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        DNA BIOPHARM - Veno-Fast - 60 Capsules

          The Effects of Poor Blood Circulation Poor blood circulation can impact the entire body, including: The Brain – poor blood circulation can impact the brain causing fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, and frequent and unexplained headaches. The heart – poor blood circulation can have an impact on the heart, causing inability to perform simple aerobic activities like climbing stairs without breathlessness; high blood pressure and cholesterol, and chest pain can be other symptoms. Heart attack and stroke are major risks of poor circulation that remains untreated. The liver – symptoms of poor blood circulation in the liver can include lack of appetite or...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Neuro-Fast Cream - 10ml

         Neurofast Cream  Neuro-Fast Cream is designed to work alongside Neuro-Fast Capsules, offering relief from nerve pain from the inside as well as topically via a cream which drastically reduces the amount of time it takes to see results. Neurofast Cream contains Capsaicin which reduces the ability of nerve cells to transmit pain messages to the brain and has been used for centuries to treat postsurgical neuropathies, and diabetic neuropathy. Butcher’s Broom stimulates the circulation of blood, has a regenerative effect on capilliaries and helps control pain and numbness caused by neuropathy. Arnica Montana works to open capillaries in the subcutaneous tissue and helps facilitate the transport of blood to...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Ocu-Fast - 60 Capsules

        Protecting your eyesight is one of the most important things you can do to help maintain your quality of life. Some type of sight-threatening eye problem affects one in six adults age 45 and older. And the risk for vision loss only increases with age. Since the leading causes of blindness and low vision are primarily age-related diseases such as macular degeneration, cataract, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma, protecting your eyesight as you age is an essential part of your health care.   How the Eye Works In a number of ways, the human eye works much like a digital camera: Light is focused primarily by the cornea —...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Neuro-Fast - 60 Capsules

        Neuro-Fast is a synergistic combination of selected herbs clinically proven to prevent and reverse the symptoms of neuropathy.  The selected ingredients in each capsule work together to offer relief from the burning, tingling sensation associated with neuropathy. The skin contains an extensive network of nerve cells that detect and relay changes in the environment. There are separate receptors for heat, cold, touch, and pain. Damage to these nerve cells is known as neuropathy, which results in a loss of sensation in the affected areas. Patients with neuropathy may not feel pain when they suffer injury, increasing the risk of severe...

        DNA BIOPHARM - DNA Gravi-C - 60 Capsules

        Gravi-C is a combination of selected herbs that work synergistically to relieve the symptoms and side-effects of cancer and HIV, to strengthen the immune system, increase oxygen levels in the blood and to create a feeling of well-being. Gravi-C is formulated using the following extracts. Graviola There are many studies on Graviola. These studies confirm the following benefits of Graviola. Cancer studies have shown that graviola helps various types of cancers (breast, colon, lung, pancreatic, prostate, liver) by prohibiting cancer cell division and causing cancer cell death. Further studies have also shown that graviola extract helps cancer tumors by blocking ATP to...

        DNA BIOPHARM - DNA Mito-Choice - 90 Capsules

        Support your overall cognitive function with DNA Biopharm’s DNA Mito-Choice vegicaps. The carefully selected ingredients support healthy neural function directly by crossing the blood-brain barrier. With added DHA (from algae), this supplement provides neuroprotective properties too. Piperine helps to improve the absorption and bioavailability of the other actives. Formulated especially for optimal neuro-cognitive function Synergistic blend of 5 different plant-based extracts May help reduce the symptoms of age-related cognitive decline Suitable for vegans and vegetarians Ingredients: Curcumin(100 mg), Arjuna Bark (100 mg), Red Coffee Fruit (100 mg), DHA (from Algae; 200 mg), Magnesium L-Threonate (100 mg), BioPerine (2,5 mg). Dosage: Take 3 capsules daily with your...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Derma Kure - 100ml

        Derma-Kure Cream in wound healing   Derma Kure Cream reduces inflammation - Chronic wounds are chronically inflamed.   Promotes cell migration - Increases movement of new cells to the wound site.   Induces angiogenesis - Promotes new capillary growth around the wound.   Supports collagen deposition -  Collagen is necessary for tissue remodelling.   Derma Kure Cream is active topically and systematically.   Derma-Kure Cream and Fever Blisters/Cold Sores   Derma-Kure Cream alleviates pain and can stop cold sores in their tracks A cold sore typically progresses through four stages: first, tingling with gradual redness and swelling; second, formation of...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Carb-Fast - 60 Capsules

        There are many factors involved in weightloss and maintaining optimal body weight. One of these is  called Syndrome X or Metabolic Syndrome. What is metabolic syndrome?Metabolic syndrome raises the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Most people who have metabolic syndrome have insulin resistance. When we consume an abundance of simple carbohydrates our blood sugar elevates very quickly.  In response to this, the pancreas produces insulin so that glucose can be escorted into the cells to be used for energy production. If the amount of glucose that we have absorbed exceeds the body’s need for energy production, the cells will...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Testo-Fast - 60 Capsules

        Testo-Fast works by stimulating the release of nitric oxide, the gas molecule which helps relax smooth muscle tissue and expand blood vessels in the penis. The active chemicals in TestoFast are known as protodioscins and glycoside saponins. Testo-Fast stimulates the release of testosterone via the pituitary gland. As such, men can increase their testosterone activity by not taking steroid hormones that carry such high risks. Increased testosterone increases fertility and libido. Testo-Fast works on the cause/root of the problem and results may be gradual but with regular use a healthy sex life can be enjoyed. Testo-Fast  Capsules contain the following selected...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Sleep-Fast - 60 Capsules

        Insomnia is a general term referring to any difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep. Left untreated, it may lead to irritability, memory problems, depression, anxiety, and, in the longer term, to an increased risk of accidents, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, immune system problems, etc. Insomnia is the most commonly diagnosed sleep disorder – affecting some 30% to 50% of the general population with about 10% of the population suffering from long-standing or chronic insomnia.Insomnia is often a symptom or side-effect of another disease or complaint (such as hyperthyroidism, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia, pain-related conditions, or...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Serra-Fast - 60 Capsules

        What is inflammation?There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic body. Acute inflammation is short-term, and a healthy response when fending off bacteria, viruses, parasites or injury. Some typical symptoms are localized heat, redness, swelling, pain and loss of function. This is the body’s immune system reacting to fight off foreign bacteria. This typically lasts a few days to weeks. Chronic inflammation is a constant low-grade level of inflammation. It’s a result of exposure to environmental chemicals/toxins, high stress, a sedentary lifestyle, sleep deprivation, genetic factors, or a diet high in processed foods. Instead of a short-term, localized, site-specific area that the...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Pulmo-Fast - 60 Capsules

        Our lungs are capable of incredible feats as they are vital body parts. The average adult can take in as much as 6 litres of air and breathe a total of 11,000 litres every day. Besides being able to inflate and deflate like balloons, the internal surface of the lungs can stretch up to 100 square meters when fully expanded. The lungs absorb oxygen from the air we breathe so that our body could make use of it. Without oxygen, we couldn’t possibly survive! It’s quite unfortunate that our lungs are so easily abused. Smokers expose their lungs to tar and...

        DNA BIOPHARM - PSA-Fast - 60 Capsules

        PSA-Fast contains potent levels of synergistic herbs, nutrients and phytochemicals that have been scientifically researched to support the health and wellness of the prostate gland.    You should take PSA-Fast if you..... - want to keep your prostate gland healthy. - want to PREVENT PROSTATE PROBLEMS - have pain or a burning sensation while urination - urinate frequently - have a reduction or difficulty in the flow of urine - have a prostate problem. PSA-Fast Capsules Bioperine® BioPerine® is an extract obtained from the black pepper fruit. The extract of piperine, called BioPerine® in the patented form, significantly enhances the bioavailability...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Osteo-Fast - 60 Capsules

        Osteo-Fast is a synergistic blend of selected herbs and ingredients that alleviate the symptoms  of osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteo-Fast keeps the cartilage in joints healthy, relieves pain and inflammation and helps repair previously damaged cartilage. Osteo-Fast contains the following extracts:   ​   Palmitoylethanolamide (P.E.A.)   Palmitoylethanolamide is a fatty acid amide that is found in egg yolk and plant fats, such as soy lecithin and ground peanuts It is made naturally by the body and is typically produced in response to stress and pain. Palmitoylethanolamide is distributed throughout the brain soon after oral intake, with the majority in...

        DNA BIOPHARM - Meno-Fast - 60 Capsules

        Meno-Fast is a synergistic combination of  specially selected herbs. These herbs have been selected due to their proven effect on menopause and the symptoms associated with this condition.  Benefits of Meno-Fast  No fear of cancer on long-term use unlike HRT.  Relieves the annoying symptoms – hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia.  Safe for long-term use.  Can delay onset of osteoporosis and cardiovasular diseases. Every women can consume Meno-Fast without doing any pretesting. Reduces LDL and increases HDL on long-term use.   Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) Dong Quai is a well-known Chinese herb that aids in estrogen replacement, or, more precisely, hormone balance....

        DNA BIOPHARM - DNA-MLT - 60 Capsules

          Developed by MIT researchers, Magnesium L-Threonate has been shown to reverse clinical measures of brain aging by nine years.Magnesium L-Threonate is the only form of magnesium that crosses the blood-brain barrier. Magnesium L-threonate is a nutritional supplement containing the L-threonate form of magnesium (Mg) that can be used to normalize Mg levels in the body. Upon administration, Mg is utilized by the body for many biochemical functions and reactions including: bone and muscle function, protein and fatty acid formation, activation of B vitamins, blood clotting, insulin secretion, and ATP formation. Mg also serves as a catalyst for many enzymes throughout the body. In addition, magnesium improves the...