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        CHINAHERB - Fertility Tonic - 60 Tablets

        Fertility Tonic comes from “Complete Work of Jingyue Women’s Rules. Children’s Chapter”. “Yu” means birth and nurturing; “Lin” is Qilin, which is the “benevolent beast” and “spiritual beast” in ancient Chinese legends. The ancients used baby boys as their unicorns. When congratulating others on their sons, they often used congratulatory messages such as “God gives the stone the unicorn”; “Zhu” means pearl. Fertility Tonic warms up the congenital Kidney Qi to produce sperm and nourish the acquired Spleen and Stomach Qi to produce Blood, supplemented with promoting Blood circulation, regulating menstruation and nourishing Chong and Ren Meridians. As a result, the Essence is full, and Chong Ren is smooth, and they can nourish each other. Therefore, sperm and egg can be combined to become pregnant. Fertility Tonic is not only a good formula for...

        CHINAHERB - Exterior Cold - 60 Tablets

        Exterior Cold was created by Zhang Yuansu, a well-known doctor in the Jin Dynasty, and was included in the book “It’s Hard to Know” by his disciple Wang Haogu in 1308 AD. The formulation contains herbs that relieve the Exterior Syndrome and are pungent in flavour and warm in nature as the main ingredient, and it is also compatible with Heat-clearing herbs. Its effect is mainly to disperse Wind, Cold and Dampness, supplemented by clearing Heat, but also beneficial to joints and pain relief. It is suitable for the treatment of exogenous Wind–Cold and Dampness, with internal Heat Pattern. The clinical application is based on dialectic points of chills, fever, no sweat, headache, and sore limbs. It is a...

        CHINAHERB - Coptidis Purger - 60 Tablets

        Coptidis Purger, a Chinese Medicine remedy that’s been successfully used for centuries, is indicated for upward attack of Wind-Heat and Fire in Lung and Stomach. It clears Wind-Heat, drains Fire from Lung and Stomach, unblock bowels, alleviates pain. This formula contains of 17 herbs, which have high toxin-removing potential and addressing on manifestations of excess heat, fire and toxicity: a sensation of heat, discomfort in eyes, mouth, and tooth, infrequent bowel movements and dark or yellow urine.   Treats the following symptoms: aphthae, bad breath (halitosis), bleeding gums, canker sores, constipation, dark and yellow urine, dizziness and vertigo, eye infection, gingivitis, improve eyesight, mouth and tongue sores, mouth ulcers, pain and bulging of ear, skin pimples, sties, swollen and painful gums, tinnitus, toothache, toxic swelling in upper body, toxin removal

        CHINAHERB - Maxitone - 60 Tablets

        Maxitone originated from the first Chinese patent prescription “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” disseminated by the Chinese state in the Song Dynasty. It is consisting of Four Gentlemen Formula, a basic formula for tonifying Qi with a combination of Angelic Four, a basic formula for nourishing Blood, and the adding of astragalus and cinnamon, nourishing Yang herbs. It has the effect of warming and nourishing Qi and Blood, and is suitable for patients with both Qi and Blood Deficiency but also with Yang Deficiency and Cold. This formula is mostly used to treat anaemia after giving birth and its typical symptoms, and can also help with amenorrhoea. This formula is warm in nature, therefore not suitable for people with Yin Deficiency or Heat.   Treats the following symptoms: anaemia, anaemia after giving birth, fatigue, poor...

        CHINAHERB - Clear Intestine Heat - 60 Tablets

        Clear Intestine Heat from “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” by Zhang Zhongjing, is traditionally used to treat acute diarrhoea of external syndrome and unsolved external pathogen Heat that has entered into the Intestine. It is manifested as acute diarrhoea and foul stool, abdominal pain, burning sensation in anal, noisy discomfort in the stomach and abdomen, dry mouth and thirst, sweating, yellow tongue coating, and rapid pulse.Nowadays, it is mainly used for clearing the Large Intestine Damp-Heat. For example acute enteritis, bacterial dysentery, enteric typhoid and gastrointestinal Heat.   Treats the following symptoms: abdominal pain, burning sensation of the anus, diarrhoea or dysentery in a fetid or mucous stool

        CHINAHERB - Purastream - 60 Tablets

        Purastream (Jiang Zhi Pian) is a formula to lower cholesterol and therefore helps in case of hyperlipidaemia. Chinese medicine believes that hyperlipidaemia is the pathological state of Phlegm and Dampness, Qi and Blood stagnation. Mainly due to overworking, excessive diet, fatty, sweet food, or frail old age the viscera function declined. The inability of the digestion function causes Phlegm accumulation of Spleen and Stomach, the Phlegm obstructs the blood flow and hyperlipidaemia occurs. Therefore, this formula is mainly to strengthen the spleen and enhance the functions of organ transportation function (enhance metabolic function). It is compatible with Qi and Blood promoting and Phlegm (fat reduction) resolving herbs; Phlegm is Damp and...

        CHINAHERB - Da Bu Yin Wan - 200 Pills

        The herbal formula "da bu yin wan" , 大補陰丸, which in english is "great tonify the yin pill", is categorized within the "tonify" functional grouping and within the "tonify the yin" sub-category. Of many possible clinical applications, it may be considered to influence the following issues/symptoms: Steaming bone syndrome - sensation of intense heat, malar flushing, spontaneous sweating. Palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, hot flashes, from kidney/heart yin deficiency. Tinnitus, possible vertigo, irritability, restlessness from liver fire rising.  Da Bu Yin Wan has some precautions to be considered (see our precautions list).   Do not use if patient presents with flu or cold symptoms.

        CHINAHERB - Children’s Fever Formula - 50 Granules

        退热宝 / Tui Re Bao Treats the following symptoms: Tags: cold and flu, fever, muscle ache, sore throat, swollen glands, swollen tonsils Children’s Fever Formula is indicated for children’s relief of flu-associated with fever, sore throat, swollen tonsils and swollen glands. The formula is aimed at treating the Heat Pattern of the flu. Therefore, it is not suitable for the treatment of flu caused by a Cold Pattern associated with acute chill, possibly a raised temperature but no sweating, general muscle aches. FEVER Typical symptoms: cough, fever, sore throat, swollen glands, swollen tonsils Disease description: Fever is according to Chinese medicine an Exterior Wind-Heat Invasion with the symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, swollen tonsils, swollen glands as may...

        CHINAHERB - Serene Centre - 240 Pills

        甘麥大棗丸 / Gan Mai Da Zao Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: abnormal behaviour, abnormal speech, absentmindedness, anxiety, irritability, melancholy, moodiness, tendency to cry easily Serene Centre (Gan Mai Da Zao Wan) is derived from “Essentials of the Golden Chamber” written by Zhang Zhongjing, a physician in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Because of the addition of He Shou Wu, He Huan Hua, Fu Ling, and Bai He on the basis of Zhang Zhongjing’s original prescription, it enhanced the effects of calming the nerves, tonifying the spleen and kidney. The main indications are sadness, involuntary crying, restless sleep, and even abnormal speech and behavior. It can also be used for dizziness or...

        CHINAHERB - Wind Heat Cough - 60 Tablets

        Sang Ju Yin Treats the following symptoms: Tags: influenza with cough, prolonged cough after influenza attack Wind Heat Cough and Exterior Heat are both from “Analysis of Seasonal Febrile Diseases” by Wu Jutong in the Qing Dynasty. All are prescriptions aim to relieve the Exterior Syndrome with herbs that have a pungent flavour and cool nature. Exterior Heat is good at treating the swelling sore throat and fever in influenza, while the Wind Heat Cough is better at treating cough. The ancients called Wind Heat Cough “gentle formulation in pungent and cool herb” especially suitable for the treatment of newly infected flu, coughing due to attaching of Heat Evil and mild to moderate fever. It is said to be a...

        CHINAHERB - Four Marvel - 240 Pills

        四 妙 丸 / Si Miao Wan Treats the following symptoms: Tags: atrophy of lower extremities, eczema of lower legs, genital itching, itching, lower extremity arteriosclerosis, men's scrotum dampness, numbness of legs, prostatitis, soreness of muscles and bones, swelling and pain of lower limb joints, thrombophlebitis, vaginal discharge (yellowish fetid), vaginal itching, women's morbid leucorrhoea Four Marvel was recorded in the ancient medicine book “Danxi’s Mastery of Medicine”, edited by Zhu Danxi in Yuan Dynasty and published in 1347 AD. The main action of the prescription is to clear Damp and Heat. Due to the combination of Huai Niu Xi (Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae) and Huai Niu Xi, it has the effect of strengthening the Kidneys, is dedicated to clear Dampness and Heat of the lower limbs and strengthening muscles and bones. Clinically...

        CHINAHERB - Rhubarb - 60 Tablets

        大黄片 / Da Huang Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tag: constipation in dry or hard stool Rhubarb is used to treat gastrointestinal heat, lack of fluid and dry stool. The Dryness of the Intestine is caused by overeating spicy, greasy and fatty food, which leads to excessive Yang and burning of Yin; or after a fever, the remaining Heat stays in the Stomach and Intestine and consumes the fluid. Rhubarb is most suitable for constipation with dry and hard stool caused by Dryness and Stagnation. Discontinue therapy when it becomes effective. However, it contains strong laxative herbs that break down the Stagnation, so it is not suitable for regular usage for those who are old, weak and have Blood Deficiency. If it is pure constipation...

        CHINAHERB - Restorative Formula - 60 Tablets

        康复方 / Kang Fu Fang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: during and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, weakness in a chronic illness Restorative Formula nourishes Qi, Blood and Yin, promote the restoration of normal function, enhance immune function and is a unique formulation to support cancer patient during and after chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Chinese medicine believes that chemotherapy can damage Zheng Qi while killing tumour cells, causing visceral dysfunction, Yin and Yang, Qi and Blood Deficiency, leukopenia, drowsiness and fatigue, hair loss, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, reduced peripheral blood, numbness in hands and feet. As a result, the quality of life of the patient is reduced and even treatment is forced to be suspended because of intolerance. With...

        CHINAHERB - External Damp

        霍香正气水 / Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Shui Treats the following symptoms: Tags: diarrhoea and vomitting (acute), food poisoning, gastro-enteritis (either viral or bacterial), nausea and vomiting, summer flu External Damp was released from the Song Dynasty “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary”, which has a history of more than 1,000 years. It has the effect of expelling exterior Damp, regulating Qi and harmonizing the Stomach. External Cold leads to Damp, which disturbs Stomach and Intestine. It ismanifests as acute abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, bowel diarrhoea, or fever, chills, headache, chest fullness, greasy tongue coating, which is now called acute gastroenteritis or a gastrointestinal type cold or flu and can also be used for...

        CHINAHERB - Expel Wind - 60 Tablets

        川芎茶调散 / Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acute sinusitis in a headache / chills / watery nasal discharge, chronic headache and migraine, hay fever Expel Wind is the main formulation for the treatment of headaches caused by exogenous Wind Evils. It is from the first Chinese patent prescription “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary” disseminated by China in the Song Dynasty. It has been in clinical use for more than 900 years. Since the formulation contains pungent and warm herbs which have the effect of spreading and sweating, it is most suitable for those with Wind-Cold Evil and headache. Chinese medicine believes that humans correspond to nature and...

        CHINAHERB - Dry Eczema Formula - 60 Tablets

        四物消风散 / Si Wu Xiao Feng San Treats the following symptoms: Tags: eczema and dermatitis (dry), other skin problems in a dry and dull red itchy skin rashes Dry Eczema Formula came out of the “Medical Books Compilation by Category” edited by Weng Zao in the Qing Dynasty in 1830. The formula tonifies and cools Blood, moistens Dryness, expels Wind and relieves itching. It is used for various (chronic) skin conditions characterized by dull or dark red skin lesions, infiltration and hypertrophy, lichenification, itching and scaling. It is a formulation for the help of dry eczema, dermatitis and itchy skin rashes. ECZEMA AND DERMATITIS Typical symptoms: eczema...