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        CHINAHERB - Replenish Essence - 60 Tablets

        首乌片 / Shou Wu Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: age spots, ageing, alopecia, early appearance of white or grey hair, hair loss, poor memory Chinese medicine verifies the prosperity and decay of Qi and Blood based on the glory and dryness of hair, which is a pioneering thought of the ancients in the history of medicine. Chinese medicine believes that hair is related to Kidney, Liver, Spleen and Stomach. Hair is especially close to the Kidney; a sufficient working Kidney is the foundation of healthy hair. The Liver stores the Blood, if the Liver Blood is sufficient, the hair is nourished so that it is not easy to lose hair. The Spleen controls the digestive process and transports Mizutani Essence to nourish the hair. The principles of nourishing hair are nourishing Kidney and Essence, Qi and Blood,...

        CHINAHERB - Acne Formula - 60 Tablets

        粉刺方 / Fen Ci Fang   Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acne, skin pimples Disease description: Acne is the most common skin disease globally. It is primarily a hormone-related condition of the sebaceous glands which occurs mainly in adolescents during puberty and has various degrees of severity. Common acne symptoms are oily skin with pimples, pustules and blackheads that develop over time and persist, unlike normal pimples. They can also leave small red spots or scars. Acne occurs mainly on areas of the body with a particularly large number of sebaceous glands, such as the face, chest, neck, upper arms and back. Acne Formula uses nourishing Kidney and Yin herbs...

        CHINAHERB - Dry Eczema Formula - 60 Tablets

        四物消风散 / Si Wu Xiao Feng San Treats the following symptoms: Tags: eczema and dermatitis (dry), other skin problems in a dry and dull red itchy skin rashes Dry Eczema Formula came out of the “Medical Books Compilation by Category” edited by Weng Zao in the Qing Dynasty in 1830. The formula tonifies and cools Blood, moistens Dryness, expels Wind and relieves itching. It is used for various (chronic) skin conditions characterized by dull or dark red skin lesions, infiltration and hypertrophy, lichenification, itching and scaling. It is a formulation for the help of dry eczema, dermatitis and itchy skin rashes. ECZEMA AND DERMATITIS Typical symptoms: eczema...

        CHINAHERB - Purge Heat - 60 Tablets

        龙胆泻肝片 / Long Dan Xie Gan Pian Treats the following symptoms: Tags: acne with infection, bile, conjunctival congestion, dermatitis, early menstruation, eczema and dermatitis, eye infection, heavy menstruation, herpes, HIV/AIDS, itching, pain and bulging of ear, sexual transmitted disease, shingles, sudden loss of hearing, swelling vulvae, tinnitus, turbid and smelly urine, vaginal discharge (yellowish fetid), vaginal itching Purge Heat, from the Song Dynasty “Tai Ping Formulas of welfare dispensary”, is an important formulation for clearing away Liver Fire and Damp-Heat from Liver and Gallbladder. Liver and Gallbladder Damp–Heat refers to the syndrome mostly caused by Dampness and Heat Evil; overfeeding fat, or Spleen and Stomach dysfunction leading to Dampness collection. According to the Five Elements Theory, the Spleen belongs to the Earth, the Liver belongs to the Wood and congested Dampness of Spleen (Earth) insulting the Liver (Wood) is leading to Damp–Heat in the Liver and Gallbladder. Liver and Gallbladder Damp–Heat is manifested either as inflammation of Liver and Gallbladder such as headache, red eyes, pain or uncomfortable in the flank, bitter taste in...

        CHINAHERB - Expel Stasis - 60 Tablets

        血府逐瘀汤 / Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Treats the following symptoms: Tags: absence of Menstruation (amenorrhoea), acne, chronic headache and migraine, circulation disorders, contusion in the chest, dysmenorrhoea and irregular menstruation in clots or clotty and dark coloured menses, headache with a dull tongue colour and purple spots in border, pain in the chest, period pain (dysmenorrhoea), prostatitis, psoriasis, tumour Expel Stasis is originated from the “Correction on Errors in Medical Classics” by Wang Qingren from Qing Dynasty in 1830 AD. It has the effect of promoting Blood circulation and removing Blood Stasis, moving Qi and relieving pain. Wang Qingren’s formulation was originally intended to treat cardiovascular system disorders. However, due to its remarkable effect of promoting Blood circulation...