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        NATURA - Combin Assist Hair and Nails - 125 Tablets

        A combination of the vital tissue salts to promote healthy hair, skin and nails.   Ingredients: A Biochemic Tissue Salt: Each tablet contains: Calc fluor D6 Calc phos D6 Calc sulph D6 Kali sulph D6 Nat mur D6 Silicea D6 Contains sugar: Lactose 240 mg   Serving size/Dosage: Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily. May be taken half hourly in acute conditions. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in the mouth for a short period and for the mouth to be free...

        NATURA - Dental Melts - 50 Tablets

        Quick dissolving melts that may help to ease teething, itchy gums and a runny tummy due to teething.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each tablet contains: Aconitum napellus 5CH Bryonia cretica 5CH Calcium carbonicum 5CH Calcium fluoricum 5CH Calcium phosphoricum 5CH Delphinium staphisagria (Staphisagria) 9CH Ferrum phosphoricum 5CH Matricaria recutita(Chamomilla) 5CH Silicea 5CH Strychnos ignatia (Ignatia) 9CH Contains sugar: lactose 47 mg PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Infants: 1 Tablet dissolved in mouth or in a little water every 30 minutes for 4-5 doses. Thereafter,1 tablet 3-4 times daily. Children: 1-2 Tablets dissolved in mouth 3 times daily 30...

        NATURA - Diarrho - 25ml Drops

        Homoeopathically helps to relieve mild diarrhoea with associated cramping. Warning: If no improvement within 24 hours, please consult your healthcare practitioner. It is important to ensure proper hydration when dealing with diarrhoea.   Ingredients: Each 1ml of liquid contains: Aloe ferox D10 Arsenicum album D10 Cinchona succirubra Spag D3 Croton tiglium D10 Ferrum phosphoricum D10 Kalium muriaticum D6 Matricaria recutita (Chamomilla) Spag D3 Podophyllum peltatum D10 Solanum dulcamara Spag D3 Preservative: 20 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. May be taken 1-2 hourly in acute cases. Dilute with water...

        NATURA - Diureta - 25ml Drops

        Assists the body to excrete excess fluid associated with swelling of extremities and water retention in various parts of the body. May promote urinary flow.    Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1ml of liquid contains: Apis mellifica D10 Apocynum cannabinum D4 Bryonia alba Spag D3 Cantharis vesicatoria D4 Cinchona succirubra Spag D4 Coccus cacti D4 Natrium sulphuricum D6 Sulphur D30 Terebinthina D6 Preservative: 20 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. Reduce frequency of dosage with improvement of symptoms. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane...

        NATURA - Enur - 25ml Drops

        May assist in dealing with bedwetting and involuntary urination. Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Calcarea carbonica D30 Causticum D30 Equisetum arvense Spag D3 Ferrum phosphoricum D10 Kalium phosphoricum D10 Pulsatilla vulgaris Spag D3 Sabal serrulata D3 Sepia officinalis D6 Sulphur D30 Preservative: 20 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 drops on tone 3 times daily. May be diluted in a little water for children. May be taken 1-2 hourly in acute cases. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the...

        NATURA - Eyebright - 25ml Drops

        Helps relieve eyestrain & sensitivity to light. May be helpful to relieve tired, watery or dry eyes which may be due to air conditioning or excessive screen-time. Warning: Oral use only, do not apply to the eye.   Ingredients: Each 1ml of liquid contains: Argentum nitricum D6 Arsenicum iodatum D10 Euphrasia officinalis Spag D4 Hydrastis canadensis Spag D4 Mercurius corrosivus D12 Natrium muriaticum D6 Physostigma venenosum D6 Pulsatilla vulgaris Spag D3 Senecio cineraria Spag D3 Sulphur D30 Preservative: 20 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. This medicine must be...

        NATURA - Feminon - 25ml Drops

        Relief for irregular and painful menstruation. Warning: If there is no improvement within 2-3 months, please consult a healthcare practitioner.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1ml of liquid contains: Calcarea carbonica D10 Chelidonium majus D4 Cimicifuga racemosa D3 Hamamelis virginiana D1 Phosphorus D6 Pulsatilla vulgaris D1 Vitex agnus-castus D1 Preservative: 50 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Take 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted with a little water 3 times daily. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in...

        NATURA - Gallen - 25ml Drops

        Helps support liver and gallbladder function to improve digestion and relieve abdominal discomfort, biliousness, nausea, bloating and flatulence. Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1ml of liquid contains: Achillea millefolium D2 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi D2 Artemisia absinthium D2 Berberis vulgaris D2 Chelidonium majus D2 Fel tauri D2, Gentiana lutea D2 Herniaria glabra D2 Kalium natrum tartaricum D2 Matricaria recutita D2 Nasturtium officinale D2 Natrium oleicum D2 Peumus boldus D2 Rhamnus frangula D2 Rheum palmatum D2 Silybum marianum D2 Taraxacum officinale D2 Trifolium fibrini D2 Preservative: 47 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 20 Drops on tongue or diluted...

        NATURA - Gichtin - 25ml Drops

        A homoeopathic medicine to help reduce acidity in the body and help relieve mild discomfort associated with gout.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1ml of liquid contains: Acidum benzoicum D10 Bryonia alba Spag D8 Calcarea carbonica D30 Colchicum autumnale Spag D8 Guaiacum officinale Spag D8 Kalium muriaticum D6 Ledum palustre Spag D8 Lycopodium clavatum Spag D30 Silicea D10 Preservative 20 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. May be taken 1 - 2 hourly in acute cases. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of...

        NATURA - Gripless 1 - 25ml Drops

        May assist in relief from cold and flu symptoms at onset. Homoeopathic remedies in this formulation address mild fever, body pain, mild headache, cough, excess mucus and tiredness. Does not cause drowsiness. Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Aconitum napellus Spag D3 Antimonium tartaricum D6 Atropa belladonna Spag D3 Bryonia alba Spag D10 Causticum D6 Eucalyptus globulus Spag D3 Eupatorium perfoliatumv Spag D3 Ferrum phosphoricum D10 Gelsemium sempervirens Spag D6 Glonoinum D6 Mercurius solubilis D10 Natrium nitricum D10 Preservative/Preserveermiddel: 20 % Alcohol Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. May...

        NATURA - Hay F - 150 Tablets

        May assist in relief of hayfever with runny nose, itchy eyes & frequent sneezing. Does not cause drowsiness.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each tablet contains: Agraphis nutans D3 Ambrosia artemisifolia D6 Aralia racemosa D6 Arundo donax D6 Chromium kalium sulphuricum D10 Naphthalinum D6 Sabadilla officinarum D12 Sambucus nigra D3 Sanguinarinum nitrica D6 Wyethia helenoides D6 Contains sugar: (Lactose 240 mg) PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Dissolve 2 tablets in mouth 3 times daily. May be taken 1-2 hourly in acute cases. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable...

        NATURA - Hemorrho Plus - 50g Ointment

        A topical ointment to assist in relieving external haemorrhoids and itching. Please use in conjunction with Hemorrho 1. Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 0.2g ointment contains: Aesculus hippocastanum tincture externa 4 mg Arnica montana D3 Hamamelis virginiana tincture externa 4 mg Paeonia officinalis tincture externa 2 mg Ratanhia peruviana tincture externa 2 mg PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Apply a thin layer 2-3 times daily. For external use only. Wash and dry your hands before using the ointment. Gently clean the affected area and allow to dry. Squeeze the ointment out against your finger and spread it thinly over...

        NATURA - Injura - 25ml Drops

        A Homeopathic first aid remedy to help relieve pain and inflammation from minor injuries. Use in conjunction with Rescue for associated emotional upset.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each 1 ml contains: Anamirta cocculus Spag D30 Arnica montana D3 Atropa belladonna D6 Calendula officinalis D3 Causticum D6 Echinacea angustifolia D4 Hypericum perforatum D3 Ledum palustre D6 Ruta graveolens Spag D8 Symphytum officinale Spag D4 Preservative 20 % Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET Serving size/Dosage: 10 Drops on tongue 3 times daily. May be taken 1 - 2 hourly in acute cases. Dilute with water for infants. As absorption of...

        NATURA - Karma Sleep Melts - 50 Tablets

        Quick dissolving melts which encourage restful sleep.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine: Each tablet contains: Avena sativa D3 Coffea cruda 30CH Humulus lupulus D3 Matricaria recutita (Chamomilla) 3CH Medicago sativa (Alfalfa) D3 Passiflora incarnata D3 Valeriana officinalis D3. Contains sugar: lactose 47 mg PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Babies: 1 Tablet dissolved in a little water. Children & adults: 2 Tablets dissolved in the mouth. Take 3 times daily and at bedtime. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold the medicine in the mouth for a short...

        NATURA - Landi F - 25ml Drops

        A homoeopathic female tonic to help support the reproductive system and to help reduce cellulite & menstrual cycle irregularities.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine Each 1 ml contains: Aurum metallicum D30 Conium maculatum Spag D30 Glandula suprarenalis D12 Glandula thymi D12 Natrium muriaticum D12 Ovarinum D12 Pancreas D12 Pituitrinum D12 Sepia officinalis D30 Vitex agnus-castus D30 Preservative: 20 % Alcohol Sugar free PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Take 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted with a little water 3 times daily. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is...

        NATURA - Landi M - 25ml Drops

        A homoeopathic medicine for support for the male reproductive system which assists in relief of impotence & male infertility.   Ingredients: Homoeopathic complementary medicine Each 1 ml contains: Acidum picricum D30 Aurum metallicum D30 Glandula suprarenalis D12 Glandula thymi D12 Orchitinum D12 Pancreas D12 Pituitrinum D12 Selenium metallicum D30 Strychnos nux-vomica Spag D30 Thyroidinum D12 Preservative: 20% Alcohol. Sugar free. PACKAGE INFORMATION LEAFLET   Serving size/Dosage: Take 10 drops directly on the tongue or diluted with a little water 3 times daily. As absorption of homoeopathic medicines occurs mainly through the mucous membrane of the mouth, it is desirable to hold...