Collagen Granules - 350g

        Our Multi Collagen Granules provides all the benefits of type I, II and III collagens in their ideal ratios. This will ensure optimum results in terms of strong hair and nails, glowing skin, reduced joint aches and a healthy gut. Our Multi Collagen Granules are fast dissolving and virtually tasteless.    Ingredients: Hydrolysed Collagen Bovine, Hydrolysed Collagen Marine (Tilapia and Carp skin), Hydrolyzed Chicken Collagen.   Serving size/Dosage: We suggest a serving of at least 2 tablespoons a day for optimum health and wellbeing. Because this is a granulated product, it is fast dissolving and virtually tasteless.

        PEGASUS - Gastric Plus 30c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for all aspects of abdominal discomfort including fullness, distension, bloating, flatulence, acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion. Many of the above symptoms may be precipitated by apprehension, fear and nervousness, which are also relieved by this remedy.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Anacardium orientale 30c General indigestion; belching, nausea and vomiting; weak digestion with fullness and distention; empty feeling in stomach with continual rumbling. Pain is better after eating and recurs 2-3 hours thereafter. Argentum nitricum 30c All symptoms of indigestion brought on by apprehension and anticipatory anxiety e.g. belching, wind, nausea, vomiting, burning stomach...

        PEGASUS - Constipation 6c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for acute constipation. It acts as a natural laxative with a gentle action. A useful remedy in treating constipation in children and for those who suffer from constipation when traveling away from home.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Alumina 4C Sluggish bowel movements, little desire to pass stool, when it does occur stool is hard & dry, itching & burning at anus, may bleed. Straining to pass stool, constipation of infants, the elderly & those with sedentary habits. Chelidonium majus 4C Constipation presenting with hard, round balls, may be yellow or clay colour. Constipation...

        PEGASUS - Anti-Spasm 200c - 100 Pillules

        A homeopathic remedy for cramps and spasm including stomach cramps, baby colic, muscle cramps in the legs, restless legs and menstrual cramps. For spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome, this remedy taken in conjunction with the gastric plus 30C remedy can be helpful. In this case, alternate the dosing of the 2 remedies.   Ingredients: Remedy Symptoms covered by specific remedy Aconitum napellus 200C Sudden onset of symptoms. Violent, painful and flatulent abdominal spasms. Anguish of mind and body, restlessness. Cactus grandiflora 30C Constrictive, spasmodic pain. Colocynthis 200C Severe abdominal spasm, causing patient to double up and apply pressure to the...

        NATURA - Magen 25ml - Drops

        Homeopathic medicine to assist in relieving nausea, vomiting, indigestion and stomach cramps.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Anamirta cocculus (Cocculus) Spag D8 Antimonium crudum D10 Arsenicum iodatum D6 Atropa belladonna (Belladonna) Spag D8 Carbo vegetabilis D30 Cephaelis acuminata (Ipecacuanha) Spag D8 Cinchona succirubra Spag D3 Daphne mezereum Spag D8 Magnesium phosphoricum D10 Strychnos nux-vomica (Nux vomica) Spag D4 Preservative: 20% Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. May be taken 1-2 hourly in acute cases. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of...

        TERRANOVA - Digestive Enzyme Complex – 50 Capsules

        May assist with digestion, normal gut function and the maintenance of a healthy digestive system. More about this product: Terranova Digestive Enzyme Complex is a comprehensive formula designed to support your digestive function, particularly helpful in managing enzyme imbalances and deficiencies. It features a unique MAGNIFOOD blend of digestive botanicals such as freeze-dried ginger rhizome/root, gentian root, and cardamon which stimulate the body’s own secretion of digestive enzymes like hydrochloric acid and pepsin. The complex uses BioCore® Optimum Complete, a trade-marked combination of vegetarian and vegan-friendly enzymes that facilitate digestion and nutrient utilization. These enzymes are effective across a broad...