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        NUTRIHERB - Pau ‘D Arco-Taheebo 60 Capsules

        Nutritionally Beneficial For A Healthy Immune System, General Good Health And Vitality.Ingredients: Standardised Herbal Extract & Powder Equiv. To: Pau D’ Arco Bark (Tabebuia Impetiginosa) 450mg Equivalent To 900mg PowderDirections for Use: Directions For Use Are Updated On Bottle As Recommended Dosage Change.Precautions: More Info:

        SWANSON - Full Spectrum Black Cumin Seed 400 mg - 60 Capsules

        400 mg Per Capsule Herbal Supplement Maintains Immune Health Supports Microbial Balance Supports Respiratory Health Science-Backed Quality Since 1969 Full Spectrum® Black Cumin Seed (Nigella sativa) is an historic panacea that nourishes your entire body. The history of black cumin as a health aid dates back to the Pharaohs of Egypt. Its use is mentioned in the Bible, the words of the prophet Mohammad, and in many other ancient texts. Today we know that these tiny seeds have over 100 constituents, many of which have yet to be identified but appear to provide unique nourishment for human health and wellness....

        SALVITA - Humic Acid - 100g Powder

        Antiviral and antimicrobial properties Detoxification and chelating heavy metals Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis  Musculoskeletal healing Immunomodulatory Hepatoprotective Anti-hypoxic by increasing oxygenation and circulation Gastrointestinal disorders Ulcerative colitis, ulcers, diarrhoea, dysbiosis Cardiovascular and vasodilating activities Various skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, acne Antiaging – reduce wrinkles Diabetes mellitus Radio-protective, mitigating radiation damage Growth and development Energy and stamina Allergy relief Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease Anaemia Cancer support Reduce infections in burn victims Support wound healing – topically and internally applied Haemorrhagic fever Improved body composition Stress management   Ingredients: 100% potassium humate (humic and fulvic acids) - Contains...

        AMRITA NUTRACEUTICS - Myrrh Oleo Resin - 30ml

        Many types of trees produce resin or tree gum/sap which can be harvested for various purposes. It is considered the ‘lifeblood’ of the tree, containing many different compounds which are now proven to have numerous, some might say even miraculous healing abilities.  Amrita wanted to make these Oleo Resins available to the public as an extract as these resins in their raw, whole form contain medicinal properties that are often lost in otherextraction and manufacture processes (for example, when they are separated out to make essential oils and for the pharmaceutical and perfume industries). Here at Amrita, we are in...

        NATURE FRESH - Viro-Ban - 50 Veg Capsules

        Viro-BAN 50 vegecaps Artemisia Afra when taken with Olive Leaf and Black Cumin, they help to treat the ill effects of mutating coronaviruses, bacteria/biofilms, and parasites and help control fever, cytokine storms, blood clotting, hypoxia & sepsis. Black Cumin exerts immunomodulatory effects due to its CBD(endocannabinoid) content. Artemisia Afra when taken with Olive Leaf and Black Cumin, helps to treat the ill effects of mutating coronaviruses, bacteria/biofilms and parasites and help to control fever, cytokine storms, blood clotting, hypoxia and sepsis. Black Cumin exerts immunomodulatory effects due to its CBD (endocannabinoid) content. Contains Wild Olive Leaf, Black Cumin, Artemisia Afra (Wilde...

        NATTREND - Sutherlandia 90 Capsules

        Sutherlandia Frutescens also known as the Cancer Bush. Sutherlandia is widely used to support your immune system and is known to be anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.  It can be used to treat colds, 'flu, asthma, TB, bronchitis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, liver problems, haemorrhoids, piles, bladder, uterus & 'women's complaints, diarrhoea & dysentery, stomach ailments, heartburn, peptic ulcers, backache, diabetes, varicose veins, and inflammation. It can also used in the treatment of mental and emotional stress, including irritability, anxiety, and depression and is used as a gentle tranquilizer. Each bottle of Sutherlandia contains 90 capsules of 350mg each. We make use of...

        CREDÉ NATURAL OILS - MCT Palm Kernel Oil - 500ml

        Medium Chain Triglycrides Are Fatty Acids Which Have Been Extracted From Palm Kernel Oil, Or Coconut Oil, Through A Method Called Fractionation. The Resulting Product Is A Clear Liquid, With A Neutral Taste. It Is Popularly Used As A Dietary Nutritional Supplement. MCT Oil Has Been Shown To Help In The Process Of Excess Calorie Burning, And Is Generally Considered A Good Source Of Energy That The Body Is Easily Able To Process. Our MCT Oil Comes In Two Variants – A Coconut Oil Based Version, And A Palm Kernel Oil Version. Our Palm Kernel Oil Version Is Rspo (Round...

        HERBAL WELLNESS - Olive Leaf Extract - 50ml

        Antiseptic, astringent, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, immune booster, anti-oxidant, chronic fatique, fever, psoriasis, arthritis. A potent tincture containing all the natural component of the raw Olive Leaf, boosted with olive leaf extract concentrate containing >20% Oleuropein. It is a powerful microbe fighter for the prevention & combating of a wide range of illnesses caused by viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, yeast infections (Candida Albicans), fungi (Athlete’s food), moulds, protozoa (Malaria), worms & other parasites. Some of the therapeutic effects of Olive Leaf extract: Elimination of disease-producing microbes allowing recovery of the immune system with an associated increase in energy levels and stamina. Effectively...

        HERBAL WELLNESS - Olive Leaf Extract - 100ml

        Antiseptic, astringent, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, immune booster, anti-oxidant, chronic fatique, fever, psoriasis, arthritis. A potent tincture containing all the natural component of the raw Olive Leaf, boosted with olive leaf extract concentrate containing >20% Oleuropein. It is a powerful microbe fighter for the prevention & combating of a wide range of illnesses caused by viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, yeast infections (Candida Albicans), fungi (Athlete’s food), moulds, protozoa (Malaria), worms & other parasites. Some of the therapeutic effects of Olive Leaf extract: Elimination of disease-producing microbes allowing recovery of the immune system with an associated increase in energy levels and stamina. Effectively...

        SILVERLAB - ioNano 46 Nebulising Liquid - 100ml

        Silverlab’s 100 ml ioNano 46™️ Nebulising Liquid is specifically formulated to target respiratory ailments, including symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and a tight chest.   USES: Silverlab ioNano 46TM may be used as an antimicrobial (anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal) agent to assist with various conditions. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Silverlab ioNano 46TM serves as a nebulising liquid and may alleviate respiratory symptoms such as a cough, shortness of breath or tight chest. It may also assist by supporting the immune system, and may therefore provide a first-line of defence. In various laboratory tests, Colloidal Silver displayed anti-inflammatory,...

        SILVERLAB - Healing Spray - 100ml

        Silverlab’s 100ml Spray represents the ultimate refinement of ionic⁺ Colloidal Silver, offering the optimum concentration for topical and oral applications. Each spray contains billions of positively charged silver particles, which seek and eliminate harmful germs. SilverRepair LIQUID™️ is a natural ingredient, is strong on germs, yet gentle on people, and can safely be used for extended periods. Use for: Eye infections, pink eye, oral infections, ulcers, colds and flu, acne, bedsores, burns and wounds, athletes’ feet.   Ingredients: Each spray is 0,4ml, containing 7,2 mcg of 18 ppm ionic⁺ Colloidal Silver in deionised purified water.   Serving size/Dosage: For prevention of infection: Spray...

        BIOSIL - Irish Sea Moss - 60 Veg Capsules

        Irish Sea Moss has anti-viral agents which assist greatly with respiratory ailments and also many skin conditions. The substantial amount of iodine present also boosts thyroid function.The body requires iodine to strengthen its immune system. Also helps filter out impurities from the blood during circulation. Benefits:Helps to ease ailments such as constipation, gastritis, indigestion, thyroid issues and ulcers. It also has the following properties:  anti-bacterial, anti-coagulant, anti-viral, anti-microbial. Also used to soothe skin conditions such as burns, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.     Serving size/Dosage: 2 capsules 2 x daily as require With lung conditions we recommend:1 Sea Moss Capsule twice a day with the Natural Solutions Lung Day support Beauty Boost: ...

        BIOSIL - Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray - 50ml

        Colloidal Silver: the universal all natural, safe, non-toxic healing remedy*anti-bacterial  *anti-viral *anti-fungal  * for all infections *cuts *burns *open wounds *ear and eye infectionsZero toxicity  Tasteless  Not irradiated Safe, naural, refillable from any of the larger colloidal silver bottles so you need only purchase this sprayer once!   Ingredients: Please note that all BIO-SIL Colloidal Silver products (e.g. different sizes),  contain the exact same pure colloidal silver – all 18ppm   Serving size/Dosage: Apply directly to nostrils in cases of  * colds  * flu  * nasal congestion, * sinus “Sniff” it right into the sinuses (best done lying down) and...

        BIOSIL - Colloidal Silver Gel - 200ml

        A gentle, unscented, soothing topical skin gel containing colloidal silver (one of our most popular products) This is a concentrated, pure colloidal silver healing gel which can be applied to:* bites, * boils, * burns, * chicken pox, * cuts,  * eczema, * haemorrhoids, * insect bites, * rashes, * scratches, * shingles, * sunburn * wounds. Great for mosquito bites, it provides relief.   Apply as frequently as desired It is recommended that a little gel be applied to a test patch of skin to check for any possible hyper-allergic reactions     Serving size/Dosage: Can be applied as frequently as...

        BIOSIL - Colloidal Silver - 200ml

        Colloidal Silver: the universal all natural, safe, non-toxic healing remedy *anti-bacterial  *anti-viral *anti-fungal  * for all infections *cuts *burns *open wounds *ear and eye infections Zero toxicity  Tasteless  Not irradiated Safe for babies and children Wonderful for pets   Ingredients: Please note that all BIO-SIL Colloidal Silver products (e.g. different sizes),  contain the exact same pure colloidal silver – all 18ppm   Serving size/Dosage: 5-15ml daily preventative dose Take hourly in the case of a health issue Apply topically as frequently as desired   Precautions: Not to be refrigerated.   Storage: Best stored in a cool cupboard, out of direct...

        BIOSIL - Colloidal Silver - 1L

        Colloidal Silver: the universal all natural, safe, non-toxic healing remedy *anti-bacterial  *anti-viral *anti-fungal  * for all infections *cuts *burns *open wounds *ear and eye infections Zero toxicity  Tasteless  Not irradiated Safe for babies and children Wonderful for pets   Ingredients: Please note that all BIO-SIL Colloidal Silver products (e.g. different sizes),  contain the exact same pure colloidal silver – all 18ppm   Serving size/Dosage: 5-15ml daily preventative dose Take hourly in the case of a health issue Apply topically as frequently as desired   Precautions: Not to be refrigerated.   Storage: Best stored in a cool cupboard, out of direct...