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        HEEL - Euphorbium compositum Nasal Spray S

        ·         Sinusitis ·         Rhinitis ·         Blocked Nose ·         Hay Fever     Indications: Proposed for use in rhinitis of varied origins (viral, bacterial, allergic); rhinitis sicca, rhinitis hyperplastica and atrophicans, for the auxiliary treatment of ozena; chronic sinusitis; to facilitate nasal respiration in hay fever. ​ Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults: 1-2 sprays into each nostril 3-5 times daily. Children 2-5 years: 1 spray into each nostril 3-4 times daily. Do not administer to children younger than 2 years. ​ Composition: 100 ml cont.: The active substances are: Euphorbium D4 1 ml; Pulsatilla pratensis D2 1 ml; Luffa operculata...