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        HEEL - Berberis-Homaccord Oral Drops - 30ml

        ·         Detox ·         Inflammation of urogenital tract ·         Irritation of urogenital and biliary duct   Indications: Proposed for use  in inflammation and irritation (with or without concretions) in the region of the urogenital tract and the biliary duct. ​ Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults: Take 10 drops 3 times daily. Hold in mouth 10-15 seconds before swallowing. In acute disorders, take 10 drops every 15 minutes for 8 doses. Long-term administration of this preparation (for several months) must be supervised by a therapist.   Children and infants: Half the adult dose. The drops may be taken in a little...

        HEEL - Engystol – 50 Tablets

        ·         Colds & Flu ·         Influenza ·         Questionable Virus Disease     Indications: Proposed to activate the non-specific defensive mechanism, particularly in the case of influenza and questionable virus diseases. ​ Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults and children 12 years and older: In general, 1 tablet 3 x daily. Children 2-6 years: In general, 1 tablet 2 x daily. The tablets should be allowed to dissolve slowly in the mouth. Infants up to 2 years: In general, 1 tablet 1 x daily. ​ Composition: 1 tabl. cont.: The active substances are: Vincetoxicum hirundinaria D6 75 mg, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria D10...

        HEEL - Euphorbium compositum Nasal Spray S

        ·         Sinusitis ·         Rhinitis ·         Blocked Nose ·         Hay Fever     Indications: Proposed for use in rhinitis of varied origins (viral, bacterial, allergic); rhinitis sicca, rhinitis hyperplastica and atrophicans, for the auxiliary treatment of ozena; chronic sinusitis; to facilitate nasal respiration in hay fever. ​ Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults: 1-2 sprays into each nostril 3-5 times daily. Children 2-5 years: 1 spray into each nostril 3-4 times daily. Do not administer to children younger than 2 years. ​ Composition: 100 ml cont.: The active substances are: Euphorbium D4 1 ml; Pulsatilla pratensis D2 1 ml; Luffa operculata...

        HEEL - Gripp-Heel - 50 Tablets

          ·      Virus Fighter ·      Influenza ·      Virus Infection ·      Hay Fever   Indications: Proposed for use in influenza and influenzal infections and for the stimulation of the endogenic defence system in other feverish infectious diseases. ​ Dosage: Adults and children over 3 years of age: Dissolve 1 tablet in the mouth 3-5 times daily. In acute disorders, 1 tablet every 15 minutes for 8 doses. Infants: Half the adult dose. Crush the tablet and administer it dissolved in a little water or milk. ​ Composition: 1 tablet cont.:The active substances are: Aconitum napellus D4 120 mg, Bryonia cretica D4 60...

        HEEL - Lymphomyosot N Oral Drops - 30ml

        Lymphatism Tendency to Oedema Grandular Swelling Detox Chronic Tonsillitis   Indications: Proposed for use in lympha­tism (tendency to hypertrophy of the lymphatic organs, tendency to formation of oedemas and to sus­ceptibility to infection); glandular swelling; tonsillar hypertrophy and chronic tonsillitis. ​ Dosage: The usual dose is: In general, 15-20 drops 3 times daily. The drops may be taken in a little water and should be held in the mouth for 10-15 seconds before swallowing. It is recommended not to eat or drink 15 minutes before or after taking the medication. Replace cap tightly after use. ​ Composition: 100 g contains:...

        HEEL - Nervoheel N -50 Tablets

        General Exhaustion Nervous complaints   Indications: Proposed for use in patients suffering from general exhaustion and nervous complaints ​ Dosage: The usual dose is: In general, dissolve one tablet in the mouth 3 times daily. It is recommended not to eat or drink 15 minutes before or after taking the medication. ​ Composition: Each tablet contains: The active substances are: Acidum phosphoricum D4 60 mg, Strychnos ignatii D4 60 mg, Sepia officinalis D4 60 mg, Kalium bromatum D4 30 mg, Zincum isovalerianicum D4 30 mg. The other ingredients are: Magnesium stearate, Lactose monohydrate (300 mg). ​ Disclaimer: This unregistered medicine...

        HEEL - Neurexan - 50 Tablets

        Nervous Restlessness Insomnia Nervous Tension   Indications: Proposed for use in nervous restlessness, insomnia and sleep disturbances.   Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults: Acute: In general, 1 tablet to be dissolved slowly in the mouth every half to one hour. Do not exceed 12 tablets in one day for long-term therapy. Chronic: 1 tablet 1-3 times daily. Insomnia: Adults (12 years and older) In general, 1 tablet 3 times during the evening. If insomnia persists, 1 tablet every 15 minutes, up to 3 more times. Children (6 to 11 years) In general, 1 tablet twice during the evening. If...

        HEEL - Nux vomica-Homaccord Oral Drops - 30ml

        Detox Overindulgence Gastrointestinal Boost liver function Functional disorders of gastrointestinal and hepatic region Disorders after consumption of alcohol, coffee or nicotine   Indications: Proposed for use in functional disorders in the gastrointestinal and hepatic region; meteorism; disorders after consumption of alcohol, coffee or nicotine.   Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults: Take 10 drops 3 times daily. Hold in mouth 10-15 seconds before swallowing. In acute disorders, take 10 drops every 15 minutes for 8 doses. Long-term administration of this preparation (for several months) must be supervised by a therapist. Children and infants: Half the adult dose. The drops may...

        HEEL - Reneel - 50 Tablets

        Inflammatory disease of urinary passages Indications: Proposed for use in functional disorders in the gastrointestinal and hepatic region; meteorism; disorders after consumption of alcohol, coffee or nicotine.   Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults and children over 3 years of age: Dissolve 1 tablet in the mouth 3 times daily. In acute disorders, 1 tablet every 15 minutes for 8 doses. Infants: Half the adult dose. Crush the tablet and administer it dissolved in a little water or milk. ​ Composition: 1 tablet cont.: The active substances are: Berberis vulgaris D2 15 mg, Acidum nitricum D4 30 mg, Cantharis D5...

        HEEL - Traumeel S - 50 Tablets

        Inflammation Arthritic Pain Sprains and Strains Contusions Bruises Indications: Proposed for the temporary relief of arthritic pain, of symptoms associated with injuries (i.e. sports injuries, sprains, bruises) and inflammations of all kinds (i.e. tennis elbow).   Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults and children over 3 years of age: Dissolve 1 tablet in the mouth 3 times daily. Infants: Half the adult dose ​ Composition: 10 g gel contains: The active substances are: Arnica montana D3 0,15 g, Calendula officinalis D0 0,045 g, Hamamelis virginiana D0 0,045 g, Echinacea angustifolia D0 0,015 g, Echinacea purpurea D0 0,015 g, Chamomilla recutita...

        HEEL - Traumeel S Gel - 50g

        Inflammation Arthritic Pain Sprains and Strains Contusions Bruises   Indications: Proposed for the temporary relief of arthritic pain, of symptoms associated with injuries (i.e. sports injuries, sprains, bruises) and inflammations of all kinds (i.e. tennis elbow).   Dosage: The usual dose is: Apply to the affected parts 1-2 times daily, or more often if necessary. ​ Composition: 10 g gel contains: The active substances are: Arnica montana D3 0,15 g, Calendula officinalis D0 0,045 g, Hamamelis virginiana D0 0,045 g, Echinacea angustifolia D0 0,015 g, Echinacea purpurea D0 0,015 g, Chamomilla recutita D0 0,015 g, Symphytum officinale D4 0,01 g,...

        HEEL - Traumeel S Ointment - 50g

        Arthrosis Bruises Injuries Inflammation Swelling of Soft Tissue   Indications: Traumeel® S is indicated in injuries of all kinds (sports, accidents) such as sprains, dislocations, contusions, effusions of blood and effusions into a joint, fractures, etc; inflammatory processes and degenerative processes associated with inflammation on the various organs and tissues (e.g. periodontitis, suppuration of the gingival pockets, periodontosis), including, in particular, on the support and mobility apparatus (tendovaginitis, bursitis, scapulohumeral periarthritis); arthrosis of the hip, knee and small joints.   Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults, children and infants: apply ointment generously to the affected area 2 to 3 times...

        HEEL - Traumeel S Oral Drops - 30ml

          Arthrosis Bruises Injuries Inflammation Post Traumatic Oedema​ Swelling of Soft Tissue   Indications: Traumeel® S is indicated in injuries such as sprains, dislocations, contusions, effusions of blood and effusions into a joint, fractures; post-operative and post-traumatic oedema and swelling of the soft tissues; inflammatory processes and degenerative processes associated with inflammation on the various organs and tissues, including, in particular, on the support and mobility apparatus (tendovaginitis, styloiditis, epicondylitis, bursitis, scapulohumeral periarthritis); arthrosis of the hip, knee and small joints; commotio cerebri acuta.   Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults and Children above 11 years: 10 drops orally 3...

        HEEL - Vertigoheel - 50 Tablets

        Dizziness of various origin Motion Sickness Tinnitus   Indications: Proposed for use in dizziness of various origins (particularly arising from arteriosclerosis).   Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults and children over 3 years of age: Dissolve 3 tablets in the mouth 3 times daily. Infants: Half the adult dose. Crush the tablet and administer it dissolved in a little water or milk. ​ Composition: 1 tablet cont.: The active substances are: Anamirta cocculus D4 210 mg, Conium maculatum D3 30 mg, Ambra grisea D6 30 mg, Petroleum rectificatum D8 30 mg. The other ingredient is: Magnesium stearate. Contains lactose monohydrate....

        HEEL - Vinceel Mouth and Throat Spray - 20ml

        Indications: Proposed for use in mouth and throat inflammations such as sore throats, gingivitis, pharyngitis, painful dentition, inflammation of the Eustachian tube and middle ear, tonsillitis.   Dosage: The usual dose is: Not recommended for children below 6 years of age. In general, spray once (1 spray corresponds to 0,132-0,147 ml) 3 times a day. In acute conditions, spray once every 1/2 to every hour, up to 12 times a day. ​ Composition: 100 g contain: The active substances are: Apis mellifica D7 1,25 g, Atropa belladonna D5 1,25 g, Calendula officinalis D3 1,25 g, Echinacea purpurea D5 1,25 g,...

        HEEL - Zeel T - 50 Tablets

        Degenerative Joints Arthrosis   Indications: Proposed for use in arthrosis (in particular gonarthrosis); polyarthrosis, spondylarthrosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis.   Dosage: The usual dose is: Adults: In general, 1 tablet to be dissolved in the mouth 3-5 times daily. ​ Composition: 1 tablet cont.: The active substances are: Cartilago suis D4 0,3 mg, Funiculus umbilicalis suis D4 0,3 mg, Embryo suis D4 0,3 mg, Placenta suis D4 0,3 mg, Toxicodendron quercifolium D2 0,54 mg, Arnica montana D1 0,6 mg, Solanum dulcamara D2 0,15 mg, Symphytum officinale D8 0,15 mg, Sanguinaria canadensis D3 0,45 mg, Sulfur D6 0,54 mg, Nadidum D6 0,03 mg,...