

R 379.50

Vendor: The Real Thing Food Supplements SKU: 6009801203218
It sounds like “antibiotic” because it does the same thing. But without the side-effects, naturally. It’s 100% pure, stabilised allicin, the infection-fighting ingredient in garlic.

Alli-what? It's not garlic. It's the proactive protein that makes garlic great. Allicin. Nature's proven antimicrobial agent.

Why? Garlic is a superfood. Simple as that. The crushed kind has been found to help crush infections, reduce blood lipids, improve heart health and stimulate the immune system.
But how? To get the abovementioned benefits, you'd have to put away platefuls of garlic on a regular basis. Not so practical, or palatable. And that's where The Real Thing Alli-Biotic comes in.

FACT: Most garlic supplements don't contain allicin - only its precursors, which don't guarantee the protein itself. The Real Thing Alli-Biotic contains the real thing itself - Allisure®, a concentrated, stabilised, clinically proven allicin extract. Enough adjectives for you?

It isn't automatically available in garlic cloves. Rather, it's a product of the plant's inbuilt self-defence system. For emergency purposes only. Here's how it happens...

  1. GARLIC IS INVADED OR CRUSHED. Garlic can sometimes be invaded by bacteria, fungi or parasites in the soil. This damages the bulb - just like when garlic is crushed.
  2. INVASION TRIGGERS A REACTION. Within the clove, an enzyme called allinase converts a substance called alliin into a protein called allicin. It takes only a few seconds and looks something like this:
    • Alliin + allinase enyme = allicin
  3. ALLICIN ATTACKS THE INVADER. The allicin produced in response to the damage immediately gets to fighting the infection. THE MESSAGE: If the garlic is not broken it won't fix you Ever noticed that garlic doesn't smell like garlic until it's been crushed, cut or processed? Why? Because intact garlic cloves (like most garlic supplements) contain lots of alliin and allinase, but you need the active allicin to get the garlic effect.
  4. FACT: Allicin works hard to protect a garlic plant from various infections. That's why, in its concentrated form, it can also be used to help protect you.


  5. ANTI-INFECTION. According to the UK's Garlic Information Centrestudies consistently show that stabilised allicin can help fight infections caused by bacteria, fungi and even viruses. Like what? Bacterial and fungal skin and nail infections, as well as infected skin conditions, cuts, open wounds, bites and stings, as well as fungal nail infections. Viral infections, including herpes viruses. That's why allicin is useful in the treatment and prevention of cold sores (applying the liquid as soon as tingling is felt can prevent or hinder the cold sore from developing). The common cold. A double blind placebo controlled study by the Garlic Information Centre found that allicin reduced the occurrence of the common cold, and the number of recovery days needed when infected. (published in Advances in Therapy, July/August 2001). Superbug infections. Recent research shows that allicin can even help combat multidrug resistant bacteria, including Superbug strains of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Eczema and acne. Because MRSA is six to seven times more likely to be found in cases of eczema and acne, allicin could prove especially useful for people with these conditions.
  6. PRO-HEART HEALTH Better blood pressure. It's been found anecdotally that stablised allicin can reduce blood pressure by up to 20%. For almost 100 years garlic has had a place in the treatment of hypertension and arteriosclerosis - as far back as 1928 it was found to effectively reduce blood pressure levels. Lower cholesterol. Research shows that garlic has significant cholesterol-lowering activity. One study even found that garlic powder was as effective in decreasing cholesterol levels as a commonly prescribed lipid-lowering drug of the time.
  7. PRO-IMMUNE BALANCE Improved allergies. Allicin has been found to help improve allergic symptoms and to increase the CD4 and CD8 T-cell counts. More immune activity. Studies show that allicin can increase immune-cell activity. It's also been shown to inhibit the growth of certain cancer cells. An American trial has shown that garlic extracts can enhance the activity of immune cells called natural killer cells in AIDS patients.
What we put in it. Just pure, allicin. Unlike many other garlic supplements, The Real Thing Alli-Biotic contains allicin itself and not just its precursors alliin and allinase.
What we don't put in it. No binders, fillers, contaminants, preservatives, colourants, flavourants or additives of any kind.

How it's made.
We only use Allisure®allicin, a sure-betextract that's been stabilised and concentrated through a unique patented process. The result is a clinically proven and completely stable form of allicin that can work even harder for you.

HE SAID IT: "We would not expect any other commercially available garlic extract to work as well as Allisure®. Simply because they either do not contain any allicin or they rely on your body making it, which often doesn't happen or sometimes produces a very low yield of allicin." - Dr Ronald R Cutler, deputy director of biomedical science, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London.

Directions for Use:

Alli-Biotic capsules
Take 2 capsules daily, or consult your health practitioner.

NOTE: Taking too much garlic can hinder blood clotting. If taking anticoagulants or about to undergo surgery, consult your health professional before taking any garlic supplement. Garlic can also cause reactions in people who are allergic.


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