HAIRGENX - Hair Growth Formula For HIM - 60 Capsules

R 261.56

Vendor: WINGS HERBAL SYNERGY SKU: 658325474053

Hairgenx HAIR GROWTH COMPLEX FOR HIM. A natural Hair Loss Supplement and powerful DHT Blocker, formulated from a proprietary blend of natural herbal extracts that have been scientifically proven to combat thinning hair, hair loss, and male pattern baldness by inhibiting the production of the 5-A Reductase enzyme. This enzyme converts testosterone into the more potent and destructive Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). For those who are so predisposed, this androgen attaches to follicle receptors cutting of blood flow preventing the absorption of vital nutrients. This results in the hair becoming thinner and thinner until it is lost.


Other Benefits:

Whilst the prevention of the formation of DHT triggered male pattern baldness and hair loss are the primary focus, the ingredients in Hairgenx™ for Him has other important benefits making this the ultimate male supplement, assisting to:

–       Prevent prostate enlargement (BHP)
–       Promote healthy skin and nails
–       Lower dietary cholesterol
–       Boost the immune system
–       Promote anti-aging
–       Increase libido



Each capsule contains:

Fenugreek (4:1) Seed Extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum), He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum), Nettle Extract (Urtica dioica) Pygeum (Pygeum Africanum Phytosterols 2.5%),  Saw Pammetto 25% berry extract (Serenoa Repens), Beta Sitosterol, Nicotinamide, Zinc Lactate, Biotin.

*Capsules are free of lactose, wheat, gluten and preservatives

                    Serving size/Dosage:

                    2 to 3 caps once a day in the morning is recommended.